

Ministry of Justice of Denmark ( da, Justitsministeriet, fo, Dómsmálaráðið, kl, Inatsiseqarnermut Ministereqarfik) is the Danish government ministry responsible for the general judicial system, including the
police The police are a Law enforcement organization, constituted body of Law enforcement officer, persons empowered by a State (polity), state, with the aim to law enforcement, enforce the law, to ensure the safety, health and possessions of citize ...
and the prosecution service, the courts of law, and prisons and the probation service. In addition, the Ministry is responsible for legislation in the areas of criminal, private and family law, the law of trusts and foundations, nationality law and data protection law. The Ministry of Justice of Denmark might oversee the administration of justice in
Greenland Greenland ( kl, Kalaallit Nunaat, ; da, Grønland, ) is an island country in North America that is part of the Kingdom of Denmark. It is located between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, east of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Greenland ...

Councils, boards, commissions


* Director for Public Prosecution * Danish Court Administration * Danish Prison and Probation Service * Danish Civil Affairs Agency *
Danish Data Protection Agency The Danish Data Protection Agency () was created, following the implementation of EU Directive 95/46/EC, regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the process of personal information and the movement of such. The agency exercises s ...
Danish Critical Supply Agency Danish may refer to: * Something of, from, or related to the country of Denmark People * A national or citizen of Denmark, also called a "Dane," see Demographics of Denmark * Culture of Denmark * Danish people or Danes, people with a Danish an ...


* Det Dyreetiske Råd (the Council for Animal Ethics) * Det Særlige Råd vedr. Dyreværnsspørgsmål (the Special Council for Animal Protection Issues) * Rådet for Dyreforsøg/Dyreforsøgstilsynet (the Council for Animal Testing/The Supervisory Authority on Animal Testing) * Retslægerådet (the Forensic Medicine Council) * Datarådet (the Data Council) * Det Kriminalpræventive Råd (the Crime Prevention Council) * Dommerudnævnelsesrådet (the Judicial Appointment Council) * Færdselssikkerhedskommissionen (the Road Safety Commission) * Rådet for Sikker Trafik (the Council for Safe Road Traffic) * Rådet vedrørende Hold af Særlige Dyr (the Council Regarding the Possession of Certain Animals) * Tilsynsrådet vedr. Beskæftigelse af Indsatte (the Supervisory Council for the Occupation of Inmates)


* Advokatnævnet (the Disciplinary Board of the Bar and Law Society) * Erstatningsnævnet (Criminal Injuries Compensation Board) * Det Færøske Erstatningsnævn for Voldsofre (the Faroese Damages Board for Victims of Assault) * Det Grønlandske Erstatningsnævn for Voldsofre (the Greenlandic Damages Board for Victims of Assault) * Politiklagenævnene (Independent Police Complaints Authority) *
Pressenævnet Danish Press Council ( da, Pressenævnet) is a Danish independent public tribunal press council under the Ministry of Justice, established pursuant to the Danish Media Liability Act of 1 January 1992, to deal with complaints about the Danish mass ...
(the Press Board) * Procesbevillingsnævnet (the Appeals Permission Board)

Legal commissions

* Advokatudvalget * Arbejdsgruppen om hold af heste * Arbejdsgruppen om reglerne for udførsel af våben mv. * Arbejdsgruppen om slagtefjerkræ * Arvelovsudvalget * Jurisdiktionsudvalget * Konkursrådet * Offentlighedskommissionen * Retsplejerådet * Straffelovrådet * Strafferetsplejeudvalget * Tinglysningsudvalget * Udvalget om elektronisk Lovtidende * Udvalget om offentligt ansattes ytringsfrihed og meddeleret * Udvalget om retsvirkningerne af digital signatur mv. * Udvalget om sanktionsfastsættelse i sager om spiritus- og promille-kørsel mv. * Udvalget om TV-overvågning * Udvalget vedrørende Politiets og Forsvarets Efterretningstjenester

Other commissions

* Justitsministeriets Forskningspolitiske Udvalg * Kursusudvalget vedr. obligatorisk efteruddannelse af advokat-fuldmægtige * Wamberg-udvalget


* Bestyrelsen for Domstolsstyrelsen


Danish Data Protection Agency The Danish Data Protection Agency () was created, following the implementation of EU Directive 95/46/EC, regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the process of personal information and the movement of such. The agency exercises s ...
* Dyreforsøgstilsynet * Statens Våbenkontrol

List of ministers

See List of Justice Ministers in Denmark

See also

Justice ministry A justice ministry, ministry of justice, or department of justice is a ministry or other government agency in charge of the administration of justice. The ministry or department is often headed by a minister of justice (minister for justice in ...
* Justitsministre fra Danmark (Ministers of Justice from Denmark) *
Politics of Denmark The politics of Denmark take place within the framework of a parliamentary representative democracy, a constitutional monarchy and a decentralised unitary state in which the monarch of Denmark, Queen Margrethe II, is the head of state. Denma ...


External links

Danish Ministry of Justice, official website. Retrieved March 12, 2011 {{authority control
Justice Justice, in its broadest sense, is the principle that people receive that which they deserve, with the interpretation of what then constitutes "deserving" being impacted upon by numerous fields, with many differing viewpoints and perspective ...
Law of Denmark
Denmark ) , song = ( en, "King Christian stood by the lofty mast") , song_type = National and royal anthem , image_map = EU-Denmark.svg , map_caption = , subdivision_type = Sovereign state , subdivision_name = Kingdom of Denmark , establish ...