Noël is an American
disco music singer who released an album and several singles on Virgin Records at the end of the 1970s.
[Billboard – 22 Dec 1979 "Virgin Records artist Noel did an interview with Vinnie Pcruzzi at Boston's WXKS-FM to promote a "Wishing You A ... "Dancing Is Dangerous" and "They Night They Invented Love" She was interviewed by club DJ Joey lanlosca over the air.]
Noël was a Los Angeles-based model-turned-singer who was promoted by brothers
Ron and
Russell Mael of the band
Sparks may refer to:
*Sparks, Georgia
* Sparks, Kansas
*Sparks, Kentucky
*Sparks, Maryland
* Sparks, Nebraska
*Sparks, Nevada
*Sparks, Oklahoma
*Sparks, Texas
* Sparks, Bell County, Texas
* Sparks, West Virginia
* ''Sparks'' (Raffi ...
. Her real-life identity has not publicly been revealed.
* "Dancing Is Dangerous" / B-side : "I Want A Man" (1979)
* "The Night They Invented Love" / B-side : "Au Revoir". Both written by Ron Mael and Russell Mael. (1979)
* "Special to You" / B-side : "Lovemaker" (as Noël & The Red Wedge, 1982)
* ''Is There More To Life Than Dancing?'' (1979)
* ''Peer Pressure'' (credited to Noël & The Red Wedge, 1982)
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American women pop singers
Possibly living people
Year of birth missing