

Robert Sharoff is a Chicago-based architectural writer and author. He has written for a variety of publications including the ''
New York Times ''The New York Times'' (''the Times'', ''NYT'', or the Gray Lady) is a daily newspaper based in New York City with a worldwide readership reported in 2020 to comprise a declining 840,000 paid print subscribers, and a growing 6 million paid ...
'', the ''
Washington Post ''The Washington Post'' (also known as the ''Post'' and, informally, ''WaPo'') is an American daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C. It is the most widely circulated newspaper within the Washington metropolitan area and has a large na ...
'', the ''
Chicago Tribune The ''Chicago Tribune'' is a daily newspaper based in Chicago, Illinois, United States, owned by Tribune Publishing. Founded in 1847, and formerly self-styled as the "World's Greatest Newspaper" (a slogan for which WGN radio and television a ...
'', and ''
Chicago Magazine ''Chicago'' is a monthly magazine published by Tribune Publishing. It concentrates on lifestyle and human interest stories, and on reviewing restaurants, travel, fashion, and theatre from or nearby Chicago. Its circulation in 2004 was 165,000, l ...
''. He frequently collaborates with photographer William Zbaren.


*''American City: Detroit Architecture 1845-2005'' (photographs by William Zbaren) *''Lucien Lagrange: The Search for Elegance'' (photographs by William Zbaren) *''American City: St. Louis Architecture, Three Centuries of Classic Design'' (photographs by William Zbaren) *''Last Is More: Mies, IBM, and the Transformation of Chicago'' (photographs by William Zbaren) *''John Vinci: Life and Landmarks'' (photographs by William Zbaren)

See also

Architecture of metropolitan Detroit The architecture of metropolitan Detroit continues to attract the attention of architects and preservationists alike. With one of the world's recognizable skylines, Detroit's waterfront panorama shows a variety of architectural styles. The post-m ...

Further reading

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External links

Publisher's review of Sharoff's 2005 workThe American CityMetro Times review of Sharoff's 2005 work
American architecture writers American male non-fiction writers Living people Year of birth missing (living people) {{US-nonfiction-writer-stub