


The Rosensee is a lake in the region of Holstein Switzerland in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.


The lake began as a reservoir, built in 1908 as part of the construction of the Schwentine Hydropower Plants (''Schwentine Wasserkraftwerke'') by the shipyard builder, Bernhard Howaldt, and today is a fundamental component of the landscape park of the River Schwentine. To achieve this, Howaldt had first to buy up lands along the Schwentine from the House of Rantzau, Count of Rantzau and Preetz Priory. The price of a hectare at that time was about 2,000 German gold mark, marks. Thanks to the hydropower stations of the Oppendorf and Rastorf Mills, now cultural monuments, the village of Raisdorf was first supplied with electricity in 1904. The hydropower plants are now operated and preserved by the Kiel Public Utility Company.

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Hydropower plants on the Rosensee and Schwentine
Reservoirs in Schleswig-Holstein Schwentine basin, LRosensee {{SchleswigHolstein-geo-stub