

Podor Department is one of the 46
departments of Senegal The 14 regions of Senegal are subdivided into 46 departments and 103 arrondissements (neither of which have administrative function) and by ''collectivités locales'' (the 14 ''régions'', 110 ''communes'', and 320 ''communautés rurales'') whic ...
and one of the three in the Saint-Louis Region in the far north-west of the country. Communes in the department are: * Golléré * Ndiandane * Ndioum * Podor * Mboumba * Guédé Chantier * Démette * Galoya Toucouleur * Aéré Lao * Pété * Walaldé * Bodé Lao Rural districts (Communautés rurales) comprise: *Arrondissement of Cas-Cas ** Méry ** Doumga Lao ** Madina Diathbé *Arrondissement of Gamadji Saré ** Gamadji Saré ** Dodel ** Guédé Village *Arrondissement of Saldé **Mbolo Birane **Boké Dialloubé *Arrondissement of Thillé Boubacar **Fanaye **Ndiayène Peindao

Historic sitesList of historic sites

* The Fort at Podor * Maison Foy at the corner of the quay in Podor * The quays and quay buildings of Podor * The mosque at Alwar * The Almamy cemetery at Mboumba * The old mosque at Mboumba * The mosque and mausoleum of Ouro Madiou * The mosque of Diama Alwaly * The old village of Walaldé * The old village of Siouré * The old village of Kaskas * The mosque of Guédé Ouro * The old village of Tioubalel


Departments of Senegal Saint-Louis Region {{Senegal-geo-stub