

Novi Kozarci ( sr-cyr, Нови Козарци) is a village in
Serbia Serbia (, ; Serbian: , , ), officially the Republic of Serbia (Serbian: , , ), is a landlocked country in Southeastern and Central Europe, situated at the crossroads of the Pannonian Basin and the Balkans. It shares land borders with Hungar ...
. It is located in the Municipality of
Kikinda Kikinda ( sr-Cyrl, Кикинда, ; hu, Nagykikinda) is a city and the administrative center of the North Banat District in Serbia . The city urban area has 38,069 inhabitants, while the city administrative area has 59,453 inhabitants. The c ...
North Banat District The North Banat District ( sr, Севернобанатски округ, Severnobanatski okrug, ; hu, Észak-bánsági körzet) is one of seven administrative districts of the autonomous province of Vojvodina, Serbia. It lies in the geograph ...
, Autonomous Province of
Vojvodina Vojvodina ( sr-Cyrl, Војводина}), officially the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, is an autonomous province that occupies the northernmost part of Serbia. It lies within the Pannonian Basin, bordered to the south by the national capital ...
. The village has an ethnic
Serb The Serbs ( sr-Cyr, Срби, Srbi, ) are the most numerous South Slavic ethnic group native to the Balkans in Southeastern Europe, who share a common Serbian ancestry, culture, history and language. The majority of Serbs live in their na ...
majority (93.19%) and a population of 1,912 (2011 census).


The name of the village is derived from Mount Kozara in
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina ( sh, / , ), abbreviated BiH () or B&H, sometimes called Bosnia–Herzegovina and often known informally as Bosnia, is a country at the crossroads of south and southeast Europe, located in the Balkans. Bosnia and H ...
, and means 'new Kozarans'. Serbs from the Kozara region settled the village after
World War II World War II or the Second World War, often abbreviated as WWII or WW2, was a world war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. It involved the vast majority of the world's countries—including all of the great powers—forming two opposing ...


Since 2009 Novi Kozarci has been hosting Pie Fest (srb: Pitijada) every last week in September. This event consists of various competitions: making the best traditional potato pie, making the longest pie (Pie for Guinness), fast pie eating competition (srb: Pitožder) and sports competitions (srb: Novokozarački Višeboj).

Ethnic groups (2002 census)

Serbs The Serbs ( sr-Cyr, Срби, Srbi, ) are the most numerous South Slavic ethnic group native to the Balkans in Southeastern Europe, who share a common Serbian ancestry, culture, history and language. The majority of Serbs live in their na ...
= 2,122 (93.19%) *
Romani Romani may refer to: Ethnicities * Romani people, an ethnic group of Northern Indian origin, living dispersed in Europe, the Americas and Asia ** Romani genocide, under Nazi rule * Romani language, any of several Indo-Aryan languages of the Roma ...
= 61 (2.68%) *
Yugoslavs Yugoslavs or Yugoslavians ( Bosnian and Croatian: ''Jugoslaveni'', Serbian and Macedonian ''Jugosloveni''/Југословени; sl, Jugoslovani) is an identity that was originally designed to refer to a united South Slavic people. It has b ...
= 28 (1.23%) *
Hungarians Hungarians, also known as Magyars ( ; hu, magyarok ), are a nation and  ethnic group native to Hungary () and historical Hungarian lands who share a common culture, history, ancestry, and language. The Hungarian language belongs to the Urali ...
= 11 (0.48%) *others.

Historical population

*1961: 3,668 *1971: 3,068 *1981: 2,668 *1991: 2,488 *2002: 2,277

See also

List of places in Serbia This is the list of populated places in Serbia (excluding Kosovo), as recorded by the 2002 census, sorted alphabetically by municipalities. Settlements denoted as " urban" (towns and cities) are marked bold. Population for every settlement is gi ...
List of cities, towns and villages in Vojvodina This is a list of cities, towns and villages in Vojvodina, a province of Serbia. List of largest cities and towns in Vojvodina List of urban settlements in Vojvodina List of all urban settlements (cities and towns) in Vojvodina with populati ...


*Slobodan Ćurčić, Broj stanovnika Vojvodine, Novi Sad, 1996.

External links

Novi Kozarci (ADF/USAID)
Populated places in Serbian Banat Kikinda {{NorthBanatRS-geo-stub