

The Selves is a
river A river is a natural flowing watercourse, usually freshwater Fresh water or freshwater is any naturally occurring liquid or frozen water containing low concentrations of dissolved salts and other total dissolved solids. Although the ...
in the
Aveyron Aveyron (; oc, Avairon; ) is a department in the region of Occitania, Southern France. It was named after the river Aveyron. Its inhabitants are known as ''Aveyronnais'' (masculine) or ''Aveyronnaises'' (feminine) in French. The inhabitants of ...
department, France. It is a left
tributary A tributary, or affluent, is a stream or river that flows into a larger stream or main stem (or parent) river or a lake. A tributary does not flow directly into a sea or ocean. Tributaries and the main stem river drain the surrounding drainag ...
of the Truyère, into which it flows near
Campouriez Campouriez (; oc, Camporiès) is a commune in the Aveyron department of southern France. It is part of the former province of Rouergue, which utilised the Rouergat dialect of Languedocien Occitan. Inhabitants of Campouriez are called Campo ...
. It is approximately 44.5 km long.


Rivers of France Rivers of Occitania (administrative region) Rivers of Aveyron {{France-river-stub