

Robert Sheldon Harte (1915 – May 24, 1940) was an American
Communist Communism (from Latin la, communis, lit=common, universal, label=none) is a far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology and current within the socialist movement whose goal is the establishment of a communist society, a ...
who worked as one of
Leon Trotsky Lev Davidovich Bronstein. ( – 21 August 1940), better known as Leon Trotsky; uk, link= no, Лев Давидович Троцький; also transliterated ''Lyev'', ''Trotski'', ''Trotskij'', ''Trockij'' and ''Trotzky''. (), was a Russian M ...
’s assistants and bodyguards in
Coyoacán Coyoacán ( , ) is a borough (''demarcación territorial'') in Mexico City. The former village is now the borough's "historic center". The name comes from Nahuatl and most likely means "place of coyotes", when the Aztecs named a pre-Hispanic ...
, Mexico. During the
Stalinist Stalinism is the means of governing and Marxist-Leninist policies implemented in the Soviet Union from 1927 to 1953 by Joseph Stalin. It included the creation of a one-party totalitarian police state, rapid industrialization, the theory ...
attack against Trotsky’s household on May 24, 1940, Harte was abducted and later murdered by the Stalinist agents. Harte was 25 years old when he offered his services as a guard to the Trotsky household. He replaced the American Trotskyist, Alexander Buchman. He was described as popular and that although not an intellectual, he carried out any tasks without complaints.


The abduction and murder of Harte was carried out by
David Alfaro Siqueiros David Alfaro Siqueiros (born José de Jesús Alfaro Siqueiros; December 29, 1896 – January 6, 1974) was a Mexican social realist painter, best known for his large public murals using the latest in equipment, materials and technique. Along with ...
. Trotsky had fled to Mexico as a result of several attempted assassination and kidnapping attempts by Soviet and Stalinist agents. On May 24, 1940, a group of Soviet and Mexican, including muralist David Siqueiros and
Iosef Grigulevich Iosif Romualdovich Grigulevich (russian: Иосиф Ромуальдович Григулевич; May 5, 1913 – June 2, 1988) was a Soviet secret police (NKVD) operative active between 1937 and 1953, when he played a role in assassination plots ...
were able to gain access to Trotsky's compound. Harte had been guarding the entrance and there is some debate if Harte had let in this group or was not involved. The group fired over seventy rounds into the house but failed to kill their target. Harte was missing and believed kidnapped. Harte's body was found a month later in a well, covered in lime. He had been shot in the head. Trotsky commissioned a plaque and had it placed at the front of the house with the text: "In Memory of Robert Sheldon Harte, 1915–1940, Murdered by Stalin." The ''Fourth International'', the theoretical journal of the US Socialist Workers Party, published an article by Walter Rourke titled ''The Murder of Bob Harte'', calling him the first American Trotskyist to fall victim to Stalin. An explanation provided for his murder was that he was able to identify Iosif Grigulevich, one of the attackers, in a previous assassination attempt against Trotsky. In the article Burke notes that Trotsky wrote in the Mexican press that “The corpse of Bob Sheldon Harte is a tragic refutation of all the slanders and false denunciations made against him.” In his account of the attack Trotsky wrote that if Sheldon Harte were an agent of the GPU he could have killed me at night and gotten away without setting in motion 20 people all of whom were subjected to a great risk.

Soviet agent

It was purported, contrary to Trotsky's opinion, that Robert Sheldon Harte was indeed a Soviet agent operating under the name 'Amur' and was an accomplice in the May 24, 1940, attack on Trotsky. Harte was a member of the
Communist Party of the USA The Communist Party USA, officially the Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA), is a communist party in the United States which was established in 1919 after a split in the Socialist Party of America following the Russian Revo ...
recruited in New York by the
NKVD The People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (russian: Наро́дный комиссариа́т вну́тренних дел, Naródnyy komissariát vnútrennikh del, ), abbreviated NKVD ( ), was the interior ministry of the Soviet Union. ...
. He was reportedly given a mission to liaise with a Mexican assassination squad led by Siqueiros. However, according to statements made by the man in charge of this GPU operation, General Leonid Eitingon on March 9, 1954, Harte was liquidated afterwards because he had expressed second thoughts. Eitingon said:
"During the operation it was revealed that Sheldon was a traitor. Even though he opened the gate to the compound, once in the room there was found neither the archive, nor Trotsky himself. When the participants in the raid opened fire, Sheldon told them that, had he known all this, as an American he never would have agreed to participate in this raid. Such behavior served as the basis for deciding on the spot to liquidate him. He was killed by Mexicans."
To this day, however, Harte's true allegiance and death remain a mystery since neither have been resolved. In the film, ''
The Assassination of Trotsky ''The Assassination of Trotsky'' is a 1972 British historical drama film, directed by Joseph Losey with a screenplay by Nicholas Mosley. It stars Richard Burton as Leon Trotsky, as well as Romy Schneider and Alain Delon. Plot Exiled from th ...
'', he is portrayed under the name "Sheldon Harte."


{{DEFAULTSORT:Harte, Robert Sheldon American Trotskyists 1915 births 1940 deaths American people murdered abroad People murdered in Mexico Deaths by firearm in Mexico