

In mathematics – specifically, in differential equations – the Picard–Lindelöf theorem gives a set of conditions under which an initial value problem has a unique solution. It is also known as Picard's existence theorem, the Cauchy–Lipschitz theorem, or the existence and uniqueness theorem. The theorem is named after Émile Picard, Ernst Lindelöf, Rudolf Lipschitz and
Augustin-Louis Cauchy Baron Augustin-Louis Cauchy (, ; ; 21 August 178923 May 1857) was a French mathematician, engineer, and physicist who made pioneering contributions to several branches of mathematics, including mathematical analysis and continuum mechanics. H ...


Let D \subseteq \R \times \R^nbe a closed rectangle with (t_0, y_0) \in D. Let f: D \to \R^n be a function that is continuous in t and Lipschitz continuous in y. Then, there exists some such that the initial value problem y'(t)=f(t,y(t)),\qquad y(t_0)=y_0. has a unique solution y(t) on the interval _0-\varepsilon, t_0+\varepsilon/math>. Note that D is often instead required to be open but even under such an assumption, the proof only uses a closed rectangle within D.

Proof sketch

proof Proof most often refers to: * Proof (truth), argument or sufficient evidence for the truth of a proposition * Alcohol proof, a measure of an alcoholic drink's strength Proof may also refer to: Mathematics and formal logic * Formal proof, a con ...
relies on transforming the differential equation, and applying Banach fixed-point theorem. By integrating both sides, any function satisfying the differential equation must also satisfy the integral equation :y(t) - y(t_0) = \int_^t f(s,y(s)) \, ds. A simple proof of existence of the solution is obtained by successive approximations. In this context, the method is known as Picard iteration. Set :\varphi_0(t)=y_0 and :\varphi_(t)=y_0+\int_^t f(s,\varphi_k(s))\,ds. It can then be shown, by using the Banach fixed-point theorem, that the sequence of "Picard iterates" is convergent and that the
limit Limit or Limits may refer to: Arts and media * ''Limit'' (manga), a manga by Keiko Suenobu * ''Limit'' (film), a South Korean film * Limit (music), a way to characterize harmony * "Limit" (song), a 2016 single by Luna Sea * "Limits", a 2019 ...
is a solution to the problem. An application of Grönwall's lemma to , where and are two solutions, shows that , thus proving the global uniqueness (the local uniqueness is a consequence of the uniqueness of the Banach fixed point). See
Newton's method In numerical analysis, Newton's method, also known as the Newton–Raphson method, named after Isaac Newton and Joseph Raphson, is a root-finding algorithm which produces successively better approximations to the roots (or zeroes) of a real ...
of successive approximation for instruction.

Example of Picard iteration

Let y(t)=\tan(t), the solution to the equation y'(t)=1+y(t)^2 with initial condition y(t_0)=y_0=0,t_0=0. Starting with \varphi_0(t)=0, we iterate :\varphi_(t)=\int_0^t (1+(\varphi_k(s))^2)\,ds so that \varphi_n(t) \to y(t): :\varphi_1(t)=\int_0^t (1+0^2)\,ds = t :\varphi_2(t)=\int_0^t (1+s^2)\,ds = t + \frac :\varphi_3(t)=\int_0^t \left(1+\left(s + \frac\right)^2\right)\,ds = t + \frac + \frac + \frac and so on. Evidently, the functions are computing the Taylor series expansion of our known solution y=\tan(t). Since \tan has poles at \pm\tfrac, this converges toward a local solution only for , t, <\tfrac, not on all of \R.

Example of non-uniqueness

To understand uniqueness of solutions, consider the following examples. A differential equation can possess a stationary point. For example, for the equation (a<0), the stationary solution is , which is obtained for the initial condition . Beginning with another initial condition , the solution ''y''(''t'') tends toward the stationary point, but reaches it only at the limit of infinite time, so the uniqueness of solutions (over all finite times) is guaranteed. However, for an equation in which the stationary solution is reached after a ''finite'' time, the uniqueness fails. This happens for example for the equation , which has at least two solutions corresponding to the initial condition such as: or :y(t)=\begin \left (\tfrac \right )^ & t<0\\ \ \ \ \ 0 & t \ge 0, \end so the previous state of the system is not uniquely determined by its state after ''t'' = 0. The uniqueness theorem does not apply because the function has an infinite slope at and therefore is not Lipschitz continuous, violating the hypothesis of the theorem.

Detailed proof

Let :C_=\overline\times\overline where: :\begin \overline&= _0-a,t_0+a\\ \overline&= _0-b,y_0+b \end This is the compact cylinder where    is defined. Let :M = \sup_\, f\, , this is, the
supremum In mathematics, the infimum (abbreviated inf; plural infima) of a subset S of a partially ordered set P is a greatest element in P that is less than or equal to each element of S, if such an element exists. Consequently, the term ''greatest l ...
of (the absolute values of) the slopes of the function. Finally, let ''L'' be the Lipschitz constant of with respect to the second variable. We will proceed to apply the Banach fixed-point theorem using the metric on \mathcal(I_(t_0),B_b(y_0)) induced by the
uniform norm In mathematical analysis, the uniform norm (or ) assigns to real- or complex-valued bounded functions defined on a set the non-negative number :\, f\, _\infty = \, f\, _ = \sup\left\. This norm is also called the , the , the , or, when ...
:\, \varphi \, _\infty = \sup_ , \varphi(t), . We define an operator between two function spaces of continuous functions, Picard's operator, as follows: :\Gamma:\mathcal(I_(t_0),B_b(y_0)) \longrightarrow \mathcal(I_(t_0),B_b(y_0)) defined by: :\Gamma \varphi(t) = y_0 + \int_^ f(s,\varphi(s)) \, ds. We must show that this operator maps a complete non-empty
metric space In mathematics, a metric space is a set together with a notion of '' distance'' between its elements, usually called points. The distance is measured by a function called a metric or distance function. Metric spaces are the most general sett ...
''X'' into itself and also is a contraction mapping. We first show that, given certain restrictions on a, \Gamma takes \overline into itself in the space of continuous functions with the uniform norm. Here, \overline is a closed ball in the space of continuous (and
bounded Boundedness or bounded may refer to: Economics * Bounded rationality, the idea that human rationality in decision-making is bounded by the available information, the cognitive limitations, and the time available to make the decision * Bounded e ...
) functions "centered" at the constant function y_0. Hence we need to show that :\, \varphi -y_0 \, _\infty \le b implies :\left\, \Gamma\varphi(t)-y_0 \right\, = \left\, \int_^t f(s,\varphi(s))\, ds \right\, \leq \int_^ \left\, f(s,\varphi(s))\right\, ds \leq \int_^ M\, ds = M \left, t'-t_0 \ \leq M a \leq b where t' is some number in _0-a, t_0 +a/math> where the maximum is achieved. The last inequality in the chain is true if we impose the requirement a < \frac. Now let's prove that this operator is a contraction mapping. Given two functions \varphi_1,\varphi_2\in\mathcal(I_(t_0),B_b(y_0)), in order to apply the Banach fixed-point theorem we require : \left \, \Gamma \varphi_1 - \Gamma \varphi_2 \right\, _\infty \le q \left\, \varphi_1 - \varphi_2 \right\, _\infty, for some 0 \leq q < 1. So let t be such that :\, \Gamma \varphi_1 - \Gamma \varphi_2 \, _\infty = \left\, \left(\Gamma\varphi_1 - \Gamma\varphi_2 \right)(t) \right\, . Then using the definition of \Gamma, :\begin \left\, \left(\Gamma\varphi_1 - \Gamma\varphi_2 \right)(t) \right\, &= \left\, \int_^t \left( f(s,\varphi_1(s))-f(s,\varphi_2(s)) \right)ds \right\, \\ &\leq \int_^t \left\, f \left(s,\varphi_1(s)\right)-f\left(s,\varphi_2(s) \right) \right\, ds \\ &\leq L \int_^t \left\, \varphi_1(s)-\varphi_2(s) \right\, ds && \text f \text \\ &\leq L \int_^t \left\, \varphi_1-\varphi_2 \right\, _\infty \,ds \\ &\leq La \left\, \varphi_1-\varphi_2 \right\, _\infty \end This is a contraction if a < \tfrac. We have established that the Picard's operator is a contraction on the
Banach space In mathematics, more specifically in functional analysis, a Banach space (pronounced ) is a complete normed vector space. Thus, a Banach space is a vector space with a metric that allows the computation of vector length and distance between ve ...
s with the metric induced by the uniform norm. This allows us to apply the Banach fixed-point theorem to conclude that the operator has a unique fixed point. In particular, there is a unique function :\varphi\in \mathcal(I_a (t_0),B_b(y_0)) such that . This function is the unique solution of the initial value problem, valid on the interval ''Ia'' where ''a'' satisfies the condition :a < \min \left \.

Optimization of the solution's interval

Nevertheless, there is a corollary of the Banach fixed-point theorem: if an operator ''T'' ''n'' is a contraction for some ''n'' in N, then ''T'' has a unique fixed point. Before applying this theorem to the Picard operator, recall the following: ''Proof.'' Induction on ''m''. For the base of the induction () we have already seen this, so suppose the inequality holds for , then we have: \begin \left \, \Gamma^m \varphi_1(t) - \Gamma^m\varphi_2(t) \right \, &= \left \, \Gamma\Gamma^ \varphi_1(t) - \Gamma\Gamma^\varphi_2(t) \right \, \\ &\leq \left, \int_^t \left \, f \left (s,\Gamma^\varphi_1(s) \right )-f \left (s,\Gamma^\varphi_2(s) \right )\right \, ds \ \\ &\leq L \left, \int_^t \left \, \Gamma^\varphi_1(s)-\Gamma^\varphi_2(s)\right \, ds\ \\ &\leq L \left, \int_^t \frac \left \, \varphi_1-\varphi_2\right \, ds\ \\ &\leq \frac \left \, \varphi_1 - \varphi_2 \right \, . \end By taking a supremum over t \in _0 - \alpha, t_0 + \alpha we see that \left \, \Gamma^m \varphi_1 - \Gamma^m\varphi_2 \right \, \leq \frac\left \, \varphi_1-\varphi_2\right \, . This inequality assures that for some large ''m'', \frac<1, and hence Γ''m'' will be a contraction. So by the previous corollary Γ will have a unique fixed point. Finally, we have been able to optimize the interval of the solution by taking . In the end, this result shows the interval of definition of the solution does not depend on the Lipschitz constant of the field, but only on the interval of definition of the field and its maximum absolute value.

Other existence theorems

The Picard–Lindelöf theorem shows that the solution exists and that it is unique. The Peano existence theorem shows only existence, not uniqueness, but it assumes only that is continuous in , instead of Lipschitz continuous. For example, the right-hand side of the equation with initial condition is continuous but not Lipschitz continuous. Indeed, rather than being unique, this equation has three solutions: :y(t) = 0, \qquad y(t) = \pm\left (\tfrac23 t\right)^. Even more general is
Carathéodory's existence theorem In mathematics, Carathéodory's existence theorem says that an ordinary differential equation has a solution under relatively mild conditions. It is a generalization of Peano's existence theorem. Peano's theorem requires that the right-hand sid ...
, which proves existence (in a more general sense) under weaker conditions on . Although these conditions are only sufficient, there also exist necessary and sufficient conditions for the solution of an initial value problem to be unique, such as
Okamura Okamura (written: 岡村 lit. "hill village") is a Japanese surname. Notable people with the surname include: * , Japanese voice actor * , Japanese photographer * Allison Okamura, American roboticist * Arthur Okamura, American silk screen artist * ...
's theorem.

See also

Frobenius theorem (differential topology) In mathematics, Frobenius' theorem gives necessary and sufficient conditions for finding a maximal set of independent solutions of an overdetermined system of first-order homogeneous linear partial differential equations. In modern differential ge ...
Integrability conditions for differential systems In mathematics, certain systems of partial differential equations are usefully formulated, from the point of view of their underlying geometric and algebraic structure, in terms of a system of differential forms. The idea is to take advantage of t ...
Newton's method In numerical analysis, Newton's method, also known as the Newton–Raphson method, named after Isaac Newton and Joseph Raphson, is a root-finding algorithm which produces successively better approximations to the roots (or zeroes) of a real ...
* Euler method *
Trapezoidal rule In calculus, the trapezoidal rule (also known as the trapezoid rule or trapezium rule; see Trapezoid for more information on terminology) is a technique for approximating the definite integral. \int_a^b f(x) \, dx. The trapezoidal rule works b ...



* * (In that article Lindelöf discusses a generalization of an earlier approach by Picard.) *

External links

Fixed Points and the Picard Algorithm
recovered from http://www.krellinst.org/UCES/archive/classes/CNA/dir2.6/uces2.6.html. * {{DEFAULTSORT:Picard-Lindelof theorem Augustin-Louis Cauchy Lipschitz maps Ordinary differential equations Theorems in analysis Uniqueness theorems