

In mathematics, quantales are certain partially ordered
algebraic structure In mathematics, an algebraic structure consists of a nonempty set ''A'' (called the underlying set, carrier set or domain), a collection of operations on ''A'' (typically binary operations such as addition and multiplication), and a finite set ...
s that generalize locales ( point free topologies) as well as various multiplicative lattices of ideals from ring theory and functional analysis (
C*-algebras In mathematics, specifically in functional analysis, a C∗-algebra (pronounced "C-star") is a Banach algebra together with an involution satisfying the properties of the adjoint. A particular case is that of a complex algebra ''A'' of cont ...
von Neumann algebra In mathematics, a von Neumann algebra or W*-algebra is a *-algebra of bounded operators on a Hilbert space that is closed in the weak operator topology and contains the identity operator. It is a special type of C*-algebra. Von Neumann a ...
s). Quantales are sometimes referred to as ''complete residuated semigroups''.


A quantale is a
complete lattice In mathematics, a complete lattice is a partially ordered set in which ''all'' subsets have both a supremum (join) and an infimum (meet). A lattice which satisfies at least one of these properties is known as a ''conditionally complete lattice.'' S ...
''Q'' with an
associative In mathematics, the associative property is a property of some binary operations, which means that rearranging the parentheses in an expression will not change the result. In propositional logic, associativity is a valid rule of replacement ...
binary operation In mathematics, a binary operation or dyadic operation is a rule for combining two elements (called operands) to produce another element. More formally, a binary operation is an operation of arity two. More specifically, an internal binary op ...
∗ : ''Q'' × ''Q'' → ''Q'', called its multiplication, satisfying a distributive property such that :x*\left(\bigvee_\right) = \bigvee_(x*y_i) and :\left(\bigvee_\right)*=\bigvee_(y_i*x) for all ''x'', ''yi'' in ''Q'', ''i'' in ''I'' (here ''I'' is any
index set In mathematics, an index set is a set whose members label (or index) members of another set. For instance, if the elements of a set may be ''indexed'' or ''labeled'' by means of the elements of a set , then is an index set. The indexing consis ...
). The quantale is unital if it has an
identity element In mathematics, an identity element, or neutral element, of a binary operation operating on a set is an element of the set that leaves unchanged every element of the set when the operation is applied. This concept is used in algebraic structures s ...
''e'' for its multiplication: :x*e = x = e*x for all ''x'' in ''Q''. In this case, the quantale is naturally a
monoid In abstract algebra, a branch of mathematics, a monoid is a set equipped with an associative binary operation and an identity element. For example, the nonnegative integers with addition form a monoid, the identity element being 0. Monoids ...
with respect to its multiplication ∗. A unital quantale may be defined equivalently as a
monoid In abstract algebra, a branch of mathematics, a monoid is a set equipped with an associative binary operation and an identity element. For example, the nonnegative integers with addition form a monoid, the identity element being 0. Monoids ...
in the category Sup of complete join semi-lattices. A unital quantale is an idempotent
semiring In abstract algebra, a semiring is an algebraic structure similar to a ring, but without the requirement that each element must have an additive inverse. The term rig is also used occasionally—this originated as a joke, suggesting that rigs a ...
under join and multiplication. A unital quantale in which the identity is the
top element In mathematics, especially in order theory, the greatest element of a subset S of a partially ordered set (poset) is an element of S that is greater than every other element of S. The term least element is defined dually, that is, it is an eleme ...
of the underlying lattice is said to be strictly two-sided (or simply ''integral''). A commutative quantale is a quantale whose multiplication is
commutative In mathematics, a binary operation is commutative if changing the order of the operands does not change the result. It is a fundamental property of many binary operations, and many mathematical proofs depend on it. Most familiar as the name o ...
. A frame, with its multiplication given by the meet operation, is a typical example of a strictly two-sided commutative quantale. Another simple example is provided by the
unit interval In mathematics, the unit interval is the closed interval , that is, the set of all real numbers that are greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1. It is often denoted ' (capital letter ). In addition to its role in real analys ...
together with its usual
multiplication Multiplication (often denoted by the cross symbol , by the mid-line dot operator , by juxtaposition, or, on computers, by an asterisk ) is one of the four elementary mathematical operations of arithmetic, with the other ones being ad ...
. An idempotent quantale is a quantale whose multiplication is
idempotent Idempotence (, ) is the property of certain operations in mathematics and computer science whereby they can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application. The concept of idempotence arises in a number of pl ...
. A frame is the same as an idempotent strictly two-sided quantale. An involutive quantale is a quantale with an involution :(xy)^\circ = y^\circ x^\circ that preserves joins: :\biggl(\bigvee_\biggr)^\circ =\bigvee_(x_i^\circ). A quantale
homomorphism In algebra, a homomorphism is a structure-preserving map between two algebraic structures of the same type (such as two groups, two rings, or two vector spaces). The word ''homomorphism'' comes from the Ancient Greek language: () meaning "sa ...
is a map ''f'' : ''Q1'' → ''Q2'' that preserves joins and multiplication for all ''x'', ''y'', ''xi'' in ''Q1'', and ''i'' in ''I'': :f(xy) = f(x)f(y), :f\left(\bigvee_\right) = \bigvee_ f(x_i).

See also

* Relation algebra


* J. Paseka, J. Rosicky, Quantales, in: Bob Coecke, B. Coecke, D. Moore, A. Wilce, (Eds.), ''Current Research in Operational Quantum Logic: Algebras, Categories and Languages'', Fund. Theories Phys., vol. 111, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, pp. 245–262. * M. Piazza, M. Castellan, ''Quantales and structural rules''. Journal of Logic and Computation, 6 (1996), 709–724. * K. Rosenthal, ''Quantales and Their Applications'', Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series 234, Longman Scientific & Technical, 1990. Order theory {{math-stub