

Paul Frew (born 20 September 1974) is a Unionist politician from
Northern Ireland Northern Ireland ( ga, Tuaisceart Éireann ; sco, label=Ulster-Scots, Norlin Airlann) is a part of the United Kingdom, situated in the north-east of the island of Ireland, that is variously described as a country, province or region. North ...
representing the
Democratic Unionist Party The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) is a unionist, loyalist, and national conservative political party in Northern Ireland. It was founded in 1971 during the Troubles by Ian Paisley, who led the party for the next 37 years. Currently led by ...
(DUP). Frew served as Minister for the Economy from June to July 2021. He has been a
Member of the Legislative Assembly A member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) is a representative elected by the voters of a constituency to a legislative assembly. Most often, the term refers to a subnational assembly such as that of a state, province, or territory of a country. S ...
(MLA) for North Antrim since 2010. He was elected at the 2005 local elections to
Ballymena Borough Council Ballymena Borough Council was the local authority of Ballymena in Northern Ireland. It merged with Carrickfergus Borough Council and Larne Borough Council in May 2015 under local government reorganisation in Northern Ireland to become Mid and ...
. In 2010, he replaced Ian Paisley, Jr as a Member of the
Northern Ireland Assembly sco-ulster, Norlin Airlan Assemblie , legislature = Seventh Assembly , coa_pic = File:NI_Assembly.svg , coa_res = 250px , house_type = Unicameral , house1 = , leader1_type = ...
for North Antrim. A native of Kells, he is an electrician by trade and didn't go to third-level education, commenting in one interview "my university was the building sites of Belfast". He served in the Royal Irish Regiment."Paul Frew"
''Stratagem-NI.com'' He joined the DUP in 2000 and first stood for office in local government in 2005. He plays the spoons.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Frew, Paul 1974 births Living people People from Broughshane Democratic Unionist Party MLAs Members of Ballymena Borough Council Northern Ireland MLAs 2007–2011 Northern Ireland MLAs 2011–2016 Northern Ireland MLAs 2016–2017 Northern Ireland MLAs 2017–2022