

The Ministry of Health (MISAN) is the department of the Government of Spain responsible for proposing and executing the government policy on
health Health, according to the World Health Organization, is "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity".World Health Organization. (2006)''Constitution of the World Health Organiza ...
, planning and providing healthcare as well as the exercise of the powers of the General State Administration to assure citizens the right to health protection. The Ministry is headquartered in the Paseo del Prado in
Madrid Madrid ( , ) is the capital and most populous city of Spain. The city has almost 3.4 million inhabitants and a metropolitan area population of approximately 6.7 million. It is the second-largest city in the European Union (EU), an ...
, opposite the Prado Museum. Healthcare in Spain is provided by the National Health System, a decentralized organization composed by the regional health systems and the National Institute of Health Management, the health agency of the central government that provides health care to the autonomous cities of
Ceuta Ceuta (, , ; ar, سَبْتَة, Sabtah) is a Spanish autonomous city on the north coast of Africa. Bordered by Morocco, it lies along the boundary between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It is one of several Spanish territo ...
Melilla Melilla ( , ; ; rif, Mřič ; ar, مليلية ) is an autonomous city of Spain located in north Africa. It lies on the eastern side of the Cape Three Forks, bordering Morocco and facing the Mediterranean Sea. It has an area of . It was ...
. According to Eurostat (2017 data), Spain spends 8.9% of GDP on health, approximately $104 billion ( 86 billion). According to the Annual Report of the National Health System 2019, the total expenditure of the Spanish health system in 2018 was 109.9 billion euros (77.4 billion corresponding to the public sector and 32.5 billion to the private sector). This represents 2,351 euros per capita and an expenditure of 9.1% of the Spanish GDP. As of 2018, regarding human resources, the NHS had 780,377 professionals. Of these, 188,166 are medical professionals, 274,633 nursing professionals, and 317,578 are other types of health professionals. The Ministry is headed by the Minister of Health, who is appointed by the King of Spain at request of the
Prime Minister A prime minister, premier or chief of cabinet is the head of the cabinet and the leader of the ministers in the executive branch of government, often in a parliamentary or semi-presidential system. Under those systems, a prime minister is ...
. The Minister is assisted by three main officials, the Secretary of State for Health, the Secretary-General for Digital Health, Information and Innovation of the National Health System and the Under Secretary of Health. The current Health Minister is
Carolina Darias Carolina Darias San Sebastián (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 25 November 1965) is a Spanish civil servant and Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) politician who has been serving as minister of Health of Spain since January 2021. Before that, ...


Early period

References can be found to the action of Government in public health and welfare in the 19th century. The Royal Decree of 9 November 1832 created a Ministry of Development, which included powers over "the field of health with the infirmaries, water and mineral baths" and "charitable institutions". A further Royal Decree of 10 March 1847, created a Department of Health, one of six that made up what is now the
Ministry of the Interior An interior ministry (sometimes called a ministry of internal affairs or ministry of home affairs) is a government department that is responsible for internal affairs. Lists of current ministries of internal affairs Named "ministry" * Ministr ...

First ministry

State powers in this area remained with this department until 1933, when the Undersecretariat for Health and Charity was transferred to the
Ministry of Labour The Ministry of Labour ('' UK''), or Labor ('' US''), also known as the Department of Labour, or Labor, is a government department responsible for setting labour standards, labour dispute mechanisms, employment, workforce participation, training, a ...
, which then became known as the Ministry of Labour and Health. However, the first ministry focused on health was created on 4 November 1936, as the Ministry of Health and Social Assistance, with a woman holding a
cabinet Cabinet or The Cabinet may refer to: Furniture * Cabinetry, a box-shaped piece of furniture with doors and/or drawers * Display cabinet, a piece of furniture with one or more transparent glass sheets or transparent polycarbonate sheets * Filing ...
portfolio for the first time in the history of Spain: Federica Montseny. This ministry was short-lived. When the Prime Minister of the Republic, Juan Negrín, replaced Francisco Largo Caballero, the ministry was abolished and its powers were transferred to the Ministry of Labour (Social Assistance affairs) and to the Ministry of Public Instruction (Health affairs) by a Decree of May 1937. After the
Spanish Civil War The Spanish Civil War ( es, Guerra Civil Española)) or The Revolution ( es, La Revolución, link=no) among Nationalists, the Fourth Carlist War ( es, Cuarta Guerra Carlista, link=no) among Carlism, Carlists, and The Rebellion ( es, La Rebeli ...
, the responsibility returned to the
Ministry of the Interior An interior ministry (sometimes called a ministry of internal affairs or ministry of home affairs) is a government department that is responsible for internal affairs. Lists of current ministries of internal affairs Named "ministry" * Ministr ...
until 1977.

Democratic period

The Health Ministry was created again in the Constituent Legislature in 1977, integrating responsibilities for Health that were hitherto managed by the
Ministry of the Interior An interior ministry (sometimes called a ministry of internal affairs or ministry of home affairs) is a government department that is responsible for internal affairs. Lists of current ministries of internal affairs Named "ministry" * Ministr ...
, and the powers of the Undersecretariat for
Social Security Welfare, or commonly social welfare, is a type of government support intended to ensure that members of a society can meet basic human needs such as food and shelter. Social security may either be synonymous with welfare, or refer specificall ...
. Royal Decree 1558 of 4 July 1977 established the ministry in its current form, including responsibility for Social Security. Staffing consisted of two undersecretariats (one for the domestic governance of the Department and other focused on Health), a Technical General Secretariat and six Directorates-General: Staff, Management and Finance; Social Benefits; Social Services; Healthcare; Pharmaceutical Management and Public Health and Veterinary Health. For a short period between February and November 1981, Health was once again merged with Labour. Royal Decree 2823/1981, restored it to full ministerial rank but this time without social security which remained within the Labour ministry. With this reform the Ministry acquired competencies over Consumers Affairs (through the National Institute for Consumers Affairs). During the first years of the premiership of Felipe González and the National Health System and the
National Transplant Organization The National Transplant Organization ( es, Organización Nacional de Trasplantes, ONT) is an independent coordinating agency of the Ministry of Health (Spain), Spanish Ministry of Health responsible for developing the competencies related with pr ...
were created thanks primarily to the impulse of the minister Ernest Lluch. With the victory of the People's Party in the general election of 1996, José Manuel Romay Beccaría was appointed Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs, a position he held throughout the 6th Legislature. Under his direction was created in 1997, the
Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices The Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices ( es, Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios; AEMPS) is a regulatory and autonomous agency of the Government of Spain that acts as the highest sanitary authority in the coun ...
. In the 7th Legislature
Celia Villalobos Celia Villalobos Talero (born 18 April 1949) is a Spanish People's Party (PP) politician. Born in Benalmádena, Province of Málaga, she was the mayor of Málaga from 1995 to 2000. She left office when she joined José María Aznar José ...
became minister (2000-2002) and achieved notoriety by her handling mad cow disease. She was succeeded by Ana Pastor Julián (2002-2004). The mad cow crisis precipitated the creation in 2011 of the Spanish Food Safety Agency, named since 2007 as Spanish Food Safety and Nutrition Agency. At the beginning of the 8th legislature Elena Salgado assumed as Health Minister (2004-2007). With her, in 2004 the National Plan on Drugs, belonged to the Ministry of the Interior, was shifted to the Ministry of Health. Eight months before the end of the legislature, the scientific
Bernat Soria Bernat Soria Escoms (born 7 May 1951) is a Spanish scientist. He is also affiliated with the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party, for whom he served as Minister of Health from 2007 to 2009. He was educated at the University of Valencia (MD, PhD), a ...
assumed the office of Health Minister. In the next
legislature A legislature is an deliberative assembly, assembly with the authority to make laws for a Polity, political entity such as a Sovereign state, country or city. They are often contrasted with the Executive (government), executive and Judiciary, ...
Soria was confirmed as Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs, and he was succeeded by Trinidad Jiménez in 2009 following a cabinet reshuffle. Under Jiménez Social Policy was returned to the health portfolio, including the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services (IMSERSO), previously under
Education Education is a purposeful activity directed at achieving certain aims, such as transmitting knowledge or fostering skills and character traits. These aims may include the development of understanding, rationality, kindness, and honesty. ...
. Under minister Leire Pajín (October 2010-December 2011), responsibilities on Equality issues were added to her duties, previously under a separate ministry of its own, and also assuming the Institute for Women and the Institute for Youth. At the beginning of the 10th legislature Ana Mato became minister and the Ministry assumed (only functionally) the Charles III Health Institute (which still belonged to the Ministry of Economy). In addition, in January 2014 the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition and the National Institute for Consumer Affairs merged giving rise to the new Spanish Agency for Consumer Affairs, Food Safety and Nutrition. On 24 November 2014, Mato resigned after being implicated in the corruption case known as Gürtel. On 3 December 2014,
Alfonso Alonso Alfonso Alonso Aranegui (born 14 April 1967) is a Spanish politician, member of the People's Party and Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality from 2014 to 2016. References {{DEFAULTSORT:Alonso, Alfonso 1967 births Health mini ...
succeeded her. After the 2016 cabinet reshuffle, Dolors Montserrat was appointed Minister of Health and one of his first measures was to raise the rank of the Director of the National Transplant Organization to Director-General in order to strengthen this institution. Barely 1 year later after the assumption of Montserrat, the Güertel case that provoked the resignation of minister Mato also provoked in June 2018 the fall of the Rajoy government through a
motion of no-confidence A motion of no confidence, also variously called a vote of no confidence, no-confidence motion, motion of confidence, or vote of confidence, is a statement or vote about whether a person in a position of responsibility like in government or mana ...
driven by the
Leader of the Opposition The Leader of the Opposition is a title traditionally held by the leader of the largest political party not in government, typical in countries utilizing the parliamentary system form of government. The leader of the opposition is typically se ...
Pedro Sánchez. After the success of the motion, Sánchez appointed
Carmen Montón Carmen Montón Giménez (born 9 March 1976) is a Spanish politician currently serving as Permanent Observer Ambassador of Spain to the Organization of American States. A member of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE), she served as Mini ...
as Health Minister and the Ministry transferred the competences over equality to the Ministry of the Presidency. Montón also strengthen the consumers affairs competences by recovering the Directorate-General for Consumers Affairs and regained universal healthcare for undocumented immigrants. She resigned after three months in office after a degree scandal and
María Luisa Carcedo María Luisa Carcedo Roces (born 30 August 1953) is a Spanish doctor, politician and former senator who belongs to the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE). From 2018 to 2020, she served as minister of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welf ...
succeeded her. Carcedo continued with the program established by Montón on fight against pseudosciences and recovering the Observatory of Women's Health. A major restructuring occurred in 2020. The Department of Health lost all its competences on consumer affairs and social servicies, that were transferred to the ministries of Consumer Affairs and of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda, respectively. However, in exchange, the department assumed the government policies on drugs. During this time, Carcedo was replaced by Salvador Illa, who had to face the
COVID-19 pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic, is an ongoing global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The novel virus was first identified ...
. It was precisely as a result of this pandemic that in August 2020 the department underwent a major reform in its structure, recovering the position of Secretary of State for Health (which already existed between 1979 and 1981) as second-in-command and creating the General Secretariat for Digital Health, Information and Innovation of the National Health System.


The Ministry of Health is organised in the following superior bodies: * The Secretariat of State for Health ** The Directorate-General for Public Health ***The
Coordination Centre for Health Alerts and Emergencies The Coordination Centre for Health Alerts and Emergencies (, CCAES) is a body of the Spanish Ministry of Health responsible for coordinating the management of information and supporting all health authorities in cases of national or internation ...
** The Directorate-General for the Common Catalogue of Services of the National Health System and Pharmacy ** The Directorate-General for Professional Management **The Government Delegation for the National Drugs Plan * The General Secretariat for Digital Health, Information and Innovation of the National Health System ** The Directorate-General for Digital Health and Information Systems for the National Health System * The Undersecretariat of Health ** Technical General Secretariat In addition, the Department has two advisory bodies: * The Advisory Council for Health and Social Services, as an advisory and assistance body in the formulation of health policy. * The Committee of the professions of the health and social sector.

Ministry agencies

Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices The Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices ( es, Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios; AEMPS) is a regulatory and autonomous agency of the Government of Spain that acts as the highest sanitary authority in the coun ...
* Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition *
National Transplant Organization The National Transplant Organization ( es, Organización Nacional de Trasplantes, ONT) is an independent coordinating agency of the Ministry of Health (Spain), Spanish Ministry of Health responsible for developing the competencies related with pr ...
*National Institute of Health Management

List of officeholders

Office name: *Ministry of Health and Social Assistance (1936–1937) *Minister of Health and Social Security (1977–1981) *Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs (1981–2009) *Minister of Health and Social Policy (2009–2010) *Minister of Health, Social Policy and Equality (2010–2011) *Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality (2011–2018) *Minister of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare (2018–2020) *Minister of Health (2020–present)


See also

History of Spain The history of Spain dates to contact the pre-Roman peoples of the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula made with the Greeks and Phoenicians and the first writing systems known as Paleohispanic scripts were developed. During Classical ...
Politics of Spain The politics of Spain takes place under the framework established by the Constitution of 1978. Spain is established as a social and democratic sovereign countryFirst article. wherein the national sovereignty is vested in the people, from wh ...
* Cabinet of Spain *
List of Spain-related topics The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to Spain: Spain – sovereign state located on the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe. Spanish territory also includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean, ...


External links

Ministry of Health
{{DEFAULTSORT:Ministry Of Health (Spain)
Health Health, according to the World Health Organization, is "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity".World Health Organization. (2006)''Constitution of the World Health Organiza ...
Spain , image_flag = Bandera de España.svg , image_coat = Escudo de España (mazonado).svg , national_motto = '' Plus ultra'' ( Latin)(English: "Further Beyond") , national_anthem = (English: "Royal March") , ...
Health Health, according to the World Health Organization, is "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity".World Health Organization. (2006)''Constitution of the World Health Organiza ...
Ministries established in 1977 1977 establishments in Spain
Health Health, according to the World Health Organization, is "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity".World Health Organization. (2006)''Constitution of the World Health Organiza ...
Health care in Spain