

Norwegian Prison and Probation Officers' Union ( Norwegian: ''Norsk Fengsels- og Friomsorgsforbund'', NFF) is the largest union for employees within correctional services in
Norway Norway, officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic country in Northern Europe, the mainland territory of which comprises the western and northernmost portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The remote Arctic island of Jan Mayen and t ...
, encompassing both the
prison service His Majesty's Prison Service (HMPS) is a part of HM Prison and Probation Service (formerly the National Offender Management Service), which is the part of His Majesty's Government charged with managing most of the prisons within England and Wale ...
and the probation service. The Union was established in 1918 under the name Norsk Fengselstjenestemannsforbund, but the name was changed to the current name when NFF also organized probation officers. NFF has over 3,500 members. There are local elected representatives at the regional level and departments at the jobsites level at each
prison A prison, also known as a jail, gaol (dated, standard English, Australian, and historically in Canada), penitentiary (American English and Canadian English), detention center (or detention centre outside the US), correction center, correc ...
and probation office. NFF joined the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) in 1946. The union is affiliated with LO Stat and Nordiske Fængselsfunktionærers Union, NFU ( Nordic Prison Officers’ Association). NFF publishes the trade union magazine "NFF-magasinet".NFF-magasinet

See also

Norwegian Correctional Services The Norwegian Correctional Service (in Norwegian: ''Kriminalomsorgen'') is a government agency responsible for the implementation of detention and punishment in a way that is reassuring for the society and for preventing crimes. The agency is gove ...


External links

Official website
Prison officer organisations Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions Trade unions established in 1918 Penal system in Norway {{Europe-trade-union-stub