

Rudolf Krajčovič (22 July 1927 in
Trakovice Trakovice ( hu, Karkóc) is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia. History In history, historical records the village was first mentioned in 1275. Geography The municipality lies at an altitude ...
– 29 October 2014) was a Slovak linguist and Slavist, the author of migration-integration theory about the origin of the Slovak language.


He studied Slovak and philosophy at the Comenius University in Bratislava, later he worked in several positions at the Department of the Slovak Language and Literature (assistant,
docent The title of docent is conferred by some European universities to denote a specific academic appointment within a set structure of academic ranks at or below the full professor rank, similar to a British readership, a French " ''maître de conf ...
, professor since 1986). He worked abroad at various prestigious Slavist workplaces ( Kraków 1963, Skopje 1977, Moscow 1970–1971, 1975–1976, 1980–1981). The secretary of the Association of Slovak Linguists (1957–1960), a member of the board (1966–1968), a vice-president (1968–1972). A vice-president of the Slovak Linguistic Society (1972–1973), a member of several international Slavist organizations.

Selected works

* 1961 ''Vývin slovenského jazyka'' * 1964 ''Pôvod juhozápadoslovenských nárečí a ich fonologický vývin'' * 1974 ''Slovenčina a slovanské jazyky. Praslovanská genéza slovenčiny'' * 1975 ''A Historical Phonology of the Slovak Language'' * 1977 ''Svedectvo dejín o slovenčine'' * 1981 ''Pôvod a vývin slovenského jazyka'' * 1983 ''Čeština a slovenčina v starších archiváliách v predspisovnom období'' * 1985 ''Veľká Morava v tisícročí slovami prameňov, legiend, kroník a krásnej spisby'' * 1988 ''Vývin slovenského jazyka a dialektológia'' * 1990 ''Dejiny spisovnej slovenčiny. Študijná príručka a texty'' * 2005 ''Živé kroniky slovenských dejín skryté v názvoch obcí a miest''


* 1971 Plaque of Comenius University * 1977 Bronze Medal of Comenius University * 1987 Silver Medal of Comenius University * 1986 Commemorative Medal of Ľudovít Štúr * 1987 Medal of Comenius University * 1995 Commemorative Medal of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University * 1997 Gold Medal of Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University * 1997 Honors of the Minister of Culture of the Slovak Republic


{{DEFAULTSORT:Krajcovic, Rudolf 1927 births 2014 deaths Academic staff of Comenius University Linguists from Slovakia Dialectologists Slavists Comenius University alumni People from Hlohovec District