

''Podium'' is a genus of
thread-waisted wasp The Sphecidae are a cosmopolitan family of wasps of the suborder Apocrita that includes sand wasps, mud daubers, and other thread-waisted wasps. The name Sphecidae was formerly given to a much larger grouping of wasps. This was found to be p ...
s in the family
Sphecidae The Sphecidae are a cosmopolitan family of wasps of the suborder Apocrita that includes sand wasps, mud daubers, and other thread-waisted wasps. The name Sphecidae was formerly given to a much larger grouping of wasps. This was found to be p ...
. There are at least 20 described species in ''Podium''.


These 23 species belong to the genus ''Podium'': * '' Podium agile'' Kohl, 1902 i c g * '' Podium angustifrons'' Kohl, 1902 i c g * '' Podium aureosericeum'' Kohl, 1902 i c g * '' Podium batesianum'' W. Schulz, 1904 i c g * '' Podium bugabense'' Cameron, 1888 i c g * '' Podium chalybaeum'' Kohl, 1902 i c g * '' Podium denticulatum'' F. Smith, 1856 i c g * '' Podium eurycephalum'' Ohl, 1996 i c g * '' Podium foxii'' Kohl, 1902 i c g * '' Podium friesei'' Kohl, 1902 i c g * '' Podium fulvipes'' Cresson, 1865 i c g * '' Podium fumigatum'' (Perty, 1833) i c g * '' Podium intermissum'' Kohl, 1902 i c g * '' Podium iridescens'' Kohl, 1902 i c g * '' Podium kohlii'' Zavattari, 1908 i c g * '' Podium krombeini'' Bohart and Menke, 1963 i c g * '' Podium luctuosum'' F. Smith, 1856 i c g b * '' Podium opalinum'' F. Smith, 1856 i c g * '' Podium plesiosaurus'' (F. Smith, 1873) i c g * '' Podium rufipes'' Fabricius, 1804 i c g b * '' Podium sexdentatum'' Taschenberg, 1869 i c g * '' Podium tau'' (Dalla Torre, 1897) i c g * '' Podium trigonopsoides'' Menke, 1974 i c g Data sources: i = ITIS, c = Catalogue of Life, g = GBIF, b = Bugguide.net


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