

Rhenish (Rhenisch, Rheinisch) is a
newspaper format Newspaper formats vary substantially, with different formats more common in different countries. The size of a newspaper format refers to the paper size, size of the paper page; the printed area within that can vary substantially depending on t ...
associated with the
Rhineland The Rhineland (german: Rheinland; french: Rhénanie; nl, Rijnland; ksh, Rhingland; Latinised name: ''Rhenania'') is a loosely defined area of Western Germany along the Rhine, chiefly its middle section. Term Historically, the Rhinelands ...
. Rhenisch format pages measure around 350–360 mm by 510–530 mm (in either a horizontal or vertical orientation). A version of Rhenish around half the size is known as "half Rhenish" or "semi-Rhenish". {{newspaper-stub Newspaper formats