

Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB) is a
Bangladesh Bangladesh (}, ), officially the People's Republic of Bangladesh, is a country in South Asia. It is the eighth-most populous country in the world, with a population exceeding 165 million people in an area of . Bangladesh is among the mos ...
i public limited company listed at the Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchange. __TOC__

PGCB at a Glance

Corporate Office: PGCB Bhaban, Avenue-3, Jahurul Islam City, Aftabnagar, Badda, Dhaka-1212. Year of Incorporation: 1996 -31820(941)/96 Status: Public Limited Company (Listed). Business: Transmission of Power. Authorized Capital: Tk. 10,000 Crore. Paid-up Capital: Tk. 712.73 Crore. Turnover (2020-2021): Tk. 2,283.85 Crore. Net Profit before tax (2020-2021): Tk. 427.99 Crore. Manpower as on 30 June, 2021: 2690 persons.

Transmission Infrastructure Information

Transmission Line : 400kV: 1397 Circuit km, 230kV: 4,022 Circuit km, 132kV: 8190 Circuit km, 187.57 Circuit km (Others). Substation: 400kV: 1 Nos 2x500MW HVDC Back to Back station, 400/230kV: 4 Nos 4,680 MVA, 2 Nos 1170 MVA (Others). 400/132 kV: 3 Nos 1,950 MVA. 230/132kV: 27 Nos. 15,225 MVA, 3 Nos. 7,50 MVA (Others) 230/33KV: 1 Nos. 280 MVA, 3 Nos. 910 MVA(others). 132/33kV: 125 Nos. 24,775 MVA, 40 Nos. 6,851.6 MVA (Others) Dispatch Capacity at 33kV level: 29,535 MW (Including all organizations)

See also

Electricity sector in Bangladesh The utility electricity sector in Bangladesh has one national grid with an installed capacity of 25,700 MW as of June 2022. Bangladesh's energy sector is not up to the mark. However, per capita energy consumption in Bangladesh is considered hi ...


Electric power transmission system operators in Bangladesh {{energy-company-stub