

Radio 3 net is the former ''Radio România Tineret'' (or Radio 3). More than 20,000 albums are stored on Radio 3 net. A few of the prominent features available on the website are " 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die" and "Search & Play". Until recently, the director of Radio3Net was
Florian Pittiş Florian may refer to: People * Florian (name), including a list of people and fictional characters with the given name or surname * Florian, Roman emperor in 276 AD * Saint Florian (250 – c. 304 AD), patron saint of Poland and Upper Austria, al ...
at Radio3Net

See also

Eastern Bloc information dissemination Eastern Bloc media and propaganda was controlled directly by each country's communist party, which controlled the state media, censorship and propaganda organs. State and party ownership of print, television and radio media served as an important ...


Article about Radio3net - Florian Pittiş

External links

Radio 3Net
Radio stations in Romania Romanian-language radio stations Eastern Bloc mass media 1963 establishments in Romania Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company {{Romania-stub