

Oil agglomerationResearch into the process of preparation of Ukrainian coal by the oil aggregation method / V. Biletskyi, P. Molchanov, M. Sokur, G. Gayko, V. Savyk, V. Orlovskyy, M. Liakh, T. Yatsyshyn, R. Fursa / Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies – 2017. – Vol. 3. – № 5 (87) – P. 45–53. – URL: http://journals.uran.ua/eejet/issue/view/6296. is one of the special processes of
mineral processing In the field of extractive metallurgy, mineral processing, also known as ore dressing, is the process of separating commercially valuable minerals from their ores. History Before the advent of heavy machinery the raw ore was broken up using ...
. It is based on differences in surface properties of desired and undesired minerals i.e., carbonaceous coal particles and gangue minerals. It is used for dressing, dehydration of finely dispersed naturally hydrophobic minerals – most often coal, in the first tests – for sulphide ores, in addition, adhesion minerals processing of gold and diamonds. The product of oil agglomeration of coal is carbonaceous
agglomerate Agglomerate (from the Latin ''agglomerare'' meaning "to form into a ball") is a coarse accumulation of large blocks of volcanic material that contains at least 75% bombs. Volcanic bombs differ from volcanic blocks in that their shape records flui ...
granulate Granulation is the process of forming grains or granules from a powdery or solid substance, producing a granular material. It is applied in several technological processes in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Typically, granulation invo ...
. There are many factors which affect the oil agglomeration process such as coal ranks, moisture content, pulp density or solid concentration, oil dosage or oil concentration, particle size distribution, oil types, agglomeration time, conditioning time, concentration of salts, pH, vessel type, impeller design, number of baffles placed etc., which can be categorized into process variables and design variables.



*Application of coal agglomeration for clean-up of hydrocarbon contaminated soil/ Ignasiak I., Carson D., Pawlak W // Int. Conf. Sci., Tocyo., Jct. 23-27, 1989: Proc. Vol. 2. - San Jose Calif 1989. - p. 1019-1022. *Ding Y., Erten M. Selective flocculation versus oil agglomeration in removing sulfur from ultra fine coal// Proc. and Util. Hing Sulfur Coals III: 3rd Int. Conf. Ames. Iowa, Nov. 14-16, 1989.- Amsterdam . - 1990.- р. 255-264. *Shrauti S.M., Arnold D. W. Recovery of waste fine coal by oil agglomeration // Fuel, 1995, 74 , № 3, р. 454-465. *Tovas D. Wheelock ea. The role of air in oil agglomeration of coal at a moderate shear rate// Fuel, 1994, v. 73, № 7. р. 1103-1107. *Vega V.G. ea. Selective agglomeration of hing rank coals with vegetable oils // 8 th Int. Conf. on coal Science. Oviedo. Spain, 10-12 September 1995. p. 296-297.
Some factors affecting spherical oil agglomeration performance of coal fines // International Journal of Mineral Processing. Volume 65, Issues 3–4, July 2002, Pages 177–190
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