

In mathematics, mixed Hodge modules are the culmination of
Hodge theory In mathematics, Hodge theory, named after W. V. D. Hodge, is a method for studying the cohomology groups of a smooth manifold ''M'' using partial differential equations. The key observation is that, given a Riemannian metric on ''M'', every cohom ...
mixed Hodge structure In algebraic geometry, a mixed Hodge structure is an algebraic structure containing information about the cohomology of general algebraic varieties. It is a generalization of a Hodge structure, which is used to study smooth projective varieties. ...
intersection cohomology In topology, a branch of mathematics, intersection homology is an analogue of singular homology especially well-suited for the study of singular spaces, discovered by Mark Goresky and Robert MacPherson in the fall of 1974 and developed by them ov ...
, and the
decomposition theorem In mathematics, especially algebraic geometry, the decomposition theorem of Beilinson, Bernstein and Deligne or BBD decomposition theorem is a set of results concerning the cohomology of algebraic varieties. It was originally conjectured by Gelfand ...
yielding a coherent framework for discussing variations of degenerating mixed Hodge structures through the six functor formalism. Essentially, these objects are a pair of a filtered
D-module In mathematics, a ''D''-module is a module (mathematics), module over a ring (mathematics), ring ''D'' of differential operators. The major interest of such ''D''-modules is as an approach to the theory of linear partial differential equations. Sin ...
(M, F^\bullet) together with a
perverse sheaf The mathematical term perverse sheaves refers to a certain abelian category associated to a topological space ''X'', which may be a real or complex manifold, or a more general topologically stratified space, usually singular. This concept was intro ...
\mathcal such that the functor from the
Riemann–Hilbert correspondence In mathematics, the term Riemann–Hilbert correspondence refers to the correspondence between regular singular flat connections on algebraic vector bundles and representations of the fundamental group, and more generally to one of several generaliz ...
sends (M, F^\bullet) to \mathcal. This makes it possible to construct a
Hodge structure In mathematics, a Hodge structure, named after W. V. D. Hodge, is an algebraic structure at the level of linear algebra, similar to the one that Hodge theory gives to the cohomology groups of a smooth and compact Kähler manifold. Hodge structure ...
on intersection cohomology, one of the key problems when the subject was discovered. This was solved by
Morihiko Saito Morihiko Saitō (, ''Saitō Morihiko'', born 1961) is a Japanese mathematician, specializing in algebraic analysis and algebraic geometry. Education and career After graduating from Aiko High School in Matsuyama, Saito completed undergraduate stud ...
who found a way to use the filtration on a coherent D-module as an analogue of the Hodge filtration for a Hodge structure. This made it possible to give a Hodge structure on an intersection cohomology sheaf, the simple objects in the
Abelian category In mathematics, an abelian category is a category in which morphisms and objects can be added and in which kernels and cokernels exist and have desirable properties. The motivating prototypical example of an abelian category is the category of ab ...
of perverse sheaves.

Abstract structure

Before going into the nitty gritty details of defining Mixed hodge modules, which is quite elaborate, it is useful to get a sense of what the category of Mixed Hodge modules actually provides. Given a complex algebraic variety X there is an abelian category \textbf(X)pg 339 with the following functorial properties # There is a
faithful functor In category theory, a faithful functor is a functor that is injective on hom-sets, and a full functor is surjective on hom-sets. A functor that has both properties is called a full and faithful functor. Formal definitions Explicitly, let ''C'' an ...
\text_X:D^b\textbf(X) \to D^b_(X;\mathbb) called the rationalization functor. This gives the underlying rational perverse sheaf of a mixed Hodge module. # There is a faithful functor \text_X:D^b\textbf(X) \to D^b_(\mathcal_X) sending a mixed Hodge module to its underlying D-module # These functors behave well with respect to the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence DR_X:D^b_(\mathcal_X) \to D^b_(X;\mathbb), meaning for every mixed Hodge module M there is an isomorphism \alpha: \text_X(M)\otimes \mathbb \xrightarrow \text_X(\text_X(M)). In addition, there are the following categorical properties # The category of mixed Hodge modules over a point is isomorphic to the category of Mixed hodge structures, \textbf(\) \cong \text # Every object M in \textbf(X) admits a weight filtration W such that every morphism in \textbf(X) preserves the weight filtration strictly, the associated graded objects \text_k^W(M) are semi-simple, and in the category of mixed Hodge modules over a point, this corresponds to the weight filtration of a Mixed hodge structure. # There is a dualizing functor \mathbb_X lifting the Verdier dualizing functor in D^b_(X;\mathbb) which is an involution on \textbf(X). For a morphism f:X \to Y of algebraic varieties, the associated six functors on D^b\textbf(X) and D^b\textbf(Y) have the following properties # f_!,f^* don't increase the weights of a complex M^\bullet of mixed Hodge modules. # f^!,f_* don't decrease the weights of a complex M^\bullet of mixed Hodge modules.

Relation between derived categories

The derived category of mixed Hodge modules D^b\textbf(X) is intimately related to the derived category of constructuctible sheaves D^b_(X;\mathbb) \cong D^b(\text(X;\mathbb)) equivalent to the derived category of perverse sheaves. This is because of how the rationalization functor is compatible with the cohomology functor H^k of a complex M^\bullet of mixed Hodge modules. When taking the rationalization, there is an isomorphism
\text_X(H^k(M^\bullet)) = \text^\mathbfH^k(\text_X(M^\bullet))
for the middle perversity \mathbb. Notepg 310 this is the function \mathbf:2\mathbb \to \mathbb sending \mathbf(2k) = -k, which differs from the case of pseudomanifolds where the perversity is a function \mathbb: ,n\to \mathbb_ where \mathbf(2k)=\mathbf(2k - 1) = k-1. Recall this is defined as taking the composition of perverse truncations with the shift functor, sopg 341
\text^\mathbfH^k(\text_X(M^\bullet)) = \text^\tau_\text^\tau_ (\text_X(M^\bullet) k
This kind of setup is also reflected in the derived push and pull functors f_!,f^*,f^!,f_* and with nearby and vanishing cycles \psi_f, \phi_f, the rationalization functor takes these to their analogous perverse functors on the derived category of perverse sheaves.

Tate modules and cohomology

Here we denote the canonical projection to a point by p:X \to \. One of the first mixed Hodge modules available is the weight 0 Tate object, denoted \underline_X^ which is defined as the pullback of its corresponding object in \mathbb^ \in \textbf(\), so
\underline_X^ = p^*\mathbb^
It has weight zero, so \mathbb^ corresponds to the weight 0 Tate object \mathbb(0) in the category of mixed Hodge structures. This object is useful because it can be used to compute the various cohomologies of X through the six functor formalism and give them a mixed Hodge structure. These can be summarized with the table
\begin H^k(X;\mathbb) &= H^k(\, p_*p^*\mathbb^) \\ H^k_c(X;\mathbb) &= H^k(\, p_!p^*\mathbb^) \\ H_(X;\mathbb) &= H^k(\, p_!p^!\mathbb^) \\ H_^(X;\mathbb) &= H^k(\, p_!p^*\mathbb^) \end
Moreover, given a closed embedding i: Z \to X there is the local cohomology group
H^k_Z(X;\mathbb) = H^k(\, p_*i_*i^!\underline_X^)

Variations of Mixed Hodge structures

For a morphism of varieties f:X \to Y the pushforward maps f_*\underline^_X and f_!\underline^_X give degenerating variations of mixed Hodge structures on Y. In order to better understand these variations, the decomposition theorem and intersection cohomology are required.

Intersection cohomology

One of the defining features of the category of mixed Hodge modules is the fact intersection cohomology can be phrased in its language. This makes it possible to use the decomposition theorem for maps f:X \to Y of varieties. To define the intersection complex, let j : U \hookrightarrow X be the open smooth part of a variety X. Then the intersection complex of X can be defined as
IC_X^\bullet\mathbb^ := j_\underline_U^ _X/math>
j_(\underline_U^) = \operatorname _!(\underline_U^) \to j_*(\underline_U^)/math>
as with perverse sheavespg 311. In particular, this setup can be used to show the intersection cohomology groups
IH^k(X) = H^k(p_*IC^\bullet\underline{\mathbb{Q_X)
have a pure weight k Hodge structure.

See also

Mixed motives (math) In algebraic geometry, motives (or sometimes motifs, following French usage) is a theory proposed by Alexander Grothendieck in the 1960s to unify the vast array of similarly behaved cohomology theories such as singular cohomology, de Rham coho ...
Deligne cohomology In mathematics, Deligne cohomology is the hypercohomology of the Deligne complex of a complex manifold. It was introduced by Pierre Deligne in unpublished work in about 1972 as a cohomology theory for algebraic varieties that includes both ordin ...


* A young person's guide to mixed Hodge modules Algebraic geometry Generalized manifolds Homological algebra Hodge theory