

Song Ikpil (February 10, 1534 - August 8, 1599) was a politician and
Neo-Confucian Neo-Confucianism (, often shortened to ''lǐxué'' 理學, literally "School of Principle") is a moral, ethical, and metaphysical Chinese philosophy influenced by Confucianism, and originated with Han Yu (768–824) and Li Ao (772–841) in th ...
scholar and educator.Song Ikpil
/ref> His pennames were Gubong (구봉, 龜峰) and Hyeonseung (현승, 玄繩), and his
courtesy name A courtesy name (), also known as a style name, is a name bestowed upon one at adulthood in addition to one's given name. This practice is a tradition in the East Asian cultural sphere, including China China, officially the People's R ...
was Unjang (운장, 雲長). Song was best friends of
Yi I Yi Yi (; December 26, 1536 – February 27, 1584) was a Korean philosopher, writer, and Confucian scholar of the Joseon Dynasty. Yi I is often referred to by his pen name Yulgok ("Chestnut valley"). He was also a politicianSeong Hon and Jeong Cheol and taught
Kim Jang-saeng Kim Jang-saeng (김장생, 金長生) (July 8, 1548 - August 3, 1631) was a Neo-Confucian scholar, politician, educator, and writer of Korea's Joseon period. He was successor to the Neo-Confucian academic tradition of Yulgok Yi I (이이) an ...


* Gubong jip (구봉집, 龜峰集) * Hyeonseung jip (현승집, 玄繩集) * Garye juseol (가례주설, 家禮註說) * Hyeonseung pyeon (현승편, 玄繩編)

See also

Yi I Yi Yi (; December 26, 1536 – February 27, 1584) was a Korean philosopher, writer, and Confucian scholar of the Joseon Dynasty. Yi I is often referred to by his pen name Yulgok ("Chestnut valley"). He was also a politicianSeong Hon * Gim Jangsaeng * An Bangjun *
Gim Jip Kim Jip (1574–1656) was a Korean Joseon Neo-Confucian scholar, politician, educator and writer. He was also the teacher of Song Si-yeol and Song Jun-gil, great Korean Neo-Confucian scholars. Family * Great-Great-Grandfather ** Kim Jung-yu ...

External links

Song Ikpil

Song Ikpil:Encyclopedia of Korean Culture

Song Ikpil

구봉 송익필선생 주벽.휴정서원 2009년 춘향제 봉행
정오대담-이홍근 문경공 구봉 송익필 선생 선양사업회장
대전일보 2010.04.20
[역동의당진역사 20장면
/nowiki>⑩구봉 송익필">/nowiki>역동의당진역사 20장면">[역동의당진역사 20장면
/nowiki>⑩구봉 송익필대전일보 2011.09.21
[고미술 읽기
/nowiki>편지로 나눈 3인의 35년 우정] 경향신문 2007.04.06


1534 births 1599 deaths Korean politicians Korean scholars Korean male poets Korean Confucianists 16th-century Korean philosophers Neo-Confucian scholars 16th-century Korean poets Yeosan Song clan {{Korea-poet-stub