

Proto-Kra is the reconstructed ancestor of the
Kra languages The Kra languages (also known as the Geyang 仡央 or Kadai languages) are a branch of the Kra–Dai language family spoken in southern China (Guizhou, Guangxi, Yunnan) and in northern Vietnam ( Hà Giang Province). Names The name ''Kra'' comes ...
. It was reconstructed in 2000 by Weera Ostapirat in his Ph.D. dissertation.

Lower-level reconstructions

Ostapirat (2000) provided preliminary phonological reconstructions for several lower-level groupings before attempting a reconstruction of Proto-Kra. *Proto-Kra **Proto-South-Western Kra ***Proto-Western Kra ( Gelao, Lachi) ***Proto-Southern Kra ( Laha) **Proto-Central-East Kra ***Proto-Central Kra ( Paha) ***Proto-Eastern Kra ( Buyang, Qabiao)



Proto-Kra has a total of 32 consonants, seven of which (marked in green) can occur as syllable finals (Ostapirat 2000:224, 236).
Marc Miyake is an American linguist who specializes in historical linguistics, particularly the study of Old Japanese and Tangut. Biography Miyake was born in Aiea, Hawaii in 1971, and attended Punahou School in Honolulu, graduating in 1989. He studied ...
(2008) Miyake, Marc. 2008
Did Proto-Kra have retroflex initials?

proposes alternative reconstructions for Ostapirat's (2000) Proto-Kra retroflex consonants, suggesting that many of them were actually non-retroflexes that had been influenced by pre-syllables. Some examples of Miyake's (2008) revised Proto-Kra reconstructions are provided below. * *tsəm 'one' (Ostapirat's Proto-Kra *tʂəm C) * *tsun 'teach' (Ostapirat's Proto-Kra *tʂun A) * *N-tsu 'pillar' (Ostapirat's Proto-Kra *m-tʂu A) * *nok 'bird' (Ostapirat's Proto-Kra *ɳok D) * *nui 'snow' (Ostapirat's Proto-Kra *ɳui A) * *nəl 'fat' (Ostapirat's Proto-Kra *(m-)ɳəl A) * *CV-nəŋh 'salty' (Ostapirat's Proto-Kra *ʔ-ɳəŋ B) * *na 'thick' (Ostapirat's Proto-Kra *C-na A) * *nak 'give' (Ostapirat's Proto-Kra *nak D) * *klep 'fingernail' (Ostapirat's Proto-Kra *ʈ-lep D) * *(k/tV-)loŋ 'vegetable' (Ostapirat's Proto-Kra *ɖ-loŋ A) Additionally, Miyake (2008) revises Ostapirat's Proto-Kra *pwl- as *CV-pl-, *bwl- as *CV-bl-, *m-pl- as *pl-, *(p/d/k)-l- as *(p/d/k)V-l-, *ʈ-l- as k-l-, and *ɖ-l- as *(k/tV)-l-.


Proto-Kra has a total of 6 vowels (Ostapirat 2000:235). Proto-Kra has 4
diphthong A diphthong ( ; , ), also known as a gliding vowel, is a combination of two adjacent vowel sounds within the same syllable. Technically, a diphthong is a vowel with two different targets: that is, the tongue (and/or other parts of the speech o ...
s, which are not found in
closed syllable A syllable is a unit of organization for a sequence of speech sounds typically made up of a syllable nucleus (most often a vowel) with optional initial and final margins (typically, consonants). Syllables are often considered the phonological "bu ...
s. * * * *


Proto-Kra had an A–B–C–D tonal system typical of other Tai–Kadai languages (''see Proto-Tai language#Tones''). The tonal descriptions below are from Ostapirat (2000:237). # *A: *A is one of the most common tones. # *B: *B and *D are phonetically similar, as reflexes of tone *D are often the same as those of *B. This regularly occurs in all Kra languages except for Qabiao. # *C: *C is usually accompanied by glottal constriction and may have originally had a creaky or tense laryngeal quality. Some Gelao varieties and Yalang Buyang display the same reflex for *B and *C. # *D: *D is the only tone to occur exclusively in
closed syllable A syllable is a unit of organization for a sequence of speech sounds typically made up of a syllable nucleus (most often a vowel) with optional initial and final margins (typically, consonants). Syllables are often considered the phonological "bu ...
s. The following table of phonetic characteristics of Proto-Kra tones was adapted from Ostapirat (2000:237).


Below are reconstructed Proto-Kra forms from Ostapirat (2000). ;Body parts and bodily functions * *taiC 'armpit (1)' * *ljeA 'armpit (2)' * *mumC 'beard' * *hmokD 'belly' * *platD 'blood (1)' * *kɣaC 'blood (2)' * *plaɯC 'boil (n.)' * *dəkD 'bone' * *m-laB 'cheek/face' * *təkD 'chest' * *kaŋC 'chin' * *k-raA 'ear' * *kaiC 'excrement (1)' * *ʔikD 'excrement (2)' * *m-ʈaA 'eye' * *C-totD 'fart' * *ʈ-lepD 'fingernail' * *kokD 'foot' * *C-dəŋA 'forehead' * *m-diA 'gall bladder' * *motD 'hair' * *m-səmA 'hair (head)' * *mjaA 'hand' * *kraiB 'head' * *hlulC 'heart' * *C-siC 'intestine' * *C-kuB 'knee' * *C-kaA 'leg' * *təpD 'liver' * *ʔaɯC 'meat' * *ŋuŋA 'mouth (1)' * *mulB 'mouth (2)' * *m-ɖaɯA 'navel' * *C-joA 'neck' * *hŋətD 'nose (1)' * *teŋC 'nose (2)' * *hŋwuB 'pus' * *t-ruB 'saliva' * *m-baB 'shoulder' * *kwauB 'skin (1)' * *taA 'skin (2)' * *boŋA 'skin (3)' * *hloŋA 'stomach' * *ʒaC 'tear (n.)' * *ɣwjənA 'tendon (1)' * *ŋenA 'tendon (2)' * *t-roŋA 'throat (1)' * *kɣeA 'throat (2)' * *l-maA 'tongue' * *l-pənA 'tooth (1)' * *C-tʃuŋA 'tooth (2)' * *t-luC 'waist' ;Animals * *motD 'ant' * *C-meA 'bear' * *reA 'bee' * *ɳokD 'bird' * *kwaiA 'buffalo' * *kuC 'cat (wild)' * *kiA 'chicken' * *niA 'cow' * *d-ratD 'crab' * *ʔakD 'crow (n.)' * *ditD 'deer' * *x-maA 'dog' * *blaɯA 'duck (1)' * *kapD 'duck (2)' * *ʈəmA 'egg' * *p-laA 'fish' * *x-mətD 'flea' * *meC 'goat' * *d-laŋC 'hawk' * *C-kuA 'horn' * *ŋjaC 'horse' * *C-ʈuA 'louse (head)' * *m-drəlA 'louse (body)' * *kʒətD 'maggot' * *taiC 'monkey (1)' * *krokD 'monkey (2)' * *m-luA 'monkey (gibbon)' * *dʒaŋA 'mosquito' * *x-muA 'pig' * *hlaiC 'rat' * *tʃuiA 'shellfish' * *C-tʃotD 'tail' * *ŋaA 'snake' * *(k-)diA 'tiger' * *gwjaA 'wing' ;Plants * *tokD 'banana' * *m-teC 'beans' * *m-pwaB 'bran' * *kaA 'cogon grass' * *m-tiŋA 'cucumber' * *C-kənA 'ear of grain' * *hŋaC 'flower (1)' * *balA 'flower (2)' * *C-makD 'fruit' * *C-suiB 'garlic (1)' * *kɣaA 'garlic (2)' * *kɣiŋA 'ginger' * *t-laɯA 'grass/tobacco' * *ɖiŋA 'leaf' * *l-kaA 'mushroom' * *caA 'paddy (grain)' * *m-pləŋA 'peach' * *mla(ɯ)C 'rice (cooked)' * *salA 'rice (husked)' * *kʒaŋA 'rice' * *tsaŋA 'root' * *peA 'seed' * *l-ŋaA 'sesame' * *ʒaŋA 'sorghum' * *p-ɣakD 'taro (1)' * *rwauC 'taro (2)' * *ŋjanC 'thorn' * *tiA 'tree' * *ɖ-loŋA 'vegetable (1)' * *ʔopD 'vegetable (2)' * *məlA 'yam' ;Nature * *m-tuB1 'ash' * *laB 'coal' * *mukD 'cloud/fog' * *luB 'earth' * *ʔutD 'earth (soil/mud)' * *naA 'field (wet)' * *zaC 'field (dry)' * *puiA 'fire' * *suiA 'firewood' * *l-meA 'frost' * *tsepD 'hail' * *kjəlC 'iron' * *m-ɖjanA 'moon (1)' * *(C-)tjanA 'moon (2)' * *dʐuA 'mountain' * *monA 'rain' * *jəlA 'rain' * *kronA 'road' * *t-laB 'rock (1)' * *ʔuŋA 'rock (2)' * *p-raA 'rock (3)' * *hŋaiA 'sand' * *praɯB 'silver (1)' * *ŋjənA 'silver (2)' * *m-kwənA 'smoke' * *ɳuiA 'snow' * *d-luŋA 'star' * *t-laŋA 'sunlight' * *(l-)wənA 'sun' * *ʔuŋC 'water' * *gwjənA 'wind' ;Material culture * *kwanA 'ax' * *daA 'boat' * *dzaɯB/C 'chopsticks' * *C-ʃeA 'comb' * *trauC 'den/nest' * *x-ŋoA 'door' * *d-luŋA 'drum' * *t-lopD 'hat (bamboo)' * *kranA 'house' * *kwliA 'ladder (1)' * *kɣuŋA 'ladder (2)' * *pluA 'liquor (1)' * *C-kaC 'liquor (2)' * *t-laɯA 'medicine' * *druA 'mortar' * *ŋlotD 'needle' * *tsakD 'pestle' * *m-tʂuA 'pillar' * *hɲeA 'pillow' * *C-ʃakD 'rope' * *ɲoA 'salt' * *gwaŋA 'sieve' * *ʔenC 'skirt' * *ʒunB 'thread' * *mɣaiA 'village' ;Kinship and pronouns * *taiA 'brother (elder)' * *ʒaɯB 'brother (younger)' * *lakD 'child' * *baA 'father' * *paB1 'father' * *m-liB 'female-in-law' * *klalA 'grandchild' * *m-pauB 'grandfather' * *jaC 'grandmother' * *kuA 'I (1)' * *ʔeA 'I (2)' * *C-paɯC 'male/husband' * *seA 'male/husband' * *dʒuC 'male-in-law' * *maiC 'mother' * *n(ʒ)iA 'name' * *bɣuŋC 'orphan' * *piC 'sister (elder)' * *ʔonC 'sister (younger)' * *ŋunA 'spirit' * *r-maŋA 'spirit' * *ʒanA 'strength' * *t-ɣuA 'we' * *ʔ-nauA/C 'who' * *məA/B 'you' ;Adjectives * *kəmA 'bitter' * *hl/dəmA 'black' * *ʔaŋC 'bright' * *ŋəlC 'deaf' * *(h)ləkD 'deep' * *r-meA 'drunk' * *kʒaB 'dry' * *k-liA 'far' * *(m-)ɳəlA 'fat' * *m-tikD 'full' * *ʔaiA 'good' * *kʒəlA 'heavy' * *piŋC 'hot' * *dokD 'itchy' * *prenA 'lazy' * *kʒaC 'light (not heavy)' * *riC 'long' * *ʔiB 'many' * *d-laC 'near' * *malA 'new' * *kuB 'old (1)' * *kjaC/B 'old (2)' * *(k-)ɖepD 'raw' * *ŋ(w)aB 'real' * *hŋwuB 'ripe' * *roŋB 'rotten' * *ʔ-ɳəŋB 'salty' * *tʃiB 'satiated' * *ɖjelC/B 'shallow' * *hɲanC 'short (not long 1)' * *tiC 'short (not long 2)' * *taB/C 'short (not tall)' * *gjaɯC 'skinny' * *bwlatD 'sour' * *ʔetD 'small' * *muB 'smelly' * *tjelC 'sweet' * *k-ɣwaŋA 'tall' * *C-naA 'thick' * *ɣwəC 'thin' * *tuC 'warm (1)' * *ʔunB 'warm (2)' * *rəkD 'wet' * *r-ʔukD 'white' * *C-ŋilC 'yellow' ;Verbs * *p-laA 'afraid' * *pluŋC 'alive' * *tsiC 'ask' * *m-plauB 'bark (v.)' * *ʔapD 'bathe' * *ʈaiB 'bite' * *rəmC 'bite' * *tsolA 'buy' * *paC 'carry on back (1)' * *m-blikD 'carry on back (2)' * *s-leB 'choose' * *kləpD 'close eye (1)' * *nəpD 'close eye (2)' * *(C-)maA 'come' * *m-duŋA 'come (return)' * *ɖəŋA 'crow (v.)' * *teC 'cut (1)' * *hrənC 'cut (2)' * *caɯC 'descend (1)' * *d-loŋA 'descend (2)' * *pɣonA 'die' * *duA 'do' * *l-pənA 'dream' * *hromC 'drink' * *m-ʈakD 'dry in sun' * *kanA 'eat' * *tokD 'fall' * *t-luiA 'flow' * *dəpD 'forget' * *nakD 'give' * *pwənB 'get (1)' * *m-toB 'get (2)' * *ɣwaC 'go' * *kəmC 'hatch' * *ʔənA 'have' * *dʒəkD 'hear' * *komA 'hold in mouth (1)' * *ʔomA 'hold in mouth (2)' * *p-ɣonA 'kill' * *soA 'know' * *k-soA 'laugh' * *limC 'lick' * *(h)ŋwaiA/B 'love' * *təmC 'plant (v.)' * *betD 'pluck' * *(ʔ)jəŋA/C 'rest' * *ʔiB 'scold (1)' * *kənC 'scold (2)' * *hɲanB 'scold (3)' * *kaiA 'see' * *tiC 'see (look)' * *s-ɣwiA 'sell' * *səlB 'shake/shiver' * *d-riC 'sick' * *ŋuB 'sleep (1)' * *ʔuB 'sleep (2)' * *muB 'smell' * *pɣaB 'split (1)' * *deB 'split (2)' * *lumC 'steal' * *tsuC 'steam (v.)' * *d-lwal C/A 'swallow (v.)' * *klutD 'take off' * *tʂunA 'teach' * *hŋa(ɯ)A 'wait' * *C-pwiA 'walk' * *leC 'wear' * *ɲitD 'weep' ;Space, time, and deictics * *ljuA 'above' * *lonA 'back/behind' * *dəŋC 'back/behind' * *kunA 'before/front' * *ɲunB/C 'below' * *(h)wənA 'day' * *t-luŋC 'inside' * *mjaŋB 'left' * *m-ɖjanA 'month' * *riC 'outside' * *(x-)mitD 'right' * *ʔ-ɲaC/B 'that' * *ʔ-niC/B 'this' * *m-(p)ɣiŋA 'year' ;Numerals * *tʂəmC 'one' * *saA 'two' * *tuA 'three' * *pəA 'four' * *r-maA 'five' * *x-nəmA 'six' * *t-ruA 'seven' * *m-ruA 'eight' * *s-ɣwaB 'nine' * *pwlotD 'ten' * *kjənA 'hundred'



*Chen, Y.-L. (2018). ''Proto-Ong-Be''. Doctoral dissertation, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. *Hsiu, Andrew. 2017
Potential loanwords in Kra
* Miyake, Marc. 2018
Chu and Kra-Dai
* Miyake, Marc. 2013. The other Kra-Dai numerals (Part
. * Miyake, Marc. 2013
Proto-Kra 'seven'
* Miyake, Marc. 2013
Retroflexion or lenition?: Kra-Dai 'eye'
* Miyake, Marc. 2013
Thurgood's "Tai-Kadai and Austronesian: the nature of the historical relationship" (1994)
* Miyake, Marc. 2012
''t'' for *''p'' in Vietnamese
* Miyake, Marc. 2011
Dating Proto-Kra-Dai: the clue of the old chicken
* Miyake, Marc. 2008
Did Proto-Kra have retroflex initials?

* Miyake, Marc. 2008
Correspondences between Proto-Kra and Proto-Tai implosives
* Miyake, Marc. 2008
From presyllables to Proto-Kra clusters?
* Miyake, Marc. 2008
Proto-Kra presyllables and clusters with labial stops
* Miyake, Marc. 2008
Were Kra words for 'chopsticks' borrowed from Chinese?
* Miyake, Marc. 2008
布央 Cloth center consonants
* Miyake, Marc. 2008
Limited knowledge only gets you *''so'' far
* Miyake, Marc. 2008
What's *''so'' funny about knowledge?
*Ostapirat, Weera. 2000.
" ''Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area'' 23 (1): 1-251. *Ostapirat, Weera. (2009)
Proto-Tai and Kra-Dai Finals *-l and *-c
''Journal of Language and Culture, 28''(2), 41-56. *Ostapirat, Weera. (2013)
The Rime System of Proto-Tai
''Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics, 7''(1), 189-227. *Pittayaporn, Pittayawat. (2009)
''The Phonology of Proto-Tai (Doctoral dissertation)''.
Cornell University.

See also

Proto-Austronesian language Proto-Austronesian (commonly abbreviated as PAN or PAn) is a proto-language. It is the reconstructed ancestor of the Austronesian languages, one of the world's major language families. Proto-Austronesian is assumed to have begun to diversify ...
Proto-Hlai language Proto-Hlai is the reconstructed ancestor of the Hlai languages. Proto-Hlai reconstructions include those of Matisoff (1988), Thurgood (1991), Wu (2000), Ostapirat (2004), and Norquest (2007). Phonology Peter K. Norquest (2007) reconstructs 29 b ...
Proto-Kam–Sui language Proto-Kam–Sui is the reconstructed ancestor of the Kam–Sui languages. Reconstructions A preliminary of reconstruction of Proto-Kam–Sui had been undertaken by Graham Thurgood (1988).Thurgood, Graham. 1988. "Notes on the reconstruction of Pr ...
Proto-Tai language Proto-Tai is the reconstructed proto-language (common ancestor) of all the Tai languages, including modern Lao, Shan, Tai Lü, Tai Dam, Ahom, Northern Thai, Standard Thai, Bouyei, and Zhuang. The Proto-Tai language is not directly attested ...
Austro-Tai languages The Austro-Tai languages, sometimes also Austro-Thai languages, are a proposed language family that comprises the Austronesian languages and the Kra–Dai languages. Related proposals include Austric ( Wilhelm Schmidt in 1906) and Sino-Austrone ...

External links

ABVD: Proto-Kra word list

ABVD: word lists of Kra-Dai languages
{{Tai-Kadai languages Kra languages Kra