

Saint-Arnac (; oc, Centernac) is a commune in the
Pyrénées-Orientales Pyrénées-Orientales (; ca, Pirineus Orientals ; oc, Pirenèus Orientals ; ), also known as Northern Catalonia, is a department of the region of Occitania, Southern France, adjacent to the northern Spanish frontier and the Mediterranean Sea. ...
department Department may refer to: * Departmentalization, division of a larger organization into parts with specific responsibility Government and military *Department (administrative division), a geographical and administrative division within a country, ...
in southern
France France (), officially the French Republic ( ), is a country primarily located in Western Europe. It also comprises of Overseas France, overseas regions and territories in the Americas and the Atlantic Ocean, Atlantic, Pacific Ocean, Pac ...


Saint-Arnac is in the
canton of La Vallée de l'Agly The canton of La Vallée de l'Agly is an administrative division of the Pyrénées-Orientales department, in southern France. It was created at the French canton reorganisation which came into effect in March 2015. Its seat is in Rivesaltes. It c ...
and in the
arrondissement of Perpignan An arrondissement (, , ) is any of various administrative divisions of France, Belgium, Haiti, certain other Francophone countries, as well as the Netherlands. Europe France The 101 French departments are divided into 342 ''arrondissements'' ...


;Attested forms The name of Saint-Arnac appears in 899 as ''villare Centernacho'', followed by ''Centernacum'' in the 12th century. But already in 1137, Ermengaud de So gives the name ''Sent Ernach'', which later becomes ''Sant Arnach'' or ''Sanctum Arnachum'', and then ''Saint-Arnac'' or ''Saint-Arnach'' in French. Jean Sagnes (dir.), Le pays catalan, t. 2, Pau, Société nouvelle d'éditions régionales, 1985 Lluís Basseda, Toponymie historique de Catalunya Nord, t. 1, Prades, Revista Terra Nostra, 1990 ;Etymology The original name, ''Centernach'', is probably that of a landowner, followed by the suffix ''-acum'', which may be either : * ''Centerinus'' (from ''Centenus'') ; * ''Cincturinus'' (from ''Cinctura'') ; * ''Centuriones'' (from
centurion A centurion (; la, centurio , . la, centuriones, label=none; grc-gre, κεντυρίων, kentyríōn, or ) was a position in the Roman army during classical antiquity, nominally the commander of a century (), a military unit of around 80 ...
). The mistake made in the 12th century by
homonymy In linguistics, homonyms are words which are homographs (words that share the same spelling, regardless of pronunciation), or homophones (equivocal words, that share the same pronunciation, regardless of spelling), or both. Using this definition, ...
is a reference to a supposed ''saint Arnach'', who never existed, although ''Arnac'' used to be a common German name at the time (from ''arn'', eagle, followed by ''-acum'').


See also

Communes of the Pyrénées-Orientales department The Pyrénées-Orientales department is composed of 226 communes. Most of the territory (except for the district of Fenolheda) formed part of the Principality of Catalonia until 1659, and Catalan is still spoken (in addition to French) by a si ...


Communes of Pyrénées-Orientales Fenouillèdes {{PyrénéesOrientales-geo-stub