

quantum mechanics Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. It is the foundation of all quantum physics including quantum chemistry, ...
, in particular
quantum information Quantum information is the information of the state of a quantum system. It is the basic entity of study in quantum information theory, and can be manipulated using quantum information processing techniques. Quantum information refers to both th ...
, the Range criterion is a necessary condition that a state must satisfy in order to be separable. In other words, it is a ''separability criterion''.

The result

Consider a quantum mechanical system composed of ''n'' subsystems. The state space ''H'' of such a system is the tensor product of those of the subsystems, i.e. H = H_1 \otimes \cdots \otimes H_n. For simplicity we will assume throughout that all relevant state spaces are finite-dimensional. The criterion reads as follows: If ρ is a separable mixed state acting on ''H'', then the range of ρ is spanned by a set of product vectors.


In general, if a matrix ''M'' is of the form M = \sum_i v_i v_i^*, the range of ''M'', ''Ran(M)'', is contained in the linear span of \; \. On the other hand, we can also show v_i lies in ''Ran(M)'', for all ''i''. Assume without loss of generality ''i = 1''. We can write M = v_1 v_1 ^* + T, where ''T'' is Hermitian and positive semidefinite. There are two possibilities: 1) ''span''\ \subset''Ker(T)''. Clearly, in this case, v_1 \in ''Ran(M)''. 2) Notice 1) is true if and only if ''Ker(T)''\;^ \subset ''span''\^, where \perp denotes orthogonal complement. By Hermiticity of ''T'', this is the same as ''Ran(T)''\subset ''span''\^. So if 1) does not hold, the intersection ''Ran(T)'' \cap ''span''\ is nonempty, i.e. there exists some complex number α such that \; T w = \alpha v_1. So :M w = \langle w, v_1 \rangle v_1 + T w = ( \langle w, v_1 \rangle + \alpha ) v_1. Therefore v_1 lies in ''Ran(M)''. Thus ''Ran(M)'' coincides with the linear span of \; \. The range criterion is a special case of this fact. A density matrix ρ acting on ''H'' is separable if and only if it can be written as :\rho = \sum_i \psi_ \psi_^* \otimes \cdots \otimes \psi_ \psi_^* where \psi_ \psi_^* is a (un-normalized) pure state on the ''j''-th subsystem. This is also : \rho = \sum_i ( \psi_ \otimes \cdots \otimes \psi_ ) ( \psi_ ^* \otimes \cdots \otimes \psi_ ^* ). But this is exactly the same form as ''M'' from above, with the vectorial product state \psi_ \otimes \cdots \otimes \psi_{n,i} replacing v_i. It then immediately follows that the range of ρ is the linear span of these product states. This proves the criterion.


* P. Horodecki, "Separability Criterion and Inseparable Mixed States with Positive Partial Transposition", ''Physics Letters'' A 232, (1997). Quantum information science