

Mundolinco is a
constructed language A constructed language (sometimes called a conlang) is a language whose phonology, grammar, and vocabulary, instead of having developed naturally, are consciously devised for some purpose, which may include being devised for a work of fiction ...
created by the Dutch author J. Braakman in 1888. It is notable for apparently being the first
Esperantido An Esperantido (plural Esperantidoj) is a constructed language derived from Esperanto. ''Esperantido'' originally referred to the language which is now known as Ido. The word ''Esperantido'' contains the affix (''-ido''), which means a "child ...
, i.e. the first Esperanto derivative. Major changes from Esperanto include combining the adjective and adverb with the grammatical ending ''-e'' (whereas Esperanto uses ''-a'' for adjectives and ''-e'' for adverbs), changes to the verb conjugations, an increase in the number of Latin roots, and new affixes such as the superlative suffix ''-osim-'' where Esperanto uses the particle ''plej.'' It seems there was no accusative or adjectival agreement. Numerals 1–10: ''un, du, tres, cvarto, cvinto, siso, septo, octo, nono, desem.''

Writing System

There are no diacritics in the alphabet.


* Mundolinco: :''Digne Amiso! Hodie mi factos conesso con el nove universe linco del sinjoro Braakman. Mi perstudies ho linco presimente en cvinto hori ! … Ce ho linco essos el fasilosime del mundo…'' * Esperanto: :''Digna Amiko! Hodiaŭ mi ekkonis la novan universalan lingvon de sinjoro Braakman. Mi pristudis tiun lingvon rapide en kvin horoj! … Ĉi tiu lingvo estas la plej facila de la mondo…'' * English: :''Dignified friend! Today I became aware of the new universal language of Mr Braakman. I studied that language rapidly over five hours! … This language is the easiest in the world…''


* Braakmann, J. ''System voor eene internationale Reis- of Handelstaal: onder der naam van El Mundolinco, Dat is Wereldtaal''. 2nd edition. Noordwijk, J.C. van Dillen, 1894.

External links

{{Constructed languages International auxiliary languages Esperantido Constructed languages introduced in the 1880s 1888 introductions Constructed languages