

Philippe Laudenbach (born 31 January 1936) is a French actor. He appeared in more than one hundred films since 1963.


Nephew of
Pierre Fresnay Pierre Fresnay (4 April 1897 – 9 January 1975) was a French stage and film actor. Biography Born Pierre Jules Louis Laudenbach, he was encouraged by his uncle, actor Claude Garry, to pursue a career in theater and film. He joined the company a ...
(born Peter Laudenbach), Philippe is formed to the French National Academy of Dramatic Arts. He received a nomination for Molière Award for Best Supporting Actor in 1998 for his performance in ''The crazy's hat''
Luigi Pirandello Luigi Pirandello (; 28 June 1867 – 10 December 1936) was an Italian dramatist, novelist, poet, and short story writer whose greatest contributions were his plays. He was awarded the 1934 Nobel Prize in Literature for "his almost magical power ...

Personal life

He is married to Francine Walter, actress and drama teacher at La Bruyère and to the Théâtre de l'Atelier.




External links

* {{DEFAULTSORT:Laudenbach, Philippe 1936 births Living people People from Bourg-la-Reine French male film actors French male television actors 20th-century French male actors 21st-century French male actors French National Academy of Dramatic Arts alumni