Pontificio Instituto Orientale



The Pontifical Oriental Institute, also known as the Orientale, is a Catholic institution of higher education located in Rome and focusing on
Eastern Christianity Eastern Christianity comprises Christian traditions and church families that originally developed during classical and late antiquity in Eastern Europe, Southeastern Europe, Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Northeast Africa, the Fertile Crescent and ...
. The plan of creating a school of higher learning for Eastern Christianity had been on the agenda of the Catholic Church since at least Pope Leo XIII, but it was only realized in 1917 by Pope Benedict XV. The Orientale forms part of the consortium of the Pontifical Gregorian University (founded in 1551) and the Pontifical Biblical Institute (founded in 1909), both in Rome. All three institutions are run by the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). While the Orientale depends on the Holy See, its management is entrusted to the Society of Jesus. Its chancellor is the Prefect of the
Congregation for the Eastern Churches The Dicastery for the Eastern Churches (also called Dicastery for the Oriental Churches), previously named Congregation for the Oriental Churches or Congregation for the Eastern Churches ( la, Congregatio pro Ecclesiis Orientalibus), is a dicaste ...
and its vice-chancellor is the
superior general of the Society of Jesus The superior general of the Society of Jesus is the leader of the Society of Jesus, the Catholic religious order also known as the Jesuits. He is generally addressed as Father General. The position sometimes carries the nickname of the Black Po ...
, while the Congregation for Catholic Education is the dicastery competent for approving the academic programmes of the Orientale. Each year, another approximately 400 scholars visit the library for research purposes.


The Pontifical Oriental Institute is a school of higher studies that has as its particular mission the service of the Oriental Churches. It is to make known to the churches of the East “the immense richness ... preserved in the treasure chests of their traditions” (GP II, Orientale Lumen 4) and equally to make known to the Latin West these riches so little explored. Its mission is to pursue research, teaching, and publishing related to the traditions of the Eastern Churches in their theology, liturgy, patristics, history, canon law, literature and languages, spirituality, archaeology, and questions of ecumenical and geopolitical importance. The aim of the Orientale is to educate students already in possession of a first academic degree, irrespective of their religious affiliation, Latin or Eastern Catholic, Orthodox or otherwise, to deepen their knowledge of the Christian East in its Churches, theology, spirituality, liturgy, discipline, history, and culture. The student population comes largely from the countries of the Eastern churches: the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa (Egypt, Ethiopia, and Eritrea), and Asia (Mesopotamia; Kerala, India), with a significant number of students from Europe and the Americas interested in learning about the Christian East. Today, with the flood of migrants and refugees from some of the above countries, students also come from the diaspora communities.


The early years

The Orientale’s first provisional seat was in the immediate vicinity of the Vatican, in the
Palazzo dei Convertendi Palazzo dei Convertendi (also Palazzo della Congregazione per le Chiese orientali) is a reconstructed Renaissance palace in Rome. It originally faced the Piazza Scossacavalli, but was demolished and rebuilt along the north side of Via della Conc ...
, Piazza Scossacavalli, which later had to give way to Via della Conciliazione. The Institute was briefly re-located to the current premises of the Pontifical Biblical Institute, in via della Pilotta, 25, Rome until 1926 when it settled into its permanent seat at Piazza di Santa Maria Maggiore, 7. Of all churches in Rome, the Basilica of St. Mary Major in the same square is the one which evokes the East most closely. Its famous mosaics were executed under Pope Sixtus III (432-440) to celebrate the third ecumenical council of Ephesus (431), which, by emphasizing that Jesus Christ is one person, brought out as a consequence that Mary, his Mother, is the Mother of God, or the Theotokos, as the Greeks call her. As the Basilica prides itself on having the relics of the crib, it is thus liturgically known as “ad Praesepe”, the Church of the Crib. Here, moreover, in the late 860s the apostles of the Slavs, Saints Cyril and Methodius, deposited their liturgy books, an indication that now, after the pope’s approval, one could celebrate the liturgy in Church Slavonic. In a side street opposite against the Orientale there is the Basilica of Santa Prassede, with its Carolingian mosaics attesting Pope St Pascal I’s revulsion against the iconoclasm which at the time of the construction of the Basilica (817) had resumed in the East. Nearby, there is a marble slab reminding us that St Cyril, St Methodius’ brother, died there in 869. As part of the complex of the block where the Orientale is there is the church of St. Anthony the Great (S. Antonio Abate), of whom all Easterners are particularly fond. He is also popular in Rome, where people still recall the times when the blessing of the animals took place in this church. Ever since the creation of the Pontifical Russian College in 1929, known as the Russicum, by Pius XI (1921-1939), the church has been run by Jesuits living in the college. In many ways, therefore, the position of the Orientale is ideal.

The first 100 years

The Orientale was created as a twin institution to the Congregation for the Eastern Church, whose name would change in 1967 to Congregation for the Eastern Churches. Without the link to this important organ of the Holy See, it would be impossible to grasp the purpose and mission of the Orientale, nor how the Orientale could be founded in the midst of the "useless massacre" of World War I, 1917. The question to which the creation of the Orientale was meant to be the answer had been long in coming. Known as la question d’Orient, the question was first posed after the Ottoman’s humiliating defeat at the hands of the Russians in 1774 (cf. the Treaty of Kutchuk-Kainarji), becoming ever more poignant ever since Napoleon set foot in Egypt in 1798: what was to be done with the millions of Christians under the Ottomans once the Ottoman empire would disappear? The question reached its acme in the Eucharistic Congress of Jerusalem in 1893, when the Eastern Catholic Patriarchs made the grievances of their communities known to the papal legate, Cardinal Benoît Langenieux, who forwarded them to the pope. Leo XIII at once convoked an assembly of Eastern Catholic Patriarchs for the following year (1894), from which emerged the apostolic letter ''
Orientalium dignitas ''Orientalium dignitas'' is a papal encyclical concerning the Eastern Catholic churches issued by Pope Leo XIII on November 30, 1894. The encyclical further established the rights of the Eastern Catholic churches. This includes a prohibition agai ...
','' known as the
Magna Charta (Medieval Latin for "Great Charter of Freedoms"), commonly called (also ''Magna Charta''; "Great Charter"), is a royal charter of rights agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15 June 1215. First drafted by t ...
of the rights of Eastern Catholics. With the collapse of the Russian empire a reality after the February revolution of 1917 and the demise of the Ottoman empire in sight, the pope decided to act. With the motu proprio regarding the Eastern Congregation, ''Providentis Dei'' (1.05.1917), the pope created the Oriental Congregation; with the other ''motu proprio Orientis catholici''(15.10.1917), he created the Orientale. The pope reserved to himself the prefecture of the new Congregation, whose head was therefore only a Secretary, although a cardinal (cfr. canon 257 of the Pio-Benedictine '' Codex Iuris canonici'' of 1917 specified precisely this). Already three years after founding the Orientale, Benedict XV granted it, through the apostolic constitution, ''Quod nobis in condendo'', the right to confer degrees. From the start the pope insisted on the necessity of a richly supplied Eastern library to second the study and the research of the Orientale population. At the beginning the professors were chosen from various orders and even among lay people. These were a White Father, Antoine Delpuch (1868-1936), who served as pro-president in the first year of the Orientale's functioning (1918-1919); two Benedictines, including Ildefonso Schuster; three Assumptionists, including Martin Jugie (1878-1954), a professor at the Orientale for only the first few years, but who was to write a monumental synthesis of the history of Eastern theology; a Dominican; a Mechitarist; four Jesuits, including Guillaume de Jerphanion (1877-1948), a famous archaeologist; two Russians, a Greek and an Ethiopian; and three lay persons, including Michelangelo Guidi, an outstanding philologist and a historian. Soon after Pius XI became pope he felt that it would be better if one order took care not only of running the place but also of preparing those who could eventually take over. His choice fell on the Jesuits, and in a brief to Fr. General Vladimir Ledochowski (14.09.1922) he entrusted to the Order the Orientale. This had been the suggestion of Abbot Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster, OSB, who had also become, in the meantime, the first full president. Now it was the turn of the first Jesuit president (1922-1931), and that was Michel d’Herbigny (1880-1957). A very talented man, he managed to impart to the nascent institution new élan, with its own publications and even the new seat in the Piazza di Santa Maria Maggiore. Complications on his very delicate mission to Russia led to his early retirement. D’Herbigny was followed as president by Emil Hermann (1932-1951), a German canon lawyer of note, whose prudence helped him guide the Institute during the war period; Ignacio Ortiz de Urbina (1951-1957), a Basque and a renowned patristic scholar; Alphonse Raes (1957-1962), an accomplished Syriac scholar who became Prefect of the Vatican Library; Joseph Gill (1962-1963), a great expert on the Council of Florence (1438-1445) and chief editor of the Acts of this council; and again Joseph Gill (1964-1967), who in 1965 began to bear the title of Jesuit Rector; Ivan Žužek (1967-1972), later the secretary of the Pontifical Commission for the revision of Eastern canon law; Georges Dejaifve (1972-1976), noted ecumenist; Eduard Huber (1976-1981), former rector of the Meudon School of Russian; Peter-Hans Kolvenbach (1981-1983), who after a brief stint became Superior general of the Society of Jesus for a quarter of a century (1983-2008); Gilles Pelland (1984-1986), who was soon made rector of the Gregorian University; Gino Piovesana (1986-1990), whose experience as rector of the Sophia University of Tokyo and his expertise in Russian philosophy stood him in good stead; Clarence Gallagher (1990-1995), a canon lawyer, dean and rector; Gilles Pelland (1995-1998), the only rector to have two different terms separated in time; Hèctor Vall Vilardell (1998-2007), whose aplomb assured him nine years as rector; Cyril Vasil' (2007-2009), who after two years became Secretary of the Congregation; Sunny Kokkaravalayil (May 2009-May 2010), who was pro-rector for a year and superior for seven; James McCann (2010-2015), who after leaving office became Senior Vice President of the Gregorian Foundation, New York;
Samir Khalil Samir Samir Khalil Samir, SJ (born Samir Khalil Kosseim), is an Egyptian Jesuit priest, Islamic scholar, Orientalist, and Catholic theologian. A professor at the Pontifical Oriental Institute (Rome), at the Centre Sèvres (Paris), at St Joseph Univ ...
, who was pro-rector from 20 April 2015 to 25 August 2015, and David Nazar (2015-), in whose term the Orientale was not only re-structured but also became fused, as a community, with the adjoining community of the Pontifical Russian College, popularly known as Russicum. The hundred year history of the institution (1917-2017) may tentatively be divided, first, into an eleven year period at the beginning, when the Orientale was trying to assert itself and become recognized, which came with Pius XI’s encyclical dedicated to the Orientale, ''Rerum orientalium'' (1928). Then followed a thirty-year period bringing us to the eve of Vatican II (1928-1958), when already some of the rich harvest that was expected began to be reaped, and the foundations for others to build on had been laid. Yet the next thirty years after the council up to 1989, the fresh breath of Vatican II brought accrued interest in the Christian East and in the Orientale. When with 1989 Eastern Europe opened up, a new chapter of the Orientale’s relating to the hitherto forbidden East started and many new students from these countries could now study at the Orientale.

The 21st century

In accord with modern pedagogical standards for academic research, the library has been refitted with air conditioning, high-end LED lighting, modern acoustics, and increasingly digitized resources. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Orientale (1917-2017) Pope Francis visited the Institute on October 12, 2017. His generous donation has brought about a general re-structuring of the now enlarged Orientale, providing modern professorial offices, student dining room, and lounges for faculty and students. The Orientale uses G Suite and Google for Education while its internet service has been augmented to 1 gigabyte up and down. This allows the conference hall to stream conferences online and affords the possibility of courses and conferences online with the aid of Google Hangout. Classroom lighting and acoustics have been upgraded to meet modern digital and pedagogical norms.

The library

The Pontifical Library of the Institute is without a doubt the greatest gem of the Orientale. It is one of the best equipped libraries regarding the Christian East in the world. Some books which were discarded during the early years of the Soviet Union were bought for the Orientale Library, such that it alone has the entire Pravda collection, for example. The library space was considerably enlarged by John Paul II after his visit to the Orientale in 1987. The "aula magna", a conference hall which hosts part of the library and was re-furbished for the centenary celebrations in 2017, provides a "safe space" for international discussions on problematic yet delicate themes. Syria,
autocephaly Autocephaly (; from el, αὐτοκεφαλία, meaning "property of being self-headed") is the status of a hierarchical Christian church whose head bishop does not report to any higher-ranking bishop. The term is primarily used in Eastern O ...
, genocide, nonviolence, are some of the themes to which imams, diplomats, Patriarchs, Cardinals, and "people on the ground" have participated.


Faculties and languages

As an Institute, the Orientale has only two faculties, one for ecclesiastical sciences, the other for Eastern canon law. At first there was only one faculty, and it comprised the programme already outlined in Benedict XV's founding charter (1917), that is theology, comprising spirituality,
liturgy Liturgy is the customary public ritual of worship performed by a religious group. ''Liturgy'' can also be used to refer specifically to public worship by Christians. As a religious phenomenon, liturgy represents a communal response to and partic ...
, and canon law, plus archaeology and such subsidiary sciences as are necessary to secure a balanced programme of societal structures, art, culture, history. In this curriculum, languages play a major part, and, besides Italian which is the main teaching language, ancient Greek, Syriac, Russian, and Church Slavonic, have always loomed large. Besides Armenian,
Coptic Coptic may refer to: Afro-Asia * Copts, an ethnoreligious group mainly in the area of modern Egypt but also in Sudan and Libya * Coptic language, a Northern Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Egypt until at least the 17th century * Coptic alphabet ...
, Ethiopic, and Georgian, which have become part and parcel of the curriculum, in recent years modern Greek and Romanian have been added. Modern Greek is divided into four levels, whereby one may obtain a diploma from the Greek government. For canon law students, Latin is required and taught. A well-developed Italian language programme has become the hard core of the propaedeutic year. Branching off from the Faculty of Eastern Ecclesial Sciences, the faculty of canon law was created in 1971, partly in view of the revision of Eastern canon law and a corresponding codex. Secretary of this commission was Fr. Ivan Žužek (1924-2004). The Orientale, with its professors of canon law, continues to serve as the main centre for the elaboration of the Code which is used around the world by both Catholic and Orthodox churches of the East.


Besides instruction for licentiate to doctoral degrees, the Orientale has acquired a name for its publications. In 1923 appeared the first number of ''Orientalia christiana.'' When hundred such numbers had been published, the series was divided, in 1934, in ''Orientalia Christiana Analecta'', exclusively for monographs, and ''Orientalia Chrisitana Periodica'', for articles and book reviews. These publications were written by experts in the field and acquired by libraries. After the promulgation of the '' Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches'' (CCEO), in 1990, it was decided to launch a new series for monographs in canon law. In 1992 a new publication, Kanonika, was published, whose first number appeared in 1992. The critical edition of Anaphorae Orientales, beginning with Alphonse Raes in 1939, brought attention to one among the many forgotten treasures of the Christian East and has been continued by the renowned liturgist of the Orientale, Professor Robert Taft, SJ. When William Macomber published the oldest known text of the Anaphora of Addai and Mari, little could he have imagined how useful it was for the Congregation of Faith in 2001 when it decided for the orthodoxy and validity of an anaphora without the explicit words of consecration.

Notable achievements

The CCEO was to a large extent prepared at the Orientale. It represents a huge step forward for Easterners because, for the first time, they have a law of their own, allowing each of the '' sui juris'' Churches in the East to further develop its own particular law. (b) Another monumental contribution was the critical edition of the documents of the
Council of Florence The Council of Florence is the seventeenth ecumenical council recognized by the Catholic Church, held between 1431 and 1449. It was convoked as the Council of Basel by Pope Martin V shortly before his death in February 1431 and took place in ...
(1438-1445) by the professors of the Faculty of Eastern Ecclesial Sciences. This led to the decision of Pius XII in 1947 to purify the Armenian Catholic Rite of Latinization. Among other scholarly works of note are the finest study to date, in 6 volumes, of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom; the Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Christian East; annotated translations of 9th-13th-century Syrian manuscripts; a seven-volume edition of Vatican archival documents on the Armenian Question (1894-1925); a similar edition on the Chaldean-Assyrian question (1908-1938); annotated catalog of 150 Ethiopian manuscripts; detailed archaeological studies of mosaics, frescoes, and architecture of the early church in Asia Minor, and so on.

Notable professors

Guillaume Jerphanion, SJ, made a name for himself through his study of archaeology and the rock-hewn churches of Cappadocia. Marcel Viller, SJ, after teaching patristics at the Orientale, moved to become one of the founders of the monumental '' Dictionnaire de Spiritualité''. According to his successor Cardinal
Tomáš Špidlík Tomáš Josef Špidlík, S.J. (17 December 1919 – 16 April 2010) was a Czech prelate of the Roman Catholic Church. He was a Jesuit priest and theologian. Pope John Paul II made him a cardinal in 2003. Biography Špidlík was born in 1919 ...
, SJ, himself a noted exponent for Russian spiritual theology, Irenée Hausherr laid the foundations of Eastern spirituality, and his books sell as if they were written yesterday – as do the works of
Juan Mateos Juan Mateos (?–1594) was a wealthy inhabitant of Gibraltar during the Spanish period. He was remembered for being the founder of Gibraltar's first hospital, which subsequently became the old St Bernard's Hospital. Early life Juan Mateos was a ...
, SJ, who, in the wake of
Anton Baumstark Anton Baumstark (14 April 1800 in Sinzheim – 2 February 1876 in Freiburg im Breisgau) was a German classical philologist. He was the brother of economist Eduard Baumstark (1807–1889) and the father of historian Reinhold Baumstark (1831– ...
(1872-1948), is considered by R.F. Taft, SJ and G. Winkler, to have founded at the Orientale "The Mateos School of Comparative Liturgiology". Georg Hofmann, SJ, was a German Church historian, who had a big part in the editing of the Florentine Acts. The Orientale has been blessed with a whole generation of outstanding liturgists, such as Miguel Arranz, SJ.
Samir Khalil Samir Samir Khalil Samir, SJ (born Samir Khalil Kosseim), is an Egyptian Jesuit priest, Islamic scholar, Orientalist, and Catholic theologian. A professor at the Pontifical Oriental Institute (Rome), at the Centre Sèvres (Paris), at St Joseph Univ ...
, SJ has put the Arab-Christian Literature on the map. Gustav Wetter, SJ was a world authority on Marxism. Placid J. Podipara, C.M.I, was a world expert on the
St Thomas Christians The Saint Thomas Christians, also called Syrian Christians of India, ''Marthoma Suriyani Nasrani'', ''Malankara Nasrani'', or ''Nasrani Mappila'', are an Ethnoreligious group, ethno-religious community of Indian Christians in the state of Ker ...

Notable alumni

Bartholomew I of Constantinople Bartholomew I ( el, Βαρθολομαῖος Αʹ, , tr, I. Bartholomeos; born 29 February 1940) is the 270th archbishop of Constantinople and Ecumenical Patriarch, since 2 November 1991. In accordance with his title, he is regarded as the ''pr ...
, who studied here from 1963 to 1968 and wrote his thesis, ''On the Codification of the Sacred Canons and of the Canonical Precepts'', under Prof. Ivan Žužek. Patriarch Gregorios III Laham, Catholic Patriarch emeritus of Antioch. Cardinal Josef Slipyj, first Major Archbishop of the Greek Catholic Church in Ukraine. Patriarch Paul Cheiko Paul, Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans. Patriarch Bidawid Raphael, Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans. Patriarch Ignace Antoine Hayek, Patriarch of Antioch of the Syrians. Patriarch Paul Méouchi, Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites. Patriarch Stephanos I Sidarouss, Patriarch of Alexandria of the Copts. Maj. Archbishop
Sviatoslav Shevchuk Sviatoslav Shevchuk ( uk, Святосла́в Шевчу́к; born 5 May 1970 in Stryi, Ukrainian SSR) has been the Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) since 25 March 2011, serving as the Eastern Catholic church's le ...
, current Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Patriarch Mar Awa III, current
Catholicos-Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East The Patriarch of the Church of the East (also known as Patriarch of the East, Patriarch of Babylon, the Catholicose of the East or the Grand Metropolitan of the East) is the patriarch, or leader and head bishop (sometimes referred to as Catholic ...
Two Superiors General of the Society of Jesus: Peter Kolvenbach, who was rector of the Orientale, and
Jean-Baptiste Janssens Jean-Baptiste Janssens (22 December 1889 – 5 October 1964) was a Belgian Jesuit priest who was the 27th Superior General of the Society of Jesus. He was born in Mechelen, Belgium. Early life and schooling Janssens' first schooling was in ...
. The list of Cardinals is as follows: Cardinal
Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster OSB (, ; 18 January 1880 – 30 August 1954), born Alfredo Ludovico Schuster, was an Italian Roman Catholic prelate and professed member from the Benedictines who served as the Archbishop of Milan from 1929 until his ...
, OSB, first president of the Orientale and professor of liturgy at the Orientale. Cardinal Gregorio Pietro Agaganian. Cardinal Franz König, Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna and founder of Pro Oriente. Cardinal Franz Ehrle, one-time professor at the Orientale. Cardinal Ladisław Ruben, Prefect of the Eastern Congregation. Cardinal Eugène Tisserant, Secretary of the Congregation. Cardinal
Aloys Grillmeier Aloys Grillmeier (1 January 1910 – 13 September 1998) was a German Jesuit priest, theologian and cardinal-deacon of the Catholic Church. Pope John Paul II created him cardinal-deacon of San Nicola in Carcere on 26 November 1994. Life Aloys ...
, SJ, theologian and patristic scholar. Cardinal Jozef Tomko, Prefect emeritus of the Congregation for the Evangelization of the Nations. Cardinal
Aloys Grillmeier Aloys Grillmeier (1 January 1910 – 13 September 1998) was a German Jesuit priest, theologian and cardinal-deacon of the Catholic Church. Pope John Paul II created him cardinal-deacon of San Nicola in Carcere on 26 November 1994. Life Aloys ...
, SJ, patrologist and scholar. Cardinal Tomáš Josef Špidlík, SJ, noted author on Eastern Christian spirituality. Other Catholicos
Baselios Marthoma Mathews III Baselios Marthoma Mathews III (born 12 February 1949) is the present Catholicos of the East and Malankara Metropolitan of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, serving as its primate. He was enthroned as the 22nd Malankara Metropolitan on 14 Oc ...
, primate of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church The list of famous students begins with Blessed Eugène Bossilkoff, bishop of Nicopolis in Bulgaria and martyr. In April 2013, two alumni Orthodox bishops were kidnapped in Aleppo, Syria: Greek Orthodox Bishop Paul Yazigi and Syrian Orthodox Bishop Mor Gregorius Yohanna Ibrahim. Their whereabouts remain unknown. Other alumni of singular note are: Engelbert Kirschbaum, SJ, archeologist; Robert Murray, SJ, Syriacist; Alessandro Bausani, islamologist; Hans-Joachim Schultz, liturgist, Lambert Beauduin, OSB, founder of Chevetogne and René Vouillaume, prior of the Petits Frères de Jésus. A promising theologian, who was shot dead by the Nazis during World War II, studied here, too: Yves de Montcheiul, SJ (1900-1942).H. Holstein, SJ, “Montcheiul, Yves de”, Dictionnaire de Spirititualité X (1977) 1676-1678.


*''Orientalia Christiana Analecta'' publishes book-length works by experts on Eastern Christianity. *''Orientalia Christiana Periodica'' contains articles and book reviews. *''Kanonika'' covers topics on canon law. *''Anaphorae Orientales'' prints Eucharistic prayers of the Christian East. *''Edizioni Orientalia Christiana'' also publishes single works."7 Facts About the Pontifical Oriental Institute", Gregorian University Foundation, January 7, 2002

Additional associates and alumni

* Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I *
Archbishop In Christian denominations, an archbishop is a bishop of higher rank or office. In most cases, such as the Catholic Church, there are many archbishops who either have jurisdiction over an ecclesiastical province in addition to their own archdi ...
Mar Andrews Thazhath *
Mar Mar, mar or MAR may refer to: Culture * Mar or Mor, an honorific in Syriac * Earl of Mar, an earldom in Scotland * MAA (singer) (born 1986), Japanese * Marathi language, by ISO 639-2 language code * March, as an abbreviation for the third month ...
Thomas Elavanal Mar Thomas Elavanal (born 28 March 1950) is a Syro Malabar Catholic Bishop. He is the Bishop of the Diocese of Kalyan. Biography Bishop Mar Thomas Elavanal was born to Zacharias and Thresia on 28 March 1950 at Mutholy, near Palai, in Kerala ...
Archbishop In Christian denominations, an archbishop is a bishop of higher rank or office. In most cases, such as the Catholic Church, there are many archbishops who either have jurisdiction over an ecclesiastical province in addition to their own archdi ...
Mar Mar, mar or MAR may refer to: Culture * Mar or Mor, an honorific in Syriac * Earl of Mar, an earldom in Scotland * MAA (singer) (born 1986), Japanese * Marathi language, by ISO 639-2 language code * March, as an abbreviation for the third month ...
Jacob Thoomkuzhy Mar Jacob Thoomkuzhy (born 13 December 1930) is an East Syriac Catholic Archbishop Emeritus, First Bishop of Mananthavady diocese, Second bishop of Thamarassery diocese and the second Metropolitan Archbishop of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Archdioc ...
Mar Mar, mar or MAR may refer to: Culture * Mar or Mor, an honorific in Syriac * Earl of Mar, an earldom in Scotland * MAA (singer) (born 1986), Japanese * Marathi language, by ISO 639-2 language code * March, as an abbreviation for the third month ...
Pauly Kannookadan *
Mar Mar, mar or MAR may refer to: Culture * Mar or Mor, an honorific in Syriac * Earl of Mar, an earldom in Scotland * MAA (singer) (born 1986), Japanese * Marathi language, by ISO 639-2 language code * March, as an abbreviation for the third month ...
Paul Alappat *
Mar Mar, mar or MAR may refer to: Culture * Mar or Mor, an honorific in Syriac * Earl of Mar, an earldom in Scotland * MAA (singer) (born 1986), Japanese * Marathi language, by ISO 639-2 language code * March, as an abbreviation for the third month ...
Raphael Thattil *
Mar Mar, mar or MAR may refer to: Culture * Mar or Mor, an honorific in Syriac * Earl of Mar, an earldom in Scotland * MAA (singer) (born 1986), Japanese * Marathi language, by ISO 639-2 language code * March, as an abbreviation for the third month ...
Sebastian Vadakel *
Mar Mar, mar or MAR may refer to: Culture * Mar or Mor, an honorific in Syriac * Earl of Mar, an earldom in Scotland * MAA (singer) (born 1986), Japanese * Marathi language, by ISO 639-2 language code * March, as an abbreviation for the third month ...
Joseph Kodakallil *
Archbishop In Christian denominations, an archbishop is a bishop of higher rank or office. In most cases, such as the Catholic Church, there are many archbishops who either have jurisdiction over an ecclesiastical province in addition to their own archdi ...
Mar Mar, mar or MAR may refer to: Culture * Mar or Mor, an honorific in Syriac * Earl of Mar, an earldom in Scotland * MAA (singer) (born 1986), Japanese * Marathi language, by ISO 639-2 language code * March, as an abbreviation for the third month ...
Mathew Moolakkatt Mar Mathew Moolakkatt (27 February 1953), an Knanaya, East Syriac knanaya Catholic Archbishop was born in Uzhavoor, India. Currently he is Archbishop of Knanaya Catholics of Syro-Malabar Catholic Archeparchy of Kottayam, Kottayam Archeparchy, su ...
Mar Mar, mar or MAR may refer to: Culture * Mar or Mor, an honorific in Syriac * Earl of Mar, an earldom in Scotland * MAA (singer) (born 1986), Japanese * Marathi language, by ISO 639-2 language code * March, as an abbreviation for the third month ...
George Madathikandathil *
Mar Mar, mar or MAR may refer to: Culture * Mar or Mor, an honorific in Syriac * Earl of Mar, an earldom in Scotland * MAA (singer) (born 1986), Japanese * Marathi language, by ISO 639-2 language code * March, as an abbreviation for the third month ...
Peter Kochupurackal *
Archbishop In Christian denominations, an archbishop is a bishop of higher rank or office. In most cases, such as the Catholic Church, there are many archbishops who either have jurisdiction over an ecclesiastical province in addition to their own archdi ...
Mar Mar, mar or MAR may refer to: Culture * Mar or Mor, an honorific in Syriac * Earl of Mar, an earldom in Scotland * MAA (singer) (born 1986), Japanese * Marathi language, by ISO 639-2 language code * March, as an abbreviation for the third month ...
Kuriakose Bharanikulangara *
Eugene Bossilkov Eugene Bossilkov, born Vincent Bossilkov (b. 16 Nov 1900-11 Nov 1952), was a member of the Passionist Congregation, Roman Catholic bishop of Nicopolis and martyr in the Communist campaign in Bulgaria against religion. He had studied in Rome for ...
* Virgilio Canio Corbo * Peter Dufka *
John D. Faris John Denver Faris (born January 18, 1951) is an American Chorbishop of the Syriac Maronite Church of Antioch, serving the Maronite Catholic Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn, headquartered in Brooklyn, New York. He is a canon lawyer of the ...
* Michael Daniel Findikyan *
Borys Gudziak Borys Gudziak (born 24 November 1960) is the current Archeparch of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia. He founded the Institute of Church History and served as the rector and president of the Ukrainian Catholic University. He wa ...
Moussa El-Hage Moussa El-Hage ( ar, موسى الحاج, born on 19 February 1954, in Aintoura, Lebanon), is a Maronite Catholic eparch, now Archbishop of the Archeparchy of Haifa and the Holy Land The Archeparchy of Haifa and the Holy Land (in Latin: Archiepa ...
* Édouard Hambye *
Irénée Hausherr Irénée Hausherr (7 June 1881, Eguisheim – 5 December 1978, Colmar) was a Jesuit of Alsatian origin and specialist in Greek patristic and monastic spirituality. Ordained priest in 1923 after studies in the Netherlands, he became a professor ...
Michel d'Herbigny Michel-Joseph Bourguignon d'Herbigny (; 8 May 1880 – 23 December 1957) was a French Jesuit scholar and Roman Catholic bishop. He was president of the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome, and of the Pontifical Commission for Russia. He was se ...
Mar Sarhad Yawsip Jammo Sarhad Yawsip Hermiz Jammo (born 14 March 1941) is a Chaldean Catholic prelate of the Chaldean Catholic Church who presided over the Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Saint Peter the Apostle of San Diego in the United States. He had been the bishop ...
Guillaume de Jerphanion Guillaume de Jerphanion, born at Pontevès in 1877, died in Rome on 22 October 1948, was a French Jesuit, . Biography Guillaume de Jerphanion was born on 3 March 1877, the third in a family of eight children. He came from a family of old nobili ...
* Martin Jugie *
Peter Hans Kolvenbach Peter Hans Kolvenbach (30 November 1928 – 26 November 2016) was a Dutch Jesuit priest and professor who was the 29th superior general of the Society of Jesus, the largest male Catholic religious order. Early years Kolvenbach's childhood was ...
Stjepan Krizin Sakač Stjepan Krizin Sakač (10 October 1890 – 23 August 1973) was a Croatian historian. He was born in Kapela Kalnička. After graduating theology in Zagreb, he received his doctorate at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (1915), then in I ...
* Xavier Koodopuzha * Hlib Lonchyna *
Thomas Mar Koorilos Aboon Thomas Mor Koorilos (born 19 October 1958) is the Metropolitan Archbishop of Tiruvalla, Kerala, India. Life and career He was born to Chakkalapadikkal Ninan Varghese and Aleyamma. His native parish is St. Catherine Malankara Catholic Ch ...
* Teodor Martynyuk *
Józef Milik Józef Tadeusz Milik (Seroczyn, Poland, 24 March 1922 – Paris, 6 January 2006) was a Polish biblical scholar and a Catholic priest, researcher of the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS) through the deserts of Judea/Jordan, and translator and editor of the B ...
Paul Mulla Paul Mulla (1882–1959) (formerly ''Mollazade Mehmed Ali'') was a Turkish Cretan Catholic prelate naturalized French and a professor of Islamic Studies at the Pontificio Istituto Orientale. Biography Mulla was born in Crete under the Ottoman E ...
George Nedungatt George Nedungatt (21 December 1932 – 26 October 2022) was an Indian Jesuit priest of Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, and expert in Oriental Canon Law Canon law (from grc, κανών, , a 'straight measuring rod, ruler') is a set of ordin ...
* Andrew Pataki *
Aurel Percă Aurel Percă (born August 15, 1951) is a Romanian prelate of the Catholic Church who was named Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bucharest, Archbishop of Bucharest on 21 November 2019. He served as auxiliary bishop of Roman Catholic Diocese of Iași, ...
* Victor J. Pospishil *
Dimitri Salachas Dimitrios (Dimitri) Salachas (7 June 1939 – 16 October 2023) was the apostolic exarch of the Greek Byzantine Catholic Church. Biography Dimitrios Salachas was born in Athens on 7 June 1939, and was ordained priest on 9 February 1964. Salacha ...
Samir Khalil Samir Samir Khalil Samir, SJ (born Samir Khalil Kosseim), is an Egyptian Jesuit priest, Islamic scholar, Orientalist, and Catholic theologian. A professor at the Pontifical Oriental Institute (Rome), at the Centre Sèvres (Paris), at St Joseph Univ ...
* Leonardo Sandri *
E. Anne Schwerdtfeger Elizabeth Anne Schwerdtfeger (1 February 1930 - 11 September 2008) was an American composer, choral conductor, educator, and Fulbright scholar who spent several years as a Dominican nun and was also known as Sister Mary Ernest O.P. (Ordo Praedica ...
* Josyf Slipyj *
Joseph Soueif Joseph Antoine Soueif ( ar, يوسف انطوان سويف; born 14 July 1962) is a Lebanese clergyman serving as the Maronite Archbishop of Tripoli. He previously served as the bishop of the Maronite Catholic Archeparchy of Cyprus. Life Josep ...
Tomáš Špidlík Tomáš Josef Špidlík, S.J. (17 December 1919 – 16 April 2010) was a Czech prelate of the Roman Catholic Church. He was a Jesuit priest and theologian. Pope John Paul II made him a cardinal in 2003. Biography Špidlík was born in 1919 ...
Robert F. Taft Robert Francis Taft (January 9, 1932 – November 2, 2018) was an American Jesuit priest, first in the Russian Greek Catholic Church and later an archimandrite of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. An expert in Oriental liturgy, he was a pro ...
* William Toma *
Alexandr Volkonsky Prince Alexandr Mikhailovich Volkonsky (russian: Александр Михайлович Волконский, 25 April 1866 – 18 October 1934) was Russian military attaché and writer, who in later life, was ordained a priest by the Bulgarian G ...
* Cyril Vasiľ * Ivan Žužek *Archbishop Amfilohije, Metropolitan of Montenegro,

See also

* List of Jesuit sites


External links

Pontifical Oriental Institute website
{{Authority control Eastern Catholic canon law Eastern Catholicism Catholic universities and colleges in Italy 1917 establishments in Italy