Philippine swamphen



Philippine swamphen (''Porphyrio pulverulentus''
Temminck Coenraad Jacob Temminck (; 31 March 1778 – 30 January 1858) was a Dutch aristocrat, zoologist and museum director. Biography Coenraad Jacob Temminck was born on 31 March 1778 in Amsterdam in the Dutch Republic. From his father, Jacob Temmin ...
, 1826) is a species of swamphen occurring in The
Philippines The Philippines (; fil, Pilipinas, links=no), officially the Republic of the Philippines ( fil, Republika ng Pilipinas, links=no), * bik, Republika kan Filipinas * ceb, Republika sa Pilipinas * cbk, República de Filipinas * hil, Republ ...
. It used to be considered a subspecies of the
purple swamphen The purple swamphen has been split into the following species: * Western swamphen, ''Porphyrio porphyrio'', southwest Europe and northwest Africa * African swamphen, ''Porphyrio madagascariensis'', sub-Saharan continental Africa and Madagascar * ...
, which it resembles, but has olive-chestnut mantle and scapulars, and the whole plumage is tinged with ash-grey.


{{Taxonbar, from=Q21097372 Philippine swamphen Endemic birds of the Philippines Wading birds Philippine swamphen