

The National Space Centre in Moscow (Russian: Национальный космический центр) is a large office and manufacturing complex currently under construction adjacent to the Khrunichev factory. The Russian National Space Centre is a joint initiative between the Heads of Roscosmos, and the
Mayor of Moscow The Mayor of Moscow (russian: Мэр Москвы, Mer Moskvy) is the head and the highest-ranking official of Moscow, who leads the Government of Moscow, the main executive body of the city. Moscow is both a city and separate federal sub ...
, to unite the various entities of the Space industry under one roof.Утверждена концепция Национального космического центра
// «Роскосмос»
It is scheduled to be completed in 2024, and will include
Roscosmos The State Space Corporation "Roscosmos" (russian: Государственная корпорация по космической деятельности «Роскосмос»), commonly known simply as Roscosmos (russian: Роскосмос) ...
offices, The Russian Mission Control, and the offices of additional 18 space companies.


The National Space Center is designed to bring together, under one roof, 18 of 30 Moscow's design bureaus and plants of the space industry: a total of about 12,000 new employees (thus, together with 8,000 employees of the Khrunichev Center, which will house 20,000 employees). The center will be part of the special economic zone known as the Technopolis "Moscow" which combines industrial and technological parks in the capital of Russia. Apart from the Roscosmos corporation which will place its main offices in the complex, space companies like ORKK, TsENKI, Glavkosmos and other space corporations will also be transferred here.Утверждена концепция Национального космического центра
// «Роскосмос»
Roscosmos offices will be located in a glass tower, with a total area of 250,000 square meters, which will be 200 meters in height, in a triangular rights tower with horizontal structures attached to it.


The concentration of factories and industries in the aerospace industry is intended to create a synergistic effect from the increase in their interaction and collaboration, to create a qualitatively new environment and to reduce the economic costs of the split enterprises.


The idea of creating the National Space Center was proposed in 2018 by Roscosmos Director Dmitry Rogozin;
Russian President The president of the Russian Federation ( rus, Президент Российской Федерации, Prezident Rossiyskoy Federatsii) is the head of state of the Russian Federation. The president leads the executive branch of the federal ...
Vladimir Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin; (born 7 October 1952) is a Russian politician and former intelligence officer who holds the office of president of Russia. Putin has served continuously as president or prime minister since 1999: as prime m ...
announced this plan in February 2019, while the idea of putting the center on the territory of the Khrunichev Center was suggested by the
Mayor of Moscow The Mayor of Moscow (russian: Мэр Москвы, Mer Moskvy) is the head and the highest-ranking official of Moscow, who leads the Government of Moscow, the main executive body of the city. Moscow is both a city and separate federal sub ...
, Sergei Sobyanin.Putin vows to pump more cash into Russian space industries
/ref> The construction of the National Space Center is carried out by the construction and engineering holding company "Mosinzhproekt". The Construction began in 2019, and is scheduled for completion in 2022; by 2023, the various industrial organizations will move to the new complex.Национальный космический центр: здание будет в форме орбитальной станции


Строительство Национального космического центра в Москве (сентябрь 2020) (32).jpeg, Construction progress as of September 2020 National Space Centre in Moscow.jpg, Construction progress as of March 2021


External links

Putin orders government to create National Space Center in Moscow
{{Authority control Roscosmos Aerospace museums in Russia Science museums in Russia 2019 establishments in Russia Buildings and structures in Moscow Space program of Russia Coordinates not on Wikidata