

''Savoir-Faire'' is a piece of
interactive fiction '' Interactive fiction, often abbreviated IF, is software simulating environments in which players use text commands to control characters and influence the environment. Works in this form can be understood as literary narratives, either in the ...
written by Emily Short, about a magician in 18th-century France searching his aristocratic adoptive father's house. It won the Best Game, Best Story, Best Individual Player Character and Best Puzzles awards at the 2002 Xyzzy Awards, and was a finalist for four other categories. Puzzles in the game require the player to make "leap of inference" between objects with similar functions. The game was generally praised for its unique use of magical powers (based on weaving links between similar objects, so that anything that happens to one happens to both) and its high-quality implementation. A mini-game follow-up, ''Damnatio Memoriae'', was released in 2006.


Game entry at Baf's guideGame entry at IFWiki
2000s interactive fiction 2002 video games Video games developed in the United Kingdom Video games set in the 18th century Video games set in France {{puzzle-videogame-stub