

''Monocentris japonica'', the Japanese pineapplefish, is a pinecone fish of the
family Family (from la, familia) is a group of people related either by consanguinity (by recognized birth) or affinity (by marriage or other relationship). The purpose of the family is to maintain the well-being of its members and of society. Idea ...
Monocentridae Pinecone fishes are small and unusual marine fish of the family ''Monocentridae''. The family contains just four species in two genera, one of which is monotypic. Their distribution is limited to tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo-P ...
, found in the tropical
Indo-West Pacific The Indo-Pacific is a vast biogeographic region of Earth. In a narrow sense, sometimes known as the Indo-West Pacific or Indo-Pacific Asia, it comprises the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean, the western and central Pacific Ocean, and the ...
Oceans, at depths between 2 and 100 m and can be found on both rocky and coral reefs. The fish is nocturnal and shelters in caves and under ledges during the day.


The pineconefish is yellow with distinct large scales outlined in black. It has light-producing organs filled with luminescent bacteria on each side of the lower jaw, the purpose of which is not known, but may help it to see at night or to attract prey. The fish grows to 17 cm, but is more commonly found up to 12 cm. Pinecone fish do not have scales, and are instead covered in
scutes A scute or scutum (Latin: ''scutum''; plural: ''scuta'' "shield") is a bony external plate or scale overlaid with horn, as on the shell of a turtle, the skin of crocodilians, and the feet of birds. The term is also used to describe the anterior po ...
. Scutes are similar to scales and serve the same function. Unlike the scales of fish, which are formed from the epidermis, scutes are formed in the lower vascular layer of the skin and the epidermal element is only the top surface. Forming in the living dermis, the scutes produce a horny outer layer, that is superficially similar to that of scales. Scute comes from Latin for ''shield'', and can take the form of: * an external shield-like bony plate, or * a modified, thickened scale that often is keeled or spiny, or * a projecting, modified (rough and strongly ridged) scale, usually associated with the lateral line, or on the caudal peduncle forming caudal keels, or along the ventral profile.

In captivity

Pinecone fish are often kept by aquarists because they are not aggressive and easy to keep. In aquaria, they are usually fed fresh marine foods or brine shrimp.


Image:pineconefish.png, Illustration of a pineconefish, with the anatomy of the skull exposed Image:Monocentris japonica.jpg, Pineconefish at the Himeji Aquarium, Japan Image:Monaco.Musée océanographique022.jpg, Pineconefish at the Musée Océanographique de Monaco


* Tony Ayling & Geoffrey Cox, ''Collins Guide to the Sea Fishes of New Zealand'', (William Collins Publishers Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand 1982) Monocentridae Fish described in 1782 Taxa named by Martinus Houttuyn {{Beryciformes-stub