

Slieve Bawn or Sliabh BághnaPlacenames Database of Ireland
/ref> (meaning "Mountain of Bághna", ancient Firbolg chieftain) is a Hill in
County Roscommon "Steadfast Irish heart" , image_map = Island of Ireland location map Roscommon.svg , subdivision_type = Country , subdivision_name = Ireland , subdivision_type1 = Province , subdivision_name1 = Connacht , subdi ...
Ireland Ireland ( ; ga, Éire ; Ulster Scots dialect, Ulster-Scots: ) is an island in the Atlantic Ocean, North Atlantic Ocean, in Northwestern Europe, north-western Europe. It is separated from Great Britain to its east by the North Channel (Grea ...
. It lies between
Strokestown Strokestown ( ga, Béal na mBuillí), also known as Bellanamullia and Bellanamully, is a small town in County Roscommon, Ireland. It is one of the 27 designated Heritage Towns in Ireland. Located in the part of the country marketed for Desti ...
(to the northwest) and Ballyleague (to the southeast). It is the third-highest point in the county, after Kilronan Mountain and Seltannasaggart.


The 1837
Ordnance Survey Ireland Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSI; ga, Suirbhéireacht Ordanáis Éireann) is the national mapping agency of Ireland. It was established on 4 March 2002 as a body corporate. It is the successor to the former Ordnance Survey of Ireland. It and the ...
6" map shows no indication of any archaeological features atop the hill, but in 1950, when the Holy Year Cross was raised on the hilltop, skeletal remains were uncovered. This suggests that a
passage grave A passage grave or passage tomb consists of one or more burial chambers covered in earth or with stone, and having a narrow access passage made of large stones. These structures usually date from the Neolithic Age, and are found largely in Wester ...
once sat atop the hill. Passage graves are usually
cairn A cairn is a man-made pile (or stack) of stones raised for a purpose, usually as a marker or as a burial mound. The word ''cairn'' comes from the gd, càrn (plural ). Cairns have been and are used for a broad variety of purposes. In prehis ...
s containing a passage leading to a central corbelled-roofed chamber, which is sometimes a cruciform shape. Passage graves are sometimes found in prominent locations, such as on hill-tops. Generally speaking, the less complex the passage tomb the older it is.


The cross was erected by local people for the Christian Jubilee of 1950.


{{Mountains and hills of Connacht Mountains and hills of County Roscommon Marilyns of Ireland