A Salmon pool is a name for a rocky depression in a riverbed, where
salmon are known to gather to rest and feed, and from where they can be successfully caught. In England, they are known as
Stell is a name for a deep pool in a river where salmon rest and are fished, such as that found at Amble in Northumberland, England.
Fishing using stell nets was made illegal by the Tweed Act
Tweed is a rough, woollen fabric, of a soft, op ...
Known salmon pools
Monks Brook
Matapedia River
Chéticamp River
Miramichi River
*New Brunswick has more than 22
*Bangor Salmon Pool
Former salmon pools
Salmon pools are located in the shallows of rivers. Dams and other activities that raise the heights of rivers can ruin pools for fishing.
Hartland Salmon Pool
Hartland Salmon Pool
Canada's Historic Places
See also
* Environmental issues with salmon
External links
Salmon FAQ
Fishing areas