

Postparietals are cranial bones present in fish and many
tetrapods Tetrapods (; ) are four-limbed vertebrate animals constituting the superclass Tetrapoda (). It includes extant and extinct amphibians, sauropsids (reptiles, including dinosaurs and therefore birds) and synapsids ( pelycosaurs, extinct therapsi ...
. Although initially a pair of bones, many lineages possess postparietals which were fused into a single bone. The postparietals were dermal bones situated along the midline of the skull, behind the
parietal bones The parietal bones () are two bones in the skull which, when joined at a fibrous joint, form the sides and roof of the cranium. In humans, each bone is roughly quadrilateral in form, and has two surfaces, four borders, and four angles. It is named ...
. They formed part of the rear edge of the skull roof, and the lateral edge of each postparietal often contacts the
tabular Table may refer to: * Table (furniture), a piece of furniture with a flat surface and one or more legs * Table (landform), a flat area of land * Table (information), a data arrangement with rows and columns * Table (database), how the table data ...
supratemporal The supratemporal bone is a paired cranial bone present in many tetrapods and tetrapodomorph fish. It is part of the temporal region (the portion of the skull roof behind the eyes), usually lying medial (inwards) relative to the squamosal and latera ...
bones. In fish, the postparietals are elongated, typically the largest components of the skull roof. Tetrapods possessed shorter postparietals, which were reduced further and shifted towards the braincase in amniotes. At several points in
synapsid Synapsids + (, 'arch') > () "having a fused arch"; synonymous with ''theropsids'' (Greek, "beast-face") are one of the two major groups of animals that evolved from basal amniotes, the other being the sauropsids, the group that includes reptil ...
evolution, the postparietals fused to each other and the tabulars during
embryological Embryology (from Greek ἔμβρυον, ''embryon'', "the unborn, embryo"; and -λογία, ''-logia'') is the branch of animal biology that studies the prenatal development of gametes (sex cells), fertilization, and development of embryos and ...
development. This fusion produces the
interparietal bone An interparietal bone (os interparietale or Inca bone or ''os inca var.'') is a dermal bone situated between the parietal and supraoccipital. It is homologous to the postparietal bones of other animals. In humans, it corresponds to the upper p ...
, which is inherited by
mammals Mammals () are a group of vertebrate animals constituting the class Mammalia (), characterized by the presence of mammary glands which in females produce milk for feeding (nursing) their young, a neocortex (a region of the brain), fur o ...
. Postparietals are common in extinct amphibians and early reptiles. However, most living amphibians (of the group Lissamphibia) and living reptiles (of the group
Sauria Sauria is the clade containing the most recent common ancestor of archosaurs (such as crocodilians, dinosaurs, etc.) and lepidosaurs ( lizards and kin), and all its descendants. Since most molecular phylogenies recover turtles as more closely ...
) lack postparietal bones, with a few exceptions.


Fish and amphibians

Watson & Day (1916)'s "orthodox" interpretation of fish skulls argued that fish lacked independent postparietals, with the elongated paired midline bones at the back of the skull being interpreted as parietals. On the other hand, Westoll (1938) proposed an alternative interpretation which identified the bones as postparietals based on comparisons between early
tetrapods Tetrapods (; ) are four-limbed vertebrate animals constituting the superclass Tetrapoda (). It includes extant and extinct amphibians, sauropsids (reptiles, including dinosaurs and therefore birds) and synapsids ( pelycosaurs, extinct therapsi ...
and their
sarcopterygian Sarcopterygii (; ) — sometimes considered synonymous with Crossopterygii () — is a taxon (traditionally a class or subclass) of the bony fishes known as the lobe-finned fishes. The group Tetrapoda, a mostly terrestrial superclass includ ...
ancestors. This latter interpretation has usurped the "orthodox" interpretation and is currently more widespread among paleontologists Although the generally large size of fish postparietals are inconsistent with the smaller postparietals of tetrapods, there are many factors supporting the identification of the large posterior midline elements as postparietals, rather than parietals. These include their contact with tabulars and supratemporals, the fact that they are positioned behind the bones which surround the parietal foramen (i.e. the parietal bones), and how transitional taxa show apparent homology with tetrapod postparietals and the large posterior midline elements of fish. Studies of '' Ichthyostega'', ''
Elpistostege ''Elpistostege'' is an extinct genus of finned tetrapodomorphs that lived during the late Givetian to early Frasnian ages of the Late Devonian epoch. Its only known species, ''E. watsoni'', was first described in 1938 by the British palaeontolog ...
'', and ''
Edops ''Edops'' ('swollen face') is an extinct genus of temnospondyl amphibian from the Early Permian Period. Unlike more advanced temnospondyls of the time, such as ''Eryops'', ''Edops'' exhibited an archaic pattern of palatal bones, and still posses ...
'' in particular have demonstrated this concept. One objection to this interpretation is that the single midline postparietal of ''Ichthyostega'' has a transverse bend of the lateral line, which in fish typically occurs on extrascapular elements (plates at the back of the skull formed from enlarged neck scales). Proponents of the "orthodox" interpretation used this to argue that the unpaired postparietal of ''Icthyostega'' is a modified extrascapular element not homologous to what they identify as the "parietals" of fish. However, this is more easily explained by a simple shift in the position of the lateral line, as the postparietals of ''Icthyostega'' are otherwise identical in proportion and position (and therefore considered homologous) to the large paired posterior midline elements of fish. Many sarcopterygian fish (including living coelocanths) possess a large, robust plate at the back of the skull known as a postparietal shield. This plate consists mostly of the large postparietals along its midline, with smaller tabular bones and one or more supratemporal bones along its edge. The postparietal shield often articulates with the rest of the skull through a mobile joint. As sarcopterygians acquire more derived features and eventually evolve into tetrapods, the postparietals gradually shrink, losing their status as the largest midline elements of the skull and allowing the more anteriorly-situated parietal bones (and the newly acquired frontal bones) to acquire that status. The postparietals also becomes more solidly attached to the parietals. Most lissamphibians lack postparietals, with the exception of a few anurans such as ''Pelates'' (spadefoot toads) and ''Bombina'' (fire-bellied toads). In
diadectomorphs Diadectomorpha is a clade of large tetrapods that lived in Euramerica during the Carboniferous and Early Permian periods and in Asia during Late Permian (Wuchiapingian), They have typically been classified as advanced reptiliomorphs (transiti ...
, the postparietals fuse to each other. The
seymouriamorph Seymouriamorpha were a small but widespread group of limbed vertebrates (tetrapods). They have long been considered reptiliomorphs, and most paleontologists may still accept this point of view, but some analyses suggest that seymouriamorphs are s ...
Discosauriscus ''Discosauriscus'' was a small seymouriamorph which lived in what is now Central and Western Europe in the Early Permian Period. Its best fossils have been found in the Broumov and Bačov Formations of Boskovice Furrow, in the Czech Republic. ...
'' has a high degree of interspecific variation in regards to postparietal fusion; they may either fuse with each other, not at all, or with the adjacent tabulars but not with each other. Closer to the base of amniotes, the postparietal shifts from the dorsal portion of the skull to the occipital (braincase) portion, sloping downwards in the process.


Early synapsids inherited postparietals (sometimes paired) from their non-amniote ancestors. Embryological data indicates that the
interparietal bone An interparietal bone (os interparietale or Inca bone or ''os inca var.'') is a dermal bone situated between the parietal and supraoccipital. It is homologous to the postparietal bones of other animals. In humans, it corresponds to the upper p ...
of mammals forms from the fusion of four bones during early development: a pair of medial
neural crest Neural crest cells are a temporary group of cells unique to vertebrates that arise from the embryonic ectoderm germ layer, and in turn give rise to a diverse cell lineage—including melanocytes, craniofacial cartilage and bone, smooth muscle, per ...
elements edged by lateral mesoderm elements. The medial neural crest-derived pair are considered homologous to the postparietals of other vertebrates, while the lateral mesoderm bones are considered homologous to the tabular bones. In almost all mammals, all four bones are fused to each other by the time of birth, and in many cases they additionally fuse to the parietal and
supraoccipital The occipital bone () is a cranial dermal bone and the main bone of the occiput (back and lower part of the skull). It is trapezoidal in shape and curved on itself like a shallow dish. The occipital bone overlies the occipital lobes of the cereb ...
in adulthood. Many non-mammalian synapsids have three bones in the interparietal region as adults: one midline bone and two lateral bones. In these situations, the midline bone (often also termed an interparietal) is a fused postparietal while the lateral bones are tabulars. Independently-derived fusion between paired postparietals and/or the adjacent tabulars is common among synapsids, meaning that many different lineages have one, three, or four bones in the region which makes up the mammalian interparietal. In rare cases there are two interparietal bones, formed when left and right postparietals each fuse to their corresponding tabular, but not each other.


The postparietals continue to shrink and move further back in the skull in reptiles, no longer forming any contribution to the ceiling of the brain cavity. Small paired or fused postparietals are common in Permian
parareptiles Parareptilia ("at the side of reptiles") is a subclass or clade of basal sauropsids ( reptiles), typically considered the sister taxon to Eureptilia (the group that likely contains all living reptiles and birds). Parareptiles first arose near t ...
eureptiles Eureptilia ("true reptiles") is one of the two major subgroups of the clade Sauropsida, the other one being Parareptilia. Eureptilia includes Diapsida (the clade containing all modern reptiles and birds), as well as a number of primitive Perm ...
, including early
diapsids Diapsids ("two arches") are a clade of sauropsids, distinguished from more primitive eureptiles by the presence of two holes, known as temporal fenestrae, in each side of their skulls. The group first appeared about three hundred million years ag ...
such as ''
Petrolacosaurus ''Petrolacosaurus'' ("rock lake lizard") is an extinct genus of diapsid reptile from the late Carboniferous period. It was a small, long reptile, and the earliest known reptile with two temporal fenestrae (holes at the rear part of the skull ...
'' and ''
Youngina ''Youngina'' is an extinct genus of diapsid reptile from the Late Permian Beaufort Group ('' Tropidostoma''-''Dicynodon'' zones) of the Karoo Red Beds of South Africa. This, and a few related forms, make up the family Younginidae, within the Ord ...
''. Postparietals were subsequently lost at the base of
Sauria Sauria is the clade containing the most recent common ancestor of archosaurs (such as crocodilians, dinosaurs, etc.) and lepidosaurs ( lizards and kin), and all its descendants. Since most molecular phylogenies recover turtles as more closely ...
, the expansive diapsid subgroup containing all living species of reptiles.
Archosauriforms Archosauriformes (Greek for 'ruling lizards', and Latin for 'form') is a clade of diapsid reptiles that developed from archosauromorph ancestors some time in the Latest Permian (roughly 252 million years ago). It was defined by Jacques Gauthi ...
(and their sister taxon ''
Tasmaniosaurus ''Tasmaniosaurus'' ('lizard from Tasmania', although this genus is not a true lizard) is an extinct genus of archosauromorph reptile known from the Knocklofty Formation (Early Triassic) of West Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. The type species is ...
'') briefly reacquired postparietals in the form of a single fused bone. As in synapsids, this bone has sometimes been termed an interparietal. Proterosuchids,
erythrosuchids Erythrosuchidae (meaning "red crocodiles" in Greek) are a family of large basal archosauriform carnivores that lived from the later Early Triassic (Olenekian) to the early Middle Triassic (Anisian). Naming The family Erythrosuchidae was named by ...
, euparkeriids, and ''
Asperoris ''Asperoris'' is an extinct genus of archosauriform reptile known from the Middle Triassic Manda Beds of southwestern Tanzania. It is the first archosauriform known from the Manda Beds that is not an archosaur. However, its relationships with ot ...
'' are all known to have possessed interparietals, while the bone was absent in proterochampsids, ''
Doswellia ''Doswellia'' is an extinct genus of archosauriform from the Late Triassic of North America. It is the most notable member of the family Doswelliidae, related to the proterochampsids. ''Doswellia'' was a low and heavily built carnivore which liv ...
'', '' Vancleavea'', '' Litorosuchus'', most or all
phytosaurs Phytosaurs (Φυτόσαυροι in greek) are an extinct group of large, mostly semiaquatic Late Triassic archosauriform reptiles. Phytosaurs belong to the order Phytosauria. Phytosauria and Phytosauridae are often considered to be equivalen ...
, and
archosaurs Archosauria () is a clade of diapsids, with birds and crocodilians as the only living representatives. Archosaurs are broadly classified as reptiles, in the cladistic sense of the term which includes birds. Extinct archosaurs include non-avia ...
. The only true archosaur generally considered to possess an interparietal as an adult is a single specimen of ''
Gracilisuchus ''Gracilisuchus'' (meaning "slender crocodile") is an extinct genus of tiny pseudosuchian (a group which includes the ancestors of crocodilians) from the Late Triassic of Argentina. It contains a single species, ''G. stipanicicorum'', which is pl ...
''. Paired postparietals have also been observed in ''Alligator mississippiensis'' embryos, although they are incorporated into the supraoccipital by the time of hatching. One proposal used developmental data to argue that the "parietal" of birds was actually derived from postparietals. However, subsequent review provided evidence against that hypothesis by demonstrating that birds had inherited a consistent relationship between the skull roof and brain cavity; this relationship excluded the postparietals from the brain cavity (at least in reptiles) and supported the traditional interpretation that the parietal of birds was homologous to that of other reptiles.


{{Tetrapod osteology Vertebrate anatomy