

''Planet Shining'' is the first release by the Japanese trio M-Flo. Remixes of the songs from this album were released as ''
The Replacement Percussionists The discography of M-Flo features nine studio albums, nine compilation albums, one live album and 25 singles. These were released on Labsoul Records and Avex Group independent label Rhythm Republic in 1998, and from 1999 onwards released through ...

Track listing

Disc 1 # Intro (interlude) # Ten Below Blazing # Announcement (interlude) # Planet Shining # Come Back to Me # Guidance (interlude) # Chronopsychology # Hands # Radio Show (interlude) # Saywhatchugotta # Just Be # Line Holding (interlude) # Quantum Leap # L.O.T. (Love or Truth) # Deep Within # Been So Long # Outro (interlude) Disc 2 (The bonus CD ''Bug Planet Dub'' mixed by DJ Horii a.k.a. HoriiSport) # Too Much Sense J Alamo Remix/small> # Mindstate eat. sphere/small> # Theme from Flo Jack r. Drunk Remix by Mummy D/small> # Mirrorball Satellite 2012 RATM Remix by Towa Tei">Towa_Tei.html" ;"title="RATM Remix by Towa Tei">RATM Remix by Towa Tei/small> # L.O.T. (Love or Truth) [DJ TONK Remix] {{Authority control M-Flo albums 2000 albums Avex Group albums