

The Ouvea parakeet (''Eunymphicus uvaeensis'') or Uvea parakeet, is a species of parrot in the genus '' Eunymphicus'', in the family Psittaculidae. It is endemic to the island of Uvea in the Loyalty Islands,
New Caledonia ) , anthem = "" , image_map = New Caledonia on the globe (small islands magnified) (Polynesia centered).svg , map_alt = Location of New Caledonia , map_caption = Location of New Caledonia , mapsize = 290px , subdivision_type = Sovereign st ...
. The species was once considered conspecific with the horned parakeet of
Grande Terre Grande means "large" or "great" in many of the Romance languages. It may also refer to: Places *Grande, Germany, a municipality in Germany *Grande Communications, a telecommunications firm based in Texas *Grande-Rivière (disambiguation) *Arroio ...
, but they have now been split into two species.


The Ouvea parakeet is a medium-sized parakeet with mostly green
plumage Plumage ( "feather") is a layer of feathers that covers a bird and the pattern, colour, and arrangement of those feathers. The pattern and colours of plumage differ between species and subspecies and may vary with age classes. Within species, ...
and a prominent green crest. The crest is composed of six backward feathers that curl forwards. The underside of the bird tends to be yellower and there is bright blue on the wings and tail. The face is dark and the beak is black, lacking the yellow on the face of the horned parakeet.


The species has a preference for natural forests and
laurel forest Laurel forest, also called laurisilva or laurissilva, is a type of subtropical forest found in areas with high humidity and relatively stable, mild temperatures. The forest is characterized by broadleaf tree species with evergreen, glossy and elo ...
habitat while avoiding coconut plantations and coastal vegetation.Olivier Robinet, Vincent Bretagnolle and Mick Clout (2003) "Activity patterns, habitat use, foraging behaviour and food selection of the Ouvéa Parakeet (''Eunymphicus cornutus uvaeensis'')". '' Emu'' 103 (1): 71 - 80 They are active in the early morning and late afternoon, and avoid activity during the heat of the day. They feed on a variety of foods, with figs of the genus '' Ficus'' being particularly important.


The breeding season of the Uvea parakeet is from August to January. The nests are located in natural cavities in native trees, with '' Syzygium'' and '' Mimusops'' accounting for 90% of nesting trees. Three (occasionally two) eggs are laid in these cavities and incubated for 21 days. The nestling period is around 43 days, with an average of around 1.5 chicks being
fledge Fledging is the stage in a flying animal's life between hatching or birth and becoming capable of flight. This term is most frequently applied to birds, but is also used for bats. For altricial birds, those that spend more time in vulnerable c ...
d per nesting attempt. Fledging survival is lower, however, with around 0.75 chicks surviving a month after fledging. The main causes of chick mortality are starvation (most common in the smallest, weakest chick), brown goshawk predation and human collecting (for the pet trade).


It once ranged across the other Loyalty Islands; attempts to reintroduce it to
Lifou Lifou is a communes of France, commune of France in the Loyalty Islands Province of New Caledonia in the Pacific Ocean. Geography Lifou is made up of Lifou Island, the largest and most heavily populated of the Loyalty Islands, its smaller neig ...
in 1925 and 1963 failed.BirdLife International (2008
Species factsheet: ''Eunymphicus uvaeensis''
Downloaded on 14 July 2008
One source reports that the reintroduced birds simply flew back to Uvea. Studies of potential nesting success on the two islands showed that future reintroductions to Lifou would fail unless the
ship rat The black rat (''Rattus rattus''), also known as the roof rat, ship rat, or house rat, is a common long-tailed rodent of the stereotypical rat genus ''Rattus'', in the subfamily Murinae. It likely originated in the Indian subcontinent, but is n ...
population is controlled. It is threatened by habitat loss and the pet trade. Around 30-50% of its habitat has been lost in the last thirty years. Collection for the pet trade not only reduces the number of birds but the collection method, which involves cutting trees open to get at the chicks, renders the nesting sites useless for future breeding attempts and lack of breeding cavities may be limiting the population. In the event that ship rats were to reach Uvea it would be at greater risk of extinction. The parakeet is listed in Appendix I of CITES and the IUCN considers the conservation status as Vulnerable. This species is threatened because of low numbers, a limited home range and habitat loss. However, in recent years, community involvement in saving the species have contributed to significant gains in increasing the Ouvea parakeet population from an estimated 617 in 1993 to 2,090 in 2009.Barre N, Theuerkauf J, Verfaille L, Primot P, Saoumoe M. (2010). Exponential population increase in the endangered Ouvea Parakeet (''Eunymphicus uvaeensis'') after community-based protection from nest poaching. J. Ornitol. 151: 695-701.


{{Taxonbar, from=Q2362250 Eunymphicus Endemic birds of New Caledonia Birds described in 1882 Taxonomy articles created by Polbot