Pierre Daviault



Pierre-Alfred Daviault (November 9, 1899 – November 18, 1964) was a Canadian translator and author. He helped to create the first professional translation courses in Canada.


Born in
Saint-Jérôme Saint-Jérôme () ( 2021 population 80,213) is a suburban city located about northwest of Montreal on the Rivière du Nord. It is part of the Montreal of Greater Montreal. It is a gateway to the Laurentian Mountains and its resorts via the ...
, Quebec, the son of Philippe-Landry Daviault and Clothilde Lauzon, he studied at the University of Montreal and at the Sorbonne. From 1958 to 1959, he was president of the
Royal Society of Canada The Royal Society of Canada (RSC; french: Société royale du Canada, SRC), also known as the Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences of Canada (French: ''Académies des arts, des lettres et des sciences du Canada''), is the senior national, bil ...
and was awarded its Pierre Chauveau Medal in 1952.

Selected works

* Le Mystère des Mille-Îles, 1927 * L'Expression juste en traduction, 1931 * Questions de langue, 1933 * La Grande Aventure de Le Moyne d'Iberville, 1934 * Traduction, 1941 * Nora l'énigmatique, 1945 * Language et traduction, 1961


Fonds Pierre-Daviault

1899 births 1964 deaths People from Saint-Jérôme Writers from Quebec University of Paris alumni 20th-century Canadian translators Canadian expatriates in France {{Quebec-writer-stub