

Mavic is a
France France (), officially the French Republic ( ), is a country primarily located in Western Europe. It also comprises of Overseas France, overseas regions and territories in the Americas and the Atlantic Ocean, Atlantic, Pacific Ocean, Pac ...
-based bicycle parts manufacturer, its name an acronym for Manufacture d'Articles Vélocipédiques Idoux et Chanel. It was founded by Charles Idoux and Lucien Chanel in Lyon, France in the late 1800s. Mavic produced the first aluminium rim in 1934, and the first disc wheel in 1973. Also in 1973 Mavic introduced "neutral" support for all racing teams during cycle races. Mavic has developed many products over the years, including a
Tour de France The Tour de France () is an annual men's multiple-stage bicycle race primarily held in France, while also occasionally passing through nearby countries. Like the other Grand Tours (the Giro d'Italia and the Vuelta a España), it consists ...
groupset A groupset or gruppo (from the Italian for "group", sometimes misspelled grouppo) is a bicycle component manufacturer's organized collection of mechanical parts. It generally refers to all of the components that make up a bicycle excluding the bic ...
, but is today focused on wheels. In 2019 Mavic was sold by
Amer Sports Amer Sports Oyj is a Finnish sporting goods retailer and holding company overseeing equipment brands Salomon, Arc'teryx, Peak Performance, Atomic, Suunto, Wilson, Armada, ENVE Composites, Louisville Slugger, DeMarini, and Sports Tracker.
to the equity firm Regent, LP. After some ownership turmoil it was sold to Bourrelier Group in 2020.


External links

Mavic official homepage

Bicycling Magazine ''Bicycling'' is a cycling magazine published by Hearst in Easton, Pennsylvania. __TOC__ History ''Bicycling'' started in 1961 as ''Northern California Cycling Association Newsletter'', a four-page mimeographed newsletter (8 ½ x 14) started b ...
'', July 2007
VeloNews article on Mavic Service Course
{{French bicycle manufacturers Cycle manufacturers of France Cycle parts manufacturers French brands Companies based in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes