

Needle-nose pliers, also known as long-nose pliers and snipe-nose pliers, are both cutting and holding
pliers Pliers are a hand tool used to hold objects firmly, possibly developed from tongs used to handle hot metal in Bronze Age Europe. They are also useful for bending and physically compressing a wide range of materials. Generally, pliers consi ...
used by
artisans An artisan (from french: artisan, it, artigiano) is a skilled craft worker who makes or creates material objects partly or entirely by hand. These objects may be functional or strictly decorative, for example furniture, decorative art, ...
, jewellery designers,
electrician An electrician is a tradesperson specializing in electrical wiring of buildings, transmission lines, stationary machines, and related equipment. Electricians may be employed in the installation of new electrical components or the maintenanc ...
s, network engineers and other
tradesmen A tradesman, tradeswoman, or tradesperson is a skilled worker that specializes in a particular trade (occupation or field of work). Tradesmen usually have work experience, on-the-job training, and often formal vocational education in contrast to ...
to bend, re-position and snip
wire Overhead power cabling. The conductor consists of seven strands of steel (centre, high tensile strength), surrounded by four outer layers of aluminium (high conductivity). Sample diameter 40 mm A wire is a flexible strand of metal. Wire is co ...
. Their namesake long nose gives excellent control while the cutting edge near the pliers' joint provides "one-tool" convenience. Because of their long shape they are useful for reaching into small areas where cables or other materials have become stuck or unreachable with fingers or other means. Bent nose pliers, also named bent needle-nose pliers, curved nose pliers or curved needle-nose pliers, have a curved beak. Bent needle-nose pliers, 326x326px Wiring pliers, are used to cut, strip and manipulate wire during the process of terminating it.

See also

Lineman's pliers Lineman's pliers (US English), Kleins (genericized trademark, US usage), linesman pliers (Canadian English), side cutting linesman pliers and combination pliers (UK / US English) are a type of pliers used by linemen, electricians, and other tra ...


{{DEFAULTSORT:Needle-nose pliers Pliers