

Saint-Quentin-sur-Coole () is a
commune A commune is an alternative term for an intentional community. Commune or comună or comune or other derivations may also refer to: Administrative-territorial entities * Commune (administrative division), a municipality or township ** Communes of ...
in the
Marne Marne can refer to: Places France *Marne (river), a tributary of the Seine *Marne (department), a département in northeastern France named after the river * La Marne, a commune in western France *Marne, a legislative constituency (France) Nethe ...
department in north-eastern
France France (), officially the French Republic ( ), is a country primarily located in Western Europe. It also comprises of Overseas France, overseas regions and territories in the Americas and the Atlantic Ocean, Atlantic, Pacific Ocean, Pac ...
.INSEE commune file
/ref> Church.

See also

Communes of the Marne department The following is a list of the 613 communes in the French department of Marne. The communes cooperate in the following intercommunalities (as of 2020):Saintquentinsurcoole {{Marne-geo-stub