

Single-peaked preferences are a class of preference relations. A group of agents is said to have single-peaked preferences over a set of possible outcomes if the outcomes can be ordered along a line such that: # Each agent has a "best outcome" in the set, and - # For each agent, outcomes that are further from his or her best outcome are preferred less. Single-peaked preferences are typical of one-dimensional domains. A typical example is when several consumers have to decide on the amount of public good to purchase. The amount is a one-dimensional variable. Usually, each consumer decides on a certain quantity which is best for him or her, and if the actual quantity is more/less than that ideal quantity, the agent is then less satisfied. With single-peaked preferences, there is a simple
truthful mechanism In game theory, an asymmetric game where players have private information is said to be strategy-proof or strategyproof (SP) if it is a weakly-dominant strategy for every player to reveal his/her private information, i.e. given no information about ...
for selecting an outcome: it is to select the median quantity. See the
median voter theorem The median voter theorem is a proposition relating to ranked preference voting put forward by Duncan Black in 1948.Duncan Black, "On the Rationale of Group Decision-making" (1948). It states that if voters and policies are distributed along a one-d ...
. It is truthful because the median function satisfies the strong monotonicity property. The notion was first presented by
Duncan Black Duncan Black, FBA (23 May 1908 – 14 January 1991) was a Scottish economist who laid the foundations of social choice theory. In particular he was responsible for unearthing the work of many early political scientists, including Charles Lutw ...
and later by
Kenneth Arrow Kenneth Joseph Arrow (23 August 1921 – 21 February 2017) was an American economist, mathematician, writer, and political theorist. He was the joint winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with John Hicks in 1972. In economics ...


Let X = \ be the set of possible outcomes. Let N = \ be the set of agents. The preference-relation of agent ''i'' is denoted by \succ_i. The maximum element of \succ_i in ''X'' is denoted by x^*_i.

Definition using a common order

The group ''N'' is said to have single-peaked preferences over ''X'', if there exists an ordering > of the outcomes such that, for every agent ''i'' in ''N'':
x_k>x_j \geq x^*_i \Rightarrow x_j \succ_i x_k
In words, x^*_i is the ideal point for agent ''i''. When the agent compares between two outcomes that are both to the right or to the left of his ideal point, he strictly prefers whichever option is closest to x^*_i. Note that the preference-relations \succ_i are different, but the ordering > of the outcomes must be the same for all agents.

Necessary condition

Ballester and Haeringer proved the following necessary condition for single-peaked preferences. If the group ''N'' has single-peaked preferences over ''X'', then for every triplet of outcomes in ''X'', there exists an outcome that is not ranked last by any agent in ''N''.

Some examples

Single-peaked preferences

The following graph shows a set of three preferences that are single-peaked over outcomes . On the vertical axis, the number represents the preference ranking of the outcome, with 1 being most preferred. Two outcomes that are equally preferred have the same ranking. The ordering over the outcomes is A < B < C < D < E. The ideal outcome for the green agent is A, for the red it is B, for the blue it is C. For each agent, when we move away from his ideal outcome, the ranking decreases. It can also be verified that, for each triplet of outcomes, one of them is never ranked last - the one in the middle. E.g., in , B is never ranked last; in , D is never ranked last; etc.

Non single-peaked preferences

If each of the two preferences represented by the following two graphs is added to the three preferences above, then the resulting group of four preferences is not single-peaked: For the blue preferences, it can be seen that the preference ranking spikes down for "D" and then spikes up for "E". This proves that the blue preferences are not single-peaked with respect to the ordering A


Single-peaked preferences have a number of interpretations for different applications. A simple application of ideological preferences is to think of the outcome space \ as locations on a street and each x_i as the address of an individual. Suppose a single bus stop has to be located on the street and every individual wishes to walk as little as possible to the stop. Individuals then have single-peaked preferences: individual i's ideal point is x_i and she dislikes other locations the farther they are to the west or the farther they are to the east. The outcome space can also be thought as different policies in an ideological spectrum: policies from the Left vs policies from the Right; policies that are more liberal vs policies that are more conservative; policies that are pro free markets vs policies that are pro state intervention. Voters have single-peaked preferences if they have an ideal balance between the two directions of the ideological spectrum and if they dislike policies the farther away they are from their ideal point.

Single-dipped preferences

A group of agents is said to have single-dipped preferences over a set of possible outcomes if the outcomes can be ordered along a line such that: # Each agent has a "worst outcome" in the set, and - # For each agent, outcomes that are further from his worst outcome are preferred more.

See also

* Single-parameter mechanism


* * * {{Refend Elections Utility function types