Ptolemy Intense Chromatic Tetrachord



Claudius Ptolemy (; grc-gre, wikt:Πτολεμαῖος, Πτολεμαῖος, ; la, Claudius Ptolemaeus; AD) was a mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, geographer, and music theorist, who wrote about a dozen scientific Treatise, treatises, three of which were of importance to later Byzantine science, Byzantine, Islamic science, Islamic, and Science in the Renaissance, Western European science. The first is the astronomical treatise now known as the ''Almagest'', although it was originally entitled the ''Mathēmatikē Syntaxis'' or ''Mathematical Treatise'', and later known as ''The Greatest Treatise''. The second is the ''Geography (Ptolemy), Geography'', which is a thorough discussion on maps and the geographic knowledge of the Greco-Roman world. The third is the astrological treatise in which he attempted to adapt horoscopic astrology to the Aristotelian physics, Aristotelian natural philosophy of his day. This is sometimes known as the ''Apotelesmatika'' (lit. "On the Effects") but more commonly known as the ''Tetrabiblos, Tetrábiblos'', from the Koine Greek meaning "Four Books", or by its Latin equivalent ''Quadripartite''. Unlike most ancient Greek mathematics, Greek mathematicians, Ptolemy's writings (foremost the ''Almagest'') never ceased to be copied or commented upon, both in Late antiquity, Late Antiquity and in the Middle Ages. However, it is likely that only a few truly mastered the mathematics necessary to understand his works, as evidenced particularly by the many abridged and watered-down introductions to Ptolemy's astronomy that were popular among the Arabs and Byzantines alike.


Ptolemy lived in or around the city of Alexandria, in the Egypt (Roman province), Roman province of Egypt under Roman Empire, Roman rule, had a Latin name (which several historians have taken to imply he was also a Roman citizen), cited Greek philosophers, and used Babylonian observations and Babylonian lunar theory. In half of his extant works, Ptolemy addresses a certain Syrus, a figure of whom almost nothing is known but who likely shared some of Ptolemy's astronomical interests. The 14th-century astronomer Theodore Meliteniotes gave his birthplace as the prominent Greek city Ptolemais Hermiou () in the Thebaid (). This attestation is quite late, however, and there is no evidence to support it.; The only place mentioned in any of Ptolemy's observations is Alexandria, and there is no reason to suppose that he ever lived anywhere else. The statement by Theodore Meliteniotes that he was born in Ptolemais Hermiou (in Upper Egypt) could be correct, but it is late (ca. 1360) and unsupported. Claudius Ptolemy died in Alexandria around 168.

Naming and nationality

Ptolemy's Greek name'', Ptolemy (name), Ptolemaeus'' (, ''Ptolemaîos''), is an ancient Greek personal names, ancient Greek personal name. It occurs once in Greek mythology and is of Homeric Greek, Homeric form. It was common among the Macedonia (ancient kingdom), Macedonian upper class at the time of Alexander the Great and there were several of this name among Alexander's army, one of whom made himself pharaoh in 323 BC: Ptolemy I Soter, the first pharaoh of the Ptolemaic Kingdom. Almost all subsequent pharaohs of Egypt, with a few exceptions, were named Ptolemaic dynasty, Ptolemies until Roman Egypt, Egypt became a Roman province in 30 BC, ending the Macedonian family's rule. The name ''Claudius'' is a Roman name, belonging to the Claudia gens, ''gens'' Claudia; the peculiar multipart form of the whole name ''Claudius Ptolemaeus'' is a Roman custom, characteristic of Roman citizens. Several historians have made the deduction that this indicates that Ptolemy would have been a Roman citizenship, Roman citizen. Gerald Toomer, the translator of Ptolemy's ''Almagest'' into English, suggests that citizenship was probably granted to one of Ptolemy's ancestors by either the emperor Claudius or the emperor Nero. The 9th century Persians, Persian Astronomy in the medieval Islamic world, astronomer Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi mistakenly presents Ptolemy as a member of Ptolemaic dynasty, Ptolemaic Egypt's royal lineage, stating that the descendants of the Alexandrine general and Pharaoh Ptolemy I Soter were wise "and included Ptolemy the Wise, who composed the book of the ''Almagest''". Abu Ma'shar recorded a belief that a different member of this royal line "composed the book on astrology and attributed it to Ptolemy". We can infer historical confusion on this point from Abu Ma'shar's subsequent remark: "It is sometimes said that the very learned man who wrote the book of astrology also wrote the book of the ''Almagest''. The correct answer is not known."Abu Ma'shar, ''De magnis coniunctionibus'', ed.-transl. K. Yamamoto, Ch. Burnett, Leiden, 2000, 2 vols. (Arabic & Latin text); 4.1.4. Not much positive evidence is known on the subject of Ptolemy's ancestry, apart from what can be drawn from the details of his name, although modern scholars have concluded that Abu Ma'shar's account is erroneous.#Reference-Jones-2010, Jones (2010). "Ptolemy's Doctrine of the Terms and Its Reception" by Stephan Heilen, p. 68. It is no longer doubted that the astronomer who wrote the ''Almagest'' also wrote the ''Tetrabiblos'' as its astrological counterpart. In later Arabic sources, he was often known as "the Upper Egyptian", suggesting he may have had origins in southern Egypt.Martin Bernal (1992). "Animadversions on the Origins of Western Science", ''Isis'' 83 (4), p. 596–607 [602, 606]. Astronomy in medieval Islam, Arabic astronomers, Geography in medieval Islam, geographers and Physics in medieval Islam, physicists referred to his name in Arabic as ''Baṭlumyus'' ( ar, بَطْلُمْيوس). Ptolemy wrote in ancient Greek and can be shown to have utilized Babylonian astronomical diaries, Babylonian astronomical data. He might have been a Roman citizen, but was ethnically either a Greeks in Egypt, Greek"Ptolemy". Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2006. or at least a Hellenization, Hellenized Egyptian. But what we really want to know is to what extent the Alexandrian mathematicians of the period from the 1st to the 5th centuries Common_Era, CE were Greek. Certainly, all of them wrote in Greek and were part of the Greek intellectual community of Alexandria. Most modern studies conclude that the Greek community coexisted ... So should we assume that Ptolemy and Diophantus, Pappus and Hypatia were ethnically Greek, that their ancestors had come from Greece at some point in the past but had remained effectively isolated from the Egyptians? It is, of course, impossible to answer this question definitively. But research in papyri dating from the early centuries of the common era demonstrates that a significant amount of intermarriage took place between the Greek and Egyptian communities ... And it is known that Greek marriage contracts increasingly came to resemble Egyptian ones. In addition, even from the founding of Alexandria, small numbers of Egyptians were admitted to the privileged classes in the city to fulfill numerous civic roles. Of course, it was essential in such cases for the Egyptians to become "Hellenized", to adopt Greek habits and the Greek language. Given that the Alexandrian mathematicians mentioned here were active several hundred years after the founding of the city, it would seem at least equally possible that they were ethnically Egyptian as that they remained ethnically Greek. In any case, it is unreasonable to portray them with purely European features when no physical descriptions exist.George Sarton (1936). "The Unity and Diversity of the Mediterranean World", ''Osiris'' 2, p. 406–463 [429].


Astronomy was the subject to which Ptolemy devoted the most time and effort; about half of all the works that survived deal with astronomical matters, and even others such as the ''Geography'' and the ''Tetrabiblos'' have significant references to astronomy.Jones, A. (2020). The ancient Ptolemy. ln Ptolemy's ''Science of the Stars in the Middle Ages'' (D. Juste, B. van Dalen, D. N. Hasse, C. Burnett, Turnhout, Brepols, Eds.) Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus Studies 1, 13-3


''Mathēmatikē Syntaxis''

Ptolemy's ''Mathēmatikē Syntaxis'' (Ancient Greek: ''Μαθηματικὴ Σύνταξις'', lit. "Mathematical Systematic Treatise"), better known as the ''Almagest'', is the only surviving comprehensive ancient treatise on astronomy. Although Babylonian astronomy, Babylonian astronomers had developed arithmetical techniques for calculating and predicting astronomical phenomena, these were not based on any underlying model of the heavens; early Greek astronomers, on the other hand, provided qualitative geometrical models to "save the appearances" of celestial phenomena without the ability to make any predictions. The earliest person that attempted to merge these two approaches was Hipparchus, who produced geometric models that not only reflected the arrangement of the planets and stars but could be used to calculate celestial motions. Ptolemy, following Hipparchus, derived each of his geometrical models for the Sun, Moon, and the planets from selected astronomical observations done in the spanning of more than 800 years; however, many astronomers have for centuries suspected that some of his models' parameters were adopted independently of observations. Ptolemy presented his astronomical models alongside convenient tables, which could be used to compute the future or past position of the planets. The ''Almagest'' also contains a star catalogue, which is a version of a catalogue created by Hipparchus. Its list of forty-eight constellations is ancestral to the modern system of constellations but, unlike the modern system, they did not cover the whole sky (only what could be seen with the naked eye). For over a thousand years, the ''Almagest'' was the authoritative text on astronomy across Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. The ''Almagest'' was preserved, like many extant Greek scientific works, in Arabic language, Arabic manuscripts; the modern title is thought to be an Arabic corruption of the Greek name ''Hē Megistē Syntaxis'' (lit. "The greatest treatise"), as the work was presumably known in Late Antiquity. Because of its reputation, it was widely sought and translated twice into Latin Latin translations of the 12th century, in the 12th century, once in Sicily and again in Spain. Ptolemy's planetary models, like those of the majority of his predecessors, were geocentric and almost universally accepted until the reappearance of heliocentric models during the scientific revolution.

''Handy Tables''

The ''Handy Tables'' (Ancient Greek: ''Πρόχειροι κανόνες'') are a set of astronomical tables, together with canons for their use. To facilitate astronomical calculations, Ptolemy tabulated all the data needed to compute the positions of the Sun, Moon and planets, the rising and setting of the stars, and eclipses of the Sun and Moon, making it a useful tool for astronomers and astrologers. The tables themselves are known through Theon of Alexandria’s version. Although Ptolemy's ''Handy Tables'' do not survive as such in Arabic or in Latin, they represent the prototype of most Arabic and Latin astronomical tables or ''Zij, zījes''. Additionally, the introduction to the ''Handy Tables'' survived separately from the tables themselves (apparently part of a gathering of some of Ptolemy's shorter writings) under the title ''Arrangement and Calculation of the Handy Tables.''

''Planetary Hypotheses''

The ''Planetary Hypotheses'' (Ancient Greek: ''Ὑποθέσεις τῶν πλανωμένων'', lit. "Hypotheses of the Planets") is a Cosmology, cosmological work, probably one of the last written by Ptolemy, in two books dealing with the structure of the universe and the laws that govern Celestial mechanics, celestial motion. Ptolemy goes beyond the mathematical models of the ''Almagest'' to present a physical realization of the universe as a set of nested spheres, in which he used the epicycles of his planetary model to compute the dimensions of the universe. He estimated the Sun was at an average distance of 1,210 Earth radii (now known to actually be ~23,450 radii), while the radius of the sphere of the fixed stars was 20,000 times the radius of the Earth. The work is also notable for having descriptions on how to build instruments to depict the planets and their movements from a Geocentric model, geocentric perspective, much like an orrery would have done for a Heliocentrism, heliocentric one, presumably for didactic purposes.

Other works

The ''Analemma'' is a short treatise where Ptolemy provides a method for specifying the location of the sun in three pairs of locally orientated coordinate arcs as a function of the declination of the sun, the terrestrial latitude, and the hour. The key to the approach is to represent the solid configuration in a plane diagram that Ptolemy calls the ''analemma''. In another work, the ''Phaseis'' (''Risings of the Fixed Stars''), Ptolemy gave a ''parapegma'', a star calendar or almanac, based on the appearances and disappearances of stars over the course of the solar year. The ''Planisphaerium'' (Ancient Greek: ''Ἅπλωσις ἐπιφανείας σφαίρας'', lit. 'Simplification of the Sphere') contains 16 propositions dealing with the projection of the celestial circles onto a plane. The text is lost in Greek (except for a fragment) and survives in Arabic and Latin only. Ptolemy also erected an inscription in a temple at Canopus, Egypt, Canopus, around 146–147 AD, known as the ''Canobic Inscription''. Although the inscription has not survived, someone in the sixth century transcribed it and manuscript copies preserved it through the Middle Ages. It begins: "To the saviour god, Claudius Ptolemy (dedicates) the first principles and models of astronomy," following by a catalogue of numbers that define a system of celestial mechanics governing the motions of the sun, moon, planets, and stars.


Ptolemy's second most well-known work is his ''Geographike Hyphegesis'' (Ancient Greek: ''Γεωγραφικὴ Ὑφήγησις''; lit. "Guide to Drawing the Earth"), known as the ''Geography (Ptolemy), Geography'', a handbook on how to draw maps using geographical coordinates for parts of the Roman Empire, Roman world known at the time.Isaksen L. (2011). Lines, damned lines and statistics: unearthing structure in Ptolemy’s Geographia. ''e-Perimetron'', ''6''(4), 254-260

/ref> He relied on previous work by an earlier geographer, Marinos of Tyre, Marinus of Tyre, as well as on gazetteers of the Roman and ancient History of Iran, Persian Empire. He also acknowledged ancient astronomer Hipparchus for having provided the elevation of the celestial pole#Finding the north celestial pole, north celestial pole for a few cities. Although maps based on scientific principles had been made since the time of Eratosthenes (c. 276–195 BC), Ptolemy improved on map projections. The first part of the ''Geography'' is a discussion of the data and of the methods he used. Ptolemy notes the supremacy of astronomical data over land measurements or travelers' reports, though he possessed these data for only a handful of places. Ptolemy's real innovation, however, occurs in the second part of the book, where he provides a catalogue of 8,000 localities he collected from Marinus and others, the biggest such database from antiquity. About 6,300 of these places and geographic features have assigned coordinates so that they can be placed in a Grid (spatial index), grid that spanned the globe. Latitude was measured from the equator, as it is today, but Ptolemy preferred to express it as ''Clime, climata'', the length of the longest day rather than degree (angle), degrees of arc: the length of the midsummer day increases from 12h to 24h as one goes from the equator to the polar circle. One of the places Ptolemy noted specific coordinates for was the now-lost Stone Tower (Ptolemy), Stone Tower which marked the midpoint on the ancient Silk Road, and which scholars have been trying to locate ever since. In the third part of the ''Geography'', Ptolemy gives instructions on how to create maps both of the whole inhabited world (''oikoumenē'') and of the Roman provinces, including the necessary Topographic map, topographic lists, and captions for the maps. His ''oikoumenē'' spanned 180 degrees of longitude from the Blessed Islands in the Atlantic Ocean to the middle of China, and about 80 degrees of latitude from Shetland to anti-Meroe (east coast of Africa); Ptolemy was well aware that he knew about only a quarter of the globe, and an erroneous extension of China southward suggests his sources did not reach all the way to the Pacific Ocean. It seems likely that the topographical tables in the second part of the work (Books 2–7) are cumulative texts, which were altered as new knowledge became available in the centuries after Ptolemy. This means that information contained in different parts of the ''Geography'' is likely to be of different dates, in addition to containing many scribal errors. However, although the regional and Ptolemy's world map, world maps in surviving manuscripts date from c. 1300 AD (after the text was rediscovered by Maximus Planudes), there are some scholars who think that such maps go back to Ptolemy himself.


Ptolemy wrote an astrological treatise, in four parts, known by the Greek term ''Tetrabiblos'' (lit. "Four Books") or by its Latin equivalent ''Quadripartitum''. Its original title is unknown, but may have been a term found in some Greek manuscripts, ''Apotelesmatiká'' (''biblía''), roughly meaning "(books) on the Effects" or "Outcomes", or "Prognostics". As a source of reference, the ''Tetrabiblos'' is said to have "enjoyed almost the authority of a Bible among the astrological writers of a thousand years or more". It was first translated from Arabic into Latin by Plato of Tivoli (Tiburtinus) in 1138, while he was in Spain. Much of the content of the ''Tetrabiblos'' was collected from earlier sources; Ptolemy's achievement was to order his material in a systematic way, showing how the subject could, in his view, be rationalized. It is, indeed, presented as the second part of the study of astronomy of which the ''Almagest'' was the first, concerned with the influences of the celestial bodies in the sublunary sphere. Thus explanations of a sort are provided for the astrological effects of the planets, based upon their combined effects of heating, cooling, moistening, and drying. Ptolemy dismisses other astrological practices, such as considering the Numerology, numerological significance of names, that he believed to be without sound basis, and leaves out popular topics, such as electional astrology (interpreting astrological charts to determine courses of action) and medical astrology, for similar reasons. The great popularity that the ''Tetrabiblos'' did possess might be attributed to its nature as an exposition of the art of astrology, and as a compendium of astrological lore, rather than as a manual. It speaks in general terms, avoiding illustrations and details of practice. A collection of one hundred aphorisms about astrology called the ''Centiloquium'', ascribed to Ptolemy, was widely reproduced and commented on by Arabic, Latin, and Hebrew scholars, and often bound together in medieval manuscripts after the ''Tetrabiblos'' as a kind of summation. It is now believed to be a much later pseudepigraphical composition. The identity and date of the actual author of the work, referred to now as Pseudo-Ptolemy, remains the subject of conjecture.


Ptolemy wrote an earlier work entitled ''Harmonikon'' (Ancient Greek: ''Ἁρμονικόν''), known as the ''Harmonics'', on music theory and the mathematics behind musical scales in three books. It begins with a definition of harmonic theory, with a long exposition on the relationship between reason and sense perception in corroborating theoretical assumptions. After criticizing the approaches of his predecessors, Ptolemy argues for basing musical intervals on mathematical ratios (in contrast to the followers of Aristoxenus), backed up by empirical observation (in contrast to the overly theoretical approach of the Pythagoreans). Ptolemy introduces the harmonic canon, an experimental apparatus that would be used for the demonstrations in the next chapters, then proceeds to discuss Pythagorean tuning. Pythagoreans believed that the mathematics of music should be based on the specific ratio of 3:2, whereas Ptolemy merely believed that it should just generally involve tetrachords and octaves. He presented his own divisions of the tetrachord and the octave, which he derived with the help of a monochord. The book ends with a more speculative exposition of the relationships between harmony, the soul (''psyche''), and the planets (Musica universalis, harmony of the spheres). Although Ptolemy's ''Harmonics'' never had the influence of his ''Almagest'' or ''Geography'', it is nonetheless a well-structured treatise and contains more methodological reflections than any other of his writings. During the Renaissance, Ptolemy's ideas inspired Kepler in his own musings on the harmony of the world (''Harmonices Mundi, Harmonice Mundi'', Appendix to Book V).


The ''Optica'' (Ancient Greek: Ὀπτικά), known as the ''Optics,'' is a work that survives only in a somewhat poor Latin version, which, in turn, was translated from a lost Arabic version by Eugenius of Palermo (). In it, Ptolemy writes about properties of sight (not light), including Reflection (physics), reflection, refraction, and colour. The work is a significant part of the early history of optics and influenced the more famous and superior 11th-century ''Book of Optics'' by Ibn al-Haytham. Ptolemy offered explanations for many phenomena concerning illumination and colour, size, shape, movement, and binocular vision. He also divided illusions into those caused by physical or optical factors and those caused by judgmental factors. He offered an obscure explanation of the sun or moon illusion (the enlarged apparent size on the horizon) based on the difficulty of looking upwards. The work is divided into three major sections. The first section (Book II) deals with direct vision from first principles and ends with a discussion of binocular vision. The second section (Books III-IV) treats Reflection (physics), reflection in plane, convex, concave, and compound mirrors. The last section (Book V) deals with refraction and includes the earliest surviving table of refraction from air to water, for which the values (with the exception of the 60° angle of incidence) show signs of being obtained from an arithmetic progression. However, according to Mark Smith, Ptolemy's table was based in part on real experiments. Ptolemy's theory of vision consisted of rays (or flux) coming from the eye forming a cone, the vertex being within the eye, and the base defining the visual field. The rays were sensitive, and conveyed information back to the observer's intellect about the distance and orientation of surfaces. Size and shape were determined by the visual angle subtended at the eye combined with perceived distance and orientation. This was one of the early statements of size-distance invariance as a cause of perceptual size and shape constancy, a view supported by the Stoics.


Although mainly known for his contributions to astronomy and other scientific subjects, Ptolemy also engaged in Epistemology, epistemological and Psychology, psychological discussions across his corpus. He wrote a short essay entitled ''On the Criterion and Hegemonikon'' (Ancient Greek: ''Περὶ Κριτηρίου καὶ Ἡγεμονικοῡ''), which may have been one of his earliest works. Ptolemy deals specifically with how humans obtain scientific knowledge (i.e., the "criterion" of truth), as well as with the nature and structure of the human ''psyche'' or soul, particularly its ruling faculty (i.e., the ''hegemonikon''). Ptolemy argues that, to arrive at the truth, one should use both reason and sense perception in ways that complement each other. ''On the Criterion'' is also noteworthy for being the only one of Ptolemy's works that is devoid of Greek mathematics, mathematics. Elsewhere, Ptolemy affirms the supremacy of mathematical knowledge over other forms of knowledge. Like Aristotle before him, Ptolemy classifies mathematics as a type of theoretical philosophy; however, Ptolemy believes mathematics to be superior to theology or metaphysics because the latter are conjectural while only the former can secure certain knowledge. This view is contrary to the Platonism, Platonic and Aristotelianism, Aristotelian traditions, where theology or metaphysics occupied the highest honour. Despite being a minority position among ancient philosophers, Ptolemy's views were shared by other mathematicians such as Hero of Alexandria.

Named after Ptolemy

There are several characters or items named after Ptolemy, including: * The crater Ptolemaeus (lunar crater), Ptolemaeus on the Moon * The crater Ptolemaeus (Martian crater), Ptolemaeus on Mars * The asteroid 4001 Ptolemaeus * Messier 7, sometimes known as the Ptolemy Cluster, an open cluster of stars in the constellation of Scorpius * The Ptolemy stone used in the mathematics courses at both St. John's College (Annapolis/Santa Fe), St. John's College campuses in the U.S. * Ptolemy's theorem on distances in a cyclic quadrilateral, and its generalization, Ptolemy's inequality, to non-cyclic quadrilaterals * Ptolemaic graphs, the graphs whose distances obey Ptolemy's inequality * Ptolemy Project, a project at University of California, Berkeley, aimed at modeling, simulating and designing concurrent, real-time, embedded systems * Ptolemy Slocum, actor


* * * * * * * * * ''Planisphaerium'', medieval Arabic translations and an English translation thereof,

See also

* Equant * Messier 7 – Ptolemy Cluster, star cluster described by Ptolemaeus * Pei Xiu * Canon of Kings, Ptolemy's Canon – a dated list of kings used by ancient astronomers. * Ptolemy's table of chords * Zhang Heng



* * Berggren, J. Lennart, and Alexander Jones. 2000. ''Ptolemy's ''Geography'': An Annotated Translation of the Theoretical Chapters''. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. . * * Hübner, Wolfgang, ed. 1998. ''Claudius Ptolemaeus, Opera quae exstant omnia'' Vol III/Fasc 1: ΑΠΟΤΕΛΕΣΜΑΤΙΚΑ (= Tetrabiblos). De Gruyter. (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana). (The most recent edition of the Greek text of Ptolemy's astrological work, based on earlier editions by F. Boll and E. Boer.) * Lejeune, A. (1989) ''L'Optique de Claude Ptolémée dans la version latine d'après l'arabe de l'émir Eugène de Sicile.'' [Latin text with French translation]. Collection de travaux de l'Académie International d'Histoire des Sciences, No. 31. Leiden: E.J.Brill. * * Nobbe, C. F. A., ed. 1843. Claudii Ptolemaei Geographia. 3 vols. Leipzig: Carolus Tauchnitus. (Until Stückelberger (2006), this was the most recent edition of the complete Greek text.) * Peerlings, R.H.J., Laurentius F., van den Bovenkamp J.,(2017) ''The watermarks in the Rome editions of Ptolemy's Cosmography and more'', In Quaerendo 47: 307–327, 2017. * Peerlings, R.H.J., Laurentius F., van den Bovenkamp J.,(2018) ''New findings and discoveries in the 1507/8 Rome edition of Ptolemy’s Cosmography'', In Quaerendo 48: 139–162, 2018. * Ptolemy. 1930. ''Die Harmonielehre des Klaudios Ptolemaios'', edited by Ingemar Düring. Göteborgs högskolas årsskrift 36, 1930:1. Göteborg: Elanders boktr. aktiebolag. Reprint, New York: Garland Publishing, 1980. * Ptolemy. 2000. ''Harmonics'', translated and commentary by Jon Solomon. Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava, Supplementum, 0169–8958, 203. Leiden and Boston: Brill Publishers. * . * * Smith, A.M. (1996) ''Ptolemy's theory of visual perception: An English translation of the Optics with introduction and commentary.'' Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 86, Part 2. Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society. * . * Stevenson, Edward Luther (trans. and ed.). 1932. ''Claudius Ptolemy: The Geography''. New York: New York Public Library. Reprint, New York: Dover, 1991. (This is the only complete English translation of Ptolemy's most famous work. Unfortunately, it is marred by numerous mistakes and the placenames are given in Latinised forms, rather than in the original Greek). * Stückelberger, Alfred, and Gerd Graßhoff (eds). 2006. ''Ptolemaios, Handbuch der Geographie, Griechisch-Deutsch''. 2 vols. Basel: Schwabe Verlag. . (Massive 1018 pp. scholarly edition by a team of a dozen scholars that takes account of all known manuscripts, with facing Greek and German text, footnotes on manuscript variations, color maps, and a CD with the geographical data) * * ''Ptolemy's Almagest'', Translated and annotated by G. J. Toomer. Princeton University Press, 1998 * Sir Thomas Heath, A History of Greek Mathematics, Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1921.

External links

Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos at LacusCurtius
(Transcription of the Loeb Classical Library's English translation)
Entire ''Tetrabiblos'' of J.M. Ashmand's 1822 translation.

(English translation, incomplete)

(English translation)

The complete text of Heiberg's edition (PDF) Greek.
''Almagest'' books 1–6
with preface at Internet Archive,
digitised codex made in Italy between 1460 and 1477, translated to Latin by Jacobus Angelus a
Also known as ''codex valentinus'', it is the oldest manuscript of the codices with maps of Ptolemy with the donis projections.
Hieronymi Cardani ... In Cl. Ptolemaei ... IIII De astrorum judiciis
From the Rare Book and Special Collection Division at the Library of Congress
Almagestū Cl. Ptolemei
From the Rare Book and Special Collection Division at the Library of Congress * Franz Boll (1894),
Studien über Claudius Ptolemaeus. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der griechischen Philosophie und Astrologie
In: ''Neue Jahrbücher für Philologie und Pädagogik'', Supplementband 21,2. Teubner, Leipzig, pp. 49–244. * * * * * * *

– at Paul Stoddard's Animated Virtual Planetarium, Northern Illinois University *

– at Rosemary Kennett's website at the Syracuse University
Flash animation of Ptolemy's universe.
(best in Internet Explorer)
Online Galleries, History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries
High resolution images of works by Ptolemy in .jpg and .tiff format.
Codex Vaticanus graecus 1291 ( in Vatican Digital Library
- Complete reproduction of the 9th century manuscript of Ptolemy's ''Handy Tables''. * {{Authority control Ptolemy, 100 births 170 deaths 1st-century Romans 2nd-century Romans 2nd-century philosophers 2nd-century poets Egyptian calendar Ancient Greek astrologers Ancient Greek astronomers Ancient Greek mathematicians Ancient Greek music theorists Astrological writers Claudii Egyptian astronomers Ancient Egyptian mathematicians Epigrammatists of the Greek Anthology 2nd-century Egyptian people Ancient Greek geographers Roman-era geographers 2nd-century geographers 2nd-century mathematicians