Mihir Bellare is a cryptographer and professor at the
University of California San Diego
The University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego or colloquially, UCSD) is a public university, public Land-grant university, land-grant research university in San Diego, California. Established in 1960 near the pre-existing Scripps Insti ...
. He has published several seminal papers in the field of
Cryptography, or cryptology (from grc, , translit=kryptós "hidden, secret"; and ''graphein'', "to write", or ''-logia'', "study", respectively), is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of adve ...
(notably in the area of provable security), many of which were co-written with
Phillip Rogaway
Phillip Rogaway is a professor of computer science at the University of California, Davis. He graduated from Beverly Hills High School, and later earned a BA in computer science from UC Berkeley and completed his PhD in cryptography at MIT, in ...
. Bellare has published a number of papers in the field of
Format-Preserving Encryption. His students include Michel Abdalla, Chanathip Namprempre, Tadayoshi Kohno and Anton Mityagin. Bellare is one of the authors of
In 2003 Bellare was a recipient of RSA's Sixth Annual Conference Award for outstanding contributions in the field of mathematics for his research in cryptography. In 2013 he became a
Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery. In 2019 he was awarded
Levchin Prize for Real-World Cryptography for his outstanding contributions to the design and analysis of real-world cryptosystems, including the development of
random oracle model, modes of operation,
In cryptography, an HMAC (sometimes expanded as either keyed-hash message authentication code or hash-based message authentication code) is a specific type of message authentication code (MAC) involving a cryptographic hash function and a secre ...
, and models for key exchange.
Bellare's papers cover topics including:
In cryptography, an HMAC (sometimes expanded as either keyed-hash message authentication code or hash-based message authentication code) is a specific type of message authentication code (MAC) involving a cryptographic hash function and a secre ...
Random oracle
Probabilistic signature scheme
Provable security
Format-preserving encryption
External links
Mihir Bellare
Modern cryptographers
Public-key cryptographers
University of California, San Diego faculty
Living people
Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery
International Association for Cryptologic Research fellows
Year of birth missing (living people)