

Radium Radium is a chemical element with the symbol Ra and atomic number 88. It is the sixth element in group 2 of the periodic table, also known as the alkaline earth metals. Pure radium is silvery-white, but it readily reacts with nitrogen (rather t ...
(88Ra) has no stable or nearly stable
isotope Isotopes are two or more types of atoms that have the same atomic number (number of protons in their nuclei) and position in the periodic table (and hence belong to the same chemical element), and that differ in nucleon numbers (mass numbers) ...
s, and thus a standard atomic weight cannot be given. The longest lived, and most common, isotope of radium is 226Ra with a half-life of . 226Ra occurs in the
decay chain In nuclear science, the decay chain refers to a series of radioactive decays of different radioactive decay products as a sequential series of transformations. It is also known as a "radioactive cascade". Most radioisotopes do not decay direct ...
of 238U (often referred to as the radium series). Radium has 33 known isotopes from 202Ra to 234Ra. In 2013 it was discovered that the nucleus of radium-224 is pear-shaped. This was the first discovery of an asymmetric nucleus.

List of isotopes

, - , 202Ra , , style="text-align:right" , 88 , style="text-align:right" , 114 , 202.00989(7) , 2.6(21) ms
.7(+33−3) ms, , , 0+ , , - , rowspan=2, 203Ra , rowspan=2, , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 88 , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 115 , rowspan=2, 203.00927(9) , rowspan=2, 4(3) ms , α , 199Rn , rowspan=2, (3/2−) , rowspan=2, , - , β+ (rare) , 203Fr , - , rowspan=2 style="text-indent:1em" , 203mRa , rowspan=2, , rowspan=2 colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 220(90) keV , rowspan=2, 41(17) ms , α , 199Rn , rowspan=2, (13/2+) , rowspan=2, , - , β+ (rare) , 203Fr , - , rowspan=2, 204Ra , rowspan=2, , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 88 , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 116 , rowspan=2, 204.006500(17) , rowspan=2, 60(11) ms
9(+12−9) ms, α (99.7%) , 200Rn , rowspan=2, 0+ , rowspan=2, , - , β+ (.3%) , 204Fr , - , rowspan=2, 205Ra , rowspan=2, , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 88 , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 117 , rowspan=2, 205.00627(9) , rowspan=2, 220(40) ms
10(+60−40) ms, α , 201Rn , rowspan=2, (3/2−) , rowspan=2, , - , β+ (rare) , 205Fr , - , rowspan=2 style="text-indent:1em" , 205mRa , rowspan=2, , rowspan=2 colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 310(110)# keV , rowspan=2, 180(50) ms
70(+60−40) ms, α , 201Rn , rowspan=2, (13/2+) , rowspan=2, , - , IT (rare) , 205Ra , - , 206Ra , , style="text-align:right" , 88 , style="text-align:right" , 118 , 206.003827(19) , 0.24(2) s , α , 202Rn , 0+ , , - , rowspan=2, 207Ra , rowspan=2, , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 88 , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 119 , rowspan=2, 207.00380(6) , rowspan=2, 1.3(2) s , α (90%) , 203Rn , rowspan=2, (5/2−, 3/2−) , rowspan=2, , - , β+ (10%) , 207Fr , - , rowspan=3 style="text-indent:1em" , 207mRa , rowspan=3, , rowspan=3 colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 560(50) keV , rowspan=3, 57(8) ms , IT (85%) , 207Ra , rowspan=3, (13/2+) , rowspan=3, , - , α (15%) , 203Rn , - , β+ (.55%) , 207Fr , - , rowspan=2, 208Ra , rowspan=2, , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 88 , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 120 , rowspan=2, 208.001840(17) , rowspan=2, 1.3(2) s , α (95%) , 204Rn , rowspan=2, 0+ , rowspan=2, , - , β+ (5%) , 208Fr , - , style="text-indent:1em" , 208mRa , , colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 1800(200) keV , 270 ns , , , (8+) , , - , rowspan=2, 209Ra , rowspan=2, , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 88 , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 121 , rowspan=2, 209.00199(5) , rowspan=2, 4.6(2) s , α (90%) , 205Rn , rowspan=2, 5/2− , rowspan=2, , - , β+ (10%) , 209Fr , - , rowspan=2, 210Ra , rowspan=2, , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 88 , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 122 , rowspan=2, 210.000495(16) , rowspan=2, 3.7(2) s , α (96%) , 206Rn , rowspan=2, 0+ , rowspan=2, , - , β+ (4%) , 210Fr , - , style="text-indent:1em" , 210mRa , , colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 1800(200) keV , 2.24 μs , , , (8+) , , - , rowspan=2, 211Ra , rowspan=2, , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 88 , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 123 , rowspan=2, 211.000898(28) , rowspan=2, 13(2) s , α (97%) , 207Rn , rowspan=2, 5/2(−) , rowspan=2, , - , β+ (3%) , 211Fr , - , rowspan=2, 212Ra , rowspan=2, , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 88 , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 124 , rowspan=2, 211.999794(12) , rowspan=2, 13.0(2) s , α (85%) , 208Rn , rowspan=2, 0+ , rowspan=2, , - , β+ (15%) , 212Fr , - , style="text-indent:1em" , 212m1Ra , , colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 1958.4(5) keV , 10.9(4) μs , , , (8)+ , , - , style="text-indent:1em" , 212m2Ra , , colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 2613.4(5) keV , 0.85(13) μs , , , (11)− , , - , rowspan=2, 213Ra , rowspan=2, , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 88 , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 125 , rowspan=2, 213.000384(22) , rowspan=2, 2.74(6) min , α (80%) , 209Rn , rowspan=2, 1/2− , rowspan=2, , - , β+ (20%) , 213Fr , - , rowspan=2 style="text-indent:1em" , 213mRa , rowspan=2, , rowspan=2 colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 1769(6) keV , rowspan=2, 2.1(1) ms , IT (99%) , 213Ra , rowspan=2, 17/2−# , rowspan=2, , - , α (1%) , 209Rn , - , rowspan=2, 214Ra , rowspan=2, , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 88 , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 126 , rowspan=2, 214.000108(10) , rowspan=2, 2.46(3) s , α (99.94%) , 210Rn , rowspan=2, 0+ , rowspan=2, , - , β+ (.06%) , 214Fr , - , 215Ra , , style="text-align:right" , 88 , style="text-align:right" , 127 , 215.002720(8) , 1.55(7) ms , α , 211Rn , (9/2+)# , , - , style="text-indent:1em" , 215m1Ra , , colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 1877.8(5) keV , 7.1(2) μs , , , (25/2+) , , - , style="text-indent:1em" , 215m2Ra , , colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 2246.9(5) keV , 1.39(7) μs , , , (29/2−) , , - , style="text-indent:1em" , 215m3Ra , , colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 3756.6(6)+X keV , 0.555(10) μs , , , (43/2−) , , - , rowspan=2, 216Ra , rowspan=2, , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 88 , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 128 , rowspan=2, 216.003533(9) , rowspan=2, 182(10) ns , α , 212Rn , rowspan=2, 0+ , rowspan=2, , - , EC (1×10−8%) , 216Fr , - , 217Ra , , style="text-align:right" , 88 , style="text-align:right" , 129 , 217.006320(9) , 1.63(17) μs , α , 213Rn , (9/2+) , , - , rowspan=2, 218Ra , rowspan=2, , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 88 , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 130 , rowspan=2, 218.007140(12) , rowspan=2, 25.2(3) μs , α , 214Rn , rowspan=2, 0+ , rowspan=2, , - , β+β+ (rare) , 218Rn , - , 219Ra , , style="text-align:right" , 88 , style="text-align:right" , 131 , 219.010085(9) , 10(3) ms , α , 215Rn , (7/2)+ , , - , 220Ra , , style="text-align:right" , 88 , style="text-align:right" , 132 , 220.011028(10) , 17.9(14) ms , α , 216Rn , 0+ , , - , rowspan=2, 221Ra , rowspan=2, , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 88 , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 133 , rowspan=2, 221.013917(5) , rowspan=2, 28(2) s , α , 217Rn , rowspan=2, 5/2+ , rowspan=2, TraceIntermediate decay product of 237Np , - , CD (1.2×10−10%) , 207Pb
14C , - , rowspan=2, 222Ra , rowspan=2, , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 88 , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 134 , rowspan=2, 222.015375(5) , rowspan=2, 38.0(5) s , α , 218Rn , rowspan=2, 0+ , rowspan=2, , - , CD (3×10−8%) , 208Pb
14C , - , rowspan=2, 223RaUsed for treating bone cancer , rowspan=2, Actinium X , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 88 , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 135 , rowspan=2, 223.0185022(27) , rowspan=2, 11.43(5) d , α , 219Rn , rowspan=2, 3/2+ , rowspan=2, TraceIntermediate
decay product In nuclear physics, a decay product (also known as a daughter product, daughter isotope, radio-daughter, or daughter nuclide) is the remaining nuclide left over from radioactive decay. Radioactive decay often proceeds via a sequence of steps ( ...
of 235U
, - , CD (6.4×10−8%) , 209Pb
14C , - , rowspan=2, 224Ra , rowspan=2, Thorium X , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 88 , rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 136 , rowspan=2, 224.0202118(24) , rowspan=2, 3.6319(23) d , α , 220Rn , rowspan=2, 0+ , rowspan=2, TraceIntermediate decay product of 232Th , - , CD (4.3×10−9%) , 210Pb
14C , - , 225Ra , , style="text-align:right" , 88 , style="text-align:right" , 137 , 225.023612(3) , 14.9(2) d , β , 225Ac , 1/2+ , TraceIntermediate decay product of 237Np , - , rowspan=3, 226Ra , rowspan=3, RadiumSource of element's name , rowspan=3 style="text-align:right" , 88 , rowspan=3 style="text-align:right" , 138 , rowspan=3, 226.0254098(25) , rowspan=3, 1600(7) y , α , 222Rn , rowspan=3, 0+ , rowspan=3, TraceIntermediate decay product of 238U , - , ββ (rare) , 226Th , - , CD (2.6×10−9%) , 212Pb
14C , - , 227Ra , , style="text-align:right" , 88 , style="text-align:right" , 139 , 227.0291778(25) , 42.2(5) min , β , 227Ac , 3/2+ , , - , 228Ra , Mesothorium 1 , style="text-align:right" , 88 , style="text-align:right" , 140 , 228.0310703(26) , 5.75(3) y , β , 228Ac , 0+ , Trace , - , 229Ra , , style="text-align:right" , 88 , style="text-align:right" , 141 , 229.034958(20) , 4.0(2) min , β , 229Ac , 5/2(+) , , - , 230Ra , , style="text-align:right" , 88 , style="text-align:right" , 142 , 230.037056(13) , 93(2) min , β , 230Ac , 0+ , , - , 231Ra , , style="text-align:right" , 88 , style="text-align:right" , 143 , 231.04122(32)# , 103(3) s , β , 231Ac , (5/2+) , , - , style="text-indent:1em" , 231mRa , , colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 66.21(9) keV , ~53 μs , , , (1/2+) , , - , 232Ra , , style="text-align:right" , 88 , style="text-align:right" , 144 , 232.04364(30)# , 250(50) s , β , 232Ac , 0+ , , - , 233Ra , , style="text-align:right" , 88 , style="text-align:right" , 145 , 233.04806(50)# , 30(5) s , β , 233Ac , 1/2+# , , - , 234Ra , , style="text-align:right" , 88 , style="text-align:right" , 146 , 234.05070(53)# , 30(10) s , β , 234Ac , 0+ ,

Actinides vs fission products


* Isotope masses from: ** * Isotopic compositions and standard atomic masses from: ** ** * Half-life, spin, and isomer data selected from the following sources. ** ** ** {{Authority control Radium
Radium Radium is a chemical element with the symbol Ra and atomic number 88. It is the sixth element in group 2 of the periodic table, also known as the alkaline earth metals. Pure radium is silvery-white, but it readily reacts with nitrogen (rather t ...