Sanduru is located at . It has an average elevation of 565 metres (1853 feet). Sandur, like the surrounding villages of Dowlthpur, Ramgad, Swamihalli, Donimalai, is set among green mountains, valleys, and deep gorges.Climate
Sandur has a tropical savannah climate which lies on the border of semi-arid type of bellary and hospet, the climate in sandur is cooler than surroundings due to its elevation and has recorded a maximum temperature of 42 degrees and a minimum of 6 degrees. Sandur receives 750mm of precipitation but has seen more than 1000mm of rainfall.Demographics
India census, Sanduru had a population of 27,601. Males constitute 52s 62%, and female literacy is 62%. 13% of the population is under 6 years of age.See also
* SandurReferences
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