Ngok Loden Sherab



Ngok Loden Sherab or Ngok Lotsawa Loden Sherab () (1059–1109) - Important in the transmission of Buddhism from India to Tibet. One of the most renowned translators in Tibetan history and traditionally known as one of the "Ten Pillars of Tibetan Buddhism" (''ka chen bcu''). Also known as Matiprajna (Sanskrit).Takasaki, Jikido (1966). ''A Study on the Ratnagotravibhāga (Uttaratantra) Being a Treatise on the Tathāgatagarbha Theory of Mahāyāna Buddhism'' (Rome Oriental Series 33). Rome: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, p.6


Tibetan Tanjur

Two versions of the ''
Ratnagotravibhāga The ''Ratnagotravibhāga'' (Sanskrit, abbreviated as RGV, meaning: ''Analysis of the Jeweled Lineage, Investigating the Jewel Disposition'') and its ''vyākhyā'' commentary (abbreviated RGVV to refer to the RGV verses along with the embedded comm ...
'' were translated by Loden Sherab at Srinagar in Kashmir under the supervision of Kashmiri Pandits Ratnavajra and Sajjana towards the close of the 11th century CE: * Theg-pa-chen-po rgyud-bla maḥi bstan-bcos (Mahāyāna-uttaratantra-śāstra), Tohaku Catalogue No. 4024 * Theg-pa-chen-po rgyud-bla-maḥi bstan-bcos rnam-par-bsad-pa (Mahāyāna-uttaratantra-śāstra-vyākhyā), Tohaku Catalogue No. 4025.


Further reading

External links

blo ldan shes rab
- TBRC P2551
Ngok Loden Sherab

Ngok Lotsawa Loden Sherab
1059 births 1109 deaths Kadampa lamas Tibetan Buddhists from Tibet Tibetan Buddhism writers 11th-century Tibetan people 12th-century Tibetan people 11th-century Buddhists 12th-century Buddhists {{Buddhism-bio-stub