

The Romanian Orthodox Patriarchal Cathedral (also known as the Metropolitan Church) is a functioning religious and civic landmark, on Dealul Mitropoliei, in Bucharest, Romania. It is located near the Palace of the Chamber of Deputies of the Patriarchate of the Romanian Orthodox Church. Since it is a working cathedral, it is the site of many religious holidays and observances that take place for those who follow the Orthodox Christian faith in Bucharest, including a Palm Sunday pilgrimage. The Orthodox Divine Liturgy at the cathedral is known for its
a cappella ''A cappella'' (, also , ; ) music is a performance by a singer or a singing group without instrumental accompaniment, or a piece intended to be performed in this way. The term ''a cappella'' was originally intended to differentiate between Ren ...
choir, a common practice shared by all the Orthodox churches, in both their prayer services and liturgical rites. The Romanian Orthodox Patriarchal Cathedral is a designated Historical monument—''Monument istoric'' of Romania.


The structure was begun in 1655 and completed in 1659 under the orders of the prince Constantin Șerban. The façade is in the Brâncovenesc style. All of the original
fresco Fresco (plural ''frescos'' or ''frescoes'') is a technique of mural painting executed upon freshly laid ("wet") lime plaster. Water is used as the vehicle for the dry-powder pigment to merge with the plaster, and with the setting of the plaste ...
es and sculptures were destroyed, except for the icon of Constantine and Helen, who are the patron saints of the cathedral. The present-day frescoes were added in 1923 by Dimitrie Belizarie. In 1862, the Romanian prime minister, Barbu Catargiu, was assassinated as his open carriage passed in front of the cathedral.

See also

* Romanian Orthodox Church


File:Bukarest 4314.jpg, One of the huge
chandelier A chandelier (; also known as girandole, candelabra lamp, or least commonly suspended lights) is a branched ornamental light fixture designed to be mounted on ceilings or walls. Chandeliers are often ornate, and normally use incandescent li ...
s File:Bukarest - Patriarchal-Komplex - Glockenturm (1698, erneuert 1958).jpg, The bell tower File:Romanian Patriarchal Cathedral - external mosaics.jpg, External mosaics File:Frescos of Romanian Patriarchal Cathedral. Bucharest, Roamnia, Southeastern Europe-2.jpg, Frescoes on the interior wall File:Flickr - fusion-of-horizons - Catedrala Patriarhală (1).jpg


External links

Patriarchal Cathedral Patriarchal Cathedral, Romanian Cathedral Religious buildings and structures completed in 1658 1650s establishments in Romania 1658 establishments in Europe Historic monuments in Bucharest Brâncovenesc style architecture {{Romania-EO-church-stub