

In the context of
mailing list A mailing list is a collection of names and addresses used by an individual or an organization to send material to multiple recipients. The term is often extended to include the people subscribed to such a list, so the group of subscribers is re ...
s, discussion groups, discussion forums, bulletin boards, newsgroups, and wikis a contribution is off-topic if it is not within the bounds of the current discussion, and on-topic if it is. Even on very specialized forums and lists, off-topic posting is not necessarily frowned upon, but a common netiquette convention is to mark a new off-topic posting or email by beginning it with "OT"''"It is appreciated if articles that have absolutely nothing to do with Tolkien have subject lines beginning with "OT:" ("Off Topic")."''
The Tolkien Newsgroups FAQ - for example in a forum discussing the Linux operating system someone might post: "OT: Did anyone else see that giant skunk?". Posting off-topic messages to deliberately aggravate other members is a form of trolling.

See also

* Netiquette


External links

NewsReaders.com: Getting Started: NetiquetteOff Topic Forum
Internet forum terminology {{web2.0-stub ru:Сетевой этикет#Оффтопик