Ohel Of Chaim Chaykl Of Amdur



Ohel may refer to: * Ohel (social services), a children's home and family services organization in New York * Ohel (biblical figure), the son of Zerubbabel, mentioned in I Chronicles * Ohel (Chabad-Lubavitch), burial place of the sixth and seventh Lubavitcher Rebbes *
Ohel (grave) Ohel ( he, אוהל; plural: , literally, "tent") is a structure built around a Jewish grave as a sign of prominence of the deceased. cover the graves of some (but not all) Hasidic Rebbes, important rabbis, tzadikim, prominent Jewish community l ...
, a structure built over the graves of Rebbes, prophets and tzaddikim * Ohel Theater, an Israeli theater company, active 1925–1969

See also

* Ohel Leah Synagogue, Hong Kong * Ohel Rachel Synagogue, Shanghai {{Disambiguation