

''Munidopsis'' is a genus of
squat lobster Squat lobsters are dorsoventrally flattened crustaceans with long tails held curled beneath the cephalothorax. They are found in the two superfamilies Galatheoidea and Chirostyloidea, which form part of the decapod infraorder Anomura, alongside ...
. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after ''
Munida ''Munida'' is the largest genus of squat lobsters in the family Munididae, with over 240 species. Species *''Munida abelloi'' Macpherson, 1994 *''Munida acacia'' Ahyong, 2007 *''Munida acantha'' Macpherson, 1994 * ''Munida acola'' Macpherson, 2 ...
'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species are also known, including specimens from the
Campanian The Campanian is the fifth of six ages of the Late Cretaceous Epoch on the geologic timescale of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS). In chronostratigraphy, it is the fifth of six stages in the Upper Cretaceous Series. Campanian s ...
Cretaceous The Cretaceous ( ) is a geological period that lasted from about 145 to 66 million years ago (Mya). It is the third and final period of the Mesozoic Era, as well as the longest. At around 79 million years, it is the longest geological period of th ...


The described living species are as follows: *''
Munidopsis abbreviata ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after '' Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species ar ...
'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) *''
Munidopsis abdominalis ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after ''Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species are ...
'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) *'' Munidopsis abyssicola'' Baba, 2005 *'' Munidopsis abyssorum'' A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1897 *'' Munidopsis acalipha'' Macpherson, 2007 *''
Munidopsis acuminata ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after '' Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species ar ...
'' Benedict, 1902 *''
Munidopsis acuta ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after '' Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species ar ...
'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1881) *''
Munidopsis acutispina ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after '' Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species ar ...
'' Benedict, 1902 *''
Munidopsis africana ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after '' Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species ar ...
'' Balss, 1913 *''
Munidopsis agassizii ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after '' Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species ar ...
'' Faxon, 1893 *''
Munidopsis alaminos ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after '' Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species ar ...
'' Pequegnat & Pequegnat, 1970 *''
Munidopsis albatrossae ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after ''Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species are ...
'' Pequegnat & Pequegnat, 1973 *''
Munidopsis allae ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after ''Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species are ...
'' Khodkina & Duris, 1989 *''
Munidopsis alvisca ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after ''Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species are ...
'' Williams, 1988 *''
Munidopsis analoga ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after ''Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species are ...
'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis andamanica'' MacGilchrist, 1905 *'' Munidopsis anemia'' Macpherson & Segonzac, 2005 *'' Munidopsis antonii'' (Filhol, 1884) *'' Munidopsis arenula'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis ariadne'' Macpherson, 2011 *''
Munidopsis aries ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after ''Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species are ...
'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) *'' Munidopsis arietina'' Alcock & Anderson, 1894 *'' Munidopsis armata'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) *'' Munidopsis aspera'' (Henderson, 1885) *'' Munidopsis austellus'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis aurantia'' Lin & Chan, 2011 *'' Munidopsis bairdii'' (Smith, 1884) *'' Munidopsis barbarae'' (Boone, 1927) *'' Munidopsis barrerai'' Bahamonde, 1964 *'' Munidopsis bermudezi'' Chace, 1939 *'' Munidopsis bispinata'' Miyake & Baba, 1970 *'' Munidopsis bispinoculata'' Baba, 1988 *'' Munidopsis bractea'' Ahyong, 2007 *'' Munidopsis bracteosa'' Jones & Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis bradleyi'' Pequegnat & Pequegnat, 1971 *''
Munidopsis brevimanus ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after ''Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species are ...
'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) *'' Munidopsis bruta'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis calvata'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis camelus'' (Ortmann, 1892) *'' Munidopsis carinimarginata'' Baba, 1988 *'' Munidopsis carinipes'' Faxon, 1893 *'' Munidopsis cascadia'' Ambler, 1980 *'' Munidopsis centrina'' Alcock & Anderson, 1894 *'' Munidopsis ceratophthalma'' Alcock, 1901 *'' Munidopsis ceres'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis chacei'' Kensley, 1968 *'' Munidopsis chunii'' Balss, 1913 *'' Munidopsis cidaris'' Baba, 1994 *'' Munidopsis cochlearis'' Khodkina, 1973 *'' Munidopsis colombiana'' Pequegnat & Pequegnat, 1971 *'' Munidopsis comarge'' Taylor, Ahyong & Andreakis, 2010 *'' Munidopsis concava'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis cornuata'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis crassa'' Smith, 1885 *'' Munidopsis crenatirostris'' Baba, 1988 *'' Munidopsis crinita'' Faxon, 1893 *'' Munidopsis cubensis'' Chace, 1942 *'' Munidopsis curvimana'' Whiteaves, 1874 *''
Munidopsis curvirostra ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after '' Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species ar ...
'' Whiteaves, 1874 *'' Munidopsis cylindrophthalma'' (Alcock, 1894) *'' Munidopsis cylindropus'' Benedict, 1902 *'' Munidopsis dasypus'' Alcock, 1894 *'' Munidopsis debilis'' (Henderson, 1885) *'' Munidopsis demeter'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis dentifalx'' Osawa, Lin & Chan, 2007 *'' Munidopsis denudata'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis depressa'' Faxon, 1893 *'' Munidopsis dispar'' *'' Munidopsis echinata'' Osawa, Lin & Chan, 2008 *'' Munidopsis edwardsii'' (Wood–Mason, 1891) *'' Munidopsis erinacea'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) *'' Munidopsis espinis'' Benedict, 1902 *''
Munidopsis expansa ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after ''Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species are ...
'' Benedict, 1902 *'' Munidopsis exuta'' Macpherson & Segonzac, 2005 *'' Munidopsis follirostris'' Khodkina, 1973 *'' Munidopsis formosa'' Wu & Chan, 2000 *''
Munidopsis geyeri ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after '' Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species ar ...
'' Pequegnat & Pequegnat, 1970 *'' Munidopsis gibbosa'' Baba, 1978 *'' Munidopsis gilli'' Benedict, 1902 *'' Munidopsis glabra'' Pequegnat & Williams, 1995 *'' Munidopsis gladiola'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis goodridgii'' Alcock & Anderson, 1899 *'' Munidopsis gracilis'' Cubelio, Tsuchida & Watanabe, 2008 *''
Munidopsis granosa ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after ''Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species are ...
'' Alcock, 1901 *'' Munidopsis granosicorium'' Williams & Baba, 1989 *'' Munidopsis granulata'' Miyake & Baba, 1967 *'' Munidopsis granulens'' Mayo, 1972 *'' Munidopsis gulfensis'' Pequegnat & Pequegnat, 1970 *'' Munidopsis guochuani'' *'' Munidopsis hamata'' Faxon, 1893 *'' Munidopsis hemingi'' Alcock & Anderson, 1899 *'' Munidopsis hendersoniana'' Faxon, 1893 *''
Munidopsis hirsuta ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after ''Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species are ...
'' Jones & Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis hirsutissima'' Balss, 1913 *'' Munidopsis hirtella'' Macpherson & Segonzac, 2005 *'' Munidopsis hystrix'' Faxon, 1893 *'' Munidopsis inermis'' Faxon, 1893 *'' Munidopsis iridis'' Alcock & Anderson, 1899 *'' Munidopsis kaiyoae'' Baba, 1974 *'' Munidopsis kareenae'' Ahyong, 2013 *'' Munidopsis keijii'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis kensleyi'' Ahyong & Poore, 2004 *'' Munidopsis kensmithi'' Jones & Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis kermadec'' Cubelio, Tsuchida & Watanabe, 2007 *'' Munidopsis kexueae'' *'' Munidopsis kucki'' Baba & Camp, 1988 *'' Munidopsis laciniosa'' Baba, 2005 *'' Munidopsis laevigata'' (Henderson, 1885) *'' Munidopsis laevisquama'' Lin & Chan, 2011 *'' Munidopsis latiangulata'' Osawa, Lin & Chan, 2006 *'' Munidopsis laticorpus'' Cubelio, Tsuchida & Watanabe, 2008 *''
Munidopsis latifrons ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after ''Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species are ...
'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) *'' Munidopsis latimana'' Miyake & Baba, 1966 *'' Munidopsis latirostris'' (Faxon, 1895) *'' Munidopsis lauensis'' Baba & de Saint Laurent, 1992 *'' Munidopsis laurentae'' Macpherson & Segonzac, 2005 *'' Munidopsis lentigo'' Williams & Van Dover, 1983 *'' Munidopsis lenzii'' Balss, 1913 *'' Munidopsis leptotes'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis levis'' (Alcock & Anderson, 1894) *'' Munidopsis lignaria'' Williams & Baba, 1989 *''
Munidopsis livida ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after '' Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species ar ...
'' (Perrier, 1886) *'' Munidopsis longimanus'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) *'' Munidopsis longispinosa'' Cubelio, Tsuchida & Watanabe, 2007 *'' Munidopsis lophia'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis mandelai'' Macpherson, Amon & Clark, 2014 *'' Munidopsis margarita'' Faxon, 1893 *'' Munidopsis marginata'' (Henderson, 1885) *'' Munidopsis marianica'' Williams & Baba, 1989 *'' Munidopsis marionis'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1881) *''
Munidopsis maunga ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after ''Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species are ...
'' Schnabel & Bruce, 2006 *'' Munidopsis miersii'' (Henderson, 1885) *'' Munidopsis milleri'' Henderson, 1885 *'' Munidopsis mina'' Benedict, 1902 *'' Munidopsis modesta'' Benedict, 1902 *'' Munidopsis moresbyi'' Alcock & Anderson, 1899 *'' Munidopsis myojinensis'' Cubelio, Tsuchida, Hendrickx, Kado & Watanabe, 2007 *'' Munidopsis naginata'' Cubelio, Tsuchida & Watanabe, 2007 *'' Munidopsis nereidis'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis nitida'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) *'' Munidopsis norfanz'' Ahyong, 2007 *'' Munidopsis opalescens'' Benedict, 1902 *'' Munidopsis orcina'' McArdle, 1901 *'' Munidopsis ornata'' Faxon, 1893 *'' Munidopsis pallida'' Alcock, 1894 *'' Munidopsis palmatus'' Khodkina, 1973 *'' Munidopsis panamae'' Baba, 2005 *'' Munidopsis papanui'' Schnabel & Bruce, 2006 *'' Munidopsis parfaiti'' (Filhol, 1885) *'' Munidopsis pectinata'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis penescabra'' Pequegnat & Williams, 1995 *'' Munidopsis pericalla'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis petalorhyncha'' Baba, 2005 *''
Munidopsis petila ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after ''Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species are ...
'' Baba, 2005 *'' Munidopsis pilosa'' Henderson, 1885 *'' Munidopsis platirostris'' (A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1894) *'' Munidopsis plumatisetigera'' Baba, 1988 *'' Munidopsis polita'' (Smith, 1883) *'' Munidopsis polymorpha'' Koelbel, 1892 *'' Munidopsis poseidonia'' Alcock & Anderson, 1894 *'' Munidopsis proales'' Ahyong & Poore, 2004 *'' Munidopsis producta'' Baba, 2005 *'' Munidopsis profunda'' Baba, 2005 *'' Munidopsis pubescens'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis pycnopoda'' Baba, 2005 *'' Munidopsis quadrata'' Faxon, 1893 *'' Munidopsis ramahtaylorae'' Pequegnat & Pequegnat, 1971 *'' Munidopsis recta'' Baba, 2005 *'' Munidopsis regia'' Alcock & Anderson, 1894 *''
Munidopsis reynoldsi ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after ''Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species are ...
'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) *'' Munidopsis riveroi'' Chace, 1939 *'' Munidopsis robusta'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) *'' Munidopsis rotundior'' Baba, 2005 *'' Munidopsis ryukyuensis'' Cubelio, Tsuchida & Watanabe, 2007 *'' Munidopsis sarissa'' Lin, Osawa & Chan, 2007 *'' Munidopsis scabra'' Faxon, 1893 *'' Munidopsis scobina'' Alcock, 1894 *'' Munidopsis scotti'' Jones & Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis segonzaci'' Jones & Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis sericea'' Faxon, 1893 *'' Munidopsis serratifrons'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) *''
Munidopsis serricornis ''Munidopsis serricornis'' is a species of squat lobster. It is widely distributed in the world's oceans, being found in the eastern Atlantic Ocean (from Iceland and Norway to the Cape Verde Islands), the western Atlantic Ocean (from the United ...
'' (Lovén, 1852) *'' Munidopsis sharreri'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) *'' Munidopsis sigsbei'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) *'' Munidopsis similior'' Baba, 1988 *'' Munidopsis similis'' Smith, 1885 *'' Munidopsis simplex'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) *'' Munidopsis sinclairi'' McArdle, 1901 *'' Munidopsis snelliusae'' Baba, 1977 *'' Munidopsis solidissima'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis sonne'' Baba, 1995 *'' Munidopsis spinifer'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) *'' Munidopsis spinihirsuta'' Lloyd, 1907 *'' Munidopsis spinipes'' MacGilchrist, 1905 *'' Munidopsis spinoculata'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) *'' Munidopsis spissata'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis squamosa'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) *'' Munidopsis starmer'' Baba & de Saint Laurent, 1992 *'' Munidopsis strigula'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis stylirostris'' Wood-Mason, 1891 *'' Munidopsis subchelata'' Balss, 1913 *'' Munidopsis subspinoculata'' Pequegnat & Pequegnat, 1971 *'' Munidopsis subsquamosa'' Henderson, 1885 *'' Munidopsis tafrii'' Osawa, Lin & Chan, 2006 *''
Munidopsis taiwanica ''Munidopsis taiwanica'', is a species of ''Munidopsis'', a genus of squat lobster. Named after the type locality. Deepest known record for Squat lobster, squat lobsters at 5491m in the Mariana Trench, and is the first confirmed species of squat l ...
'' Osawa, Lin & Chan, 2008 *'' Munidopsis talismani'' A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1894 *'' Munidopsis tanneri'' Faxon, 1893 *'' Munidopsis tasmaniae'' Ahyong & Poore, 2004 *'' Munidopsis taurulus'' Ortmann, 1892 *'' Munidopsis teretis'' Baba, 2005 *'' Munidopsis ternaria'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis thieli'' Türkay, 1975 *'' Munidopsis tiburon'' Jones & Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis townsendi'' Benedict, 1902 *'' Munidopsis trachypus'' Alcock & Anderson, 1894 *'' Munidopsis transtridens'' Pequegnat & Pequegnat, 1971 *'' Munidopsis treis'' Ahyong & Poore, 2004 *'' Munidopsis trichodes'' Macpherson, 2007 *'' Munidopsis tridens'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) *'' Munidopsis trifida'' Henderson, 1885 *'' Munidopsis tropeorhyncha'' Miyake & Baba, 1970 *'' Munidopsis truculenta'' Macpherson & Segonzac, 2005 *'' Munidopsis tuberipes'' Komai, 2011 *'' Munidopsis tuberosa'' Osawa, Lin & Chan, 2008 *'' Munidopsis tuftsi'' Ambler, 1980 *'' Munidopsis unguifera'' Alcock & Anderson, 1894 *'' Munidopsis vaillantii'' (A. Milne-Edwards, 1881) *'' Munidopsis verrilli'' Benedict, 1902 *'' Munidopsis verrucosus'' Khodkina, 1973 *'' Munidopsis vesper'' Taylor, Ahyong & Andreakis, 2010 *'' Munidopsis vicina'' Faxon, 1893 *'' Munidopsis victoriae'' Baba & Poore, 2002 *'' Munidopsis villosa'' Faxon, 1893 *'' Munidopsis vrijenhoeki'' Jones & Macpherson, 2007 *''
Munidopsis wardeni ''Munidopsis'' is a genus of squat lobster. It is the second largest of all the genera of squat lobsters, after ''Munida'', with over 200 species. Its members are mainly found on continental slopes and on abyssal plains. A few fossil species are ...
'' Anderson, 1896 *'' Munidopsis yaquinensis'' Ambler, 1980 *'' Munidopsis zarazagai'' Macpherson, 2007


Further reading

* {{Taxonbar, from=Q3020941 Squat lobsters Extant Campanian first appearances